Chapter 2 Getting Started the BHT and System Mode
Run-time messages in downloading/uploading by FTP
When the BHT is uploading or downloading files by FTP, the following messages will appear in the
bottom of the LCD:
Displays when:
Uploading or downloading is interrupted.
Connection error
The communications pathway is disconnected.
Device error
Failed to open a device.
Downloading Downloading
Download failed
Downloading has abnormally ended.
Download finished
Downloading has normally ended.
File broken!
In uploading, the specified file is broken.
File not found!
In downloading, no file is found.
File not selected
No file is selected.
File type mismatch!
In uploading, the attributes of the file selected in the SELECT FILE entry
box are different from those in the DIR/FILE entry box.
FTP error
During execution of an FTP command, an error has occurred.
FTP opened
Connection is established by FTP.
Illegal text format!
The format of a received text is illegal.
Opening device
Opening a device.
Out of memory!
The memory is insufficient for storing files to be downloaded.
Out of range!
The specified parameter(s) is out of the allowable range.
Parameter error!
In downloading, the record length and/or field length specified in the
FIELDS entry box exceed 255.
Program file error!
The received program file is illegal.
Routing TCP/IP
Connecting to the TCP/IP communications pathway.
Syntax error!
A syntax error has occurred.
TCP/IP error
Failed to connect to the TCP/IP communications pathway.
TCP socket error
During execution of an FTP command, an error has occurred in the TCP
Too many files!
The current download will exceed the allowable number of files in the
Uploading Uploading
Upload failed
Uploading has abnormally ended.
Upload finished
Uploading has normally ended.