Dolby Speaker Technology (Dolby Atmos Enabled speakers)
A convenient alternative to speakers built into the ceiling, Dolby Atmos
Enabled speakers employ the ceiling above you as a reflective surface for
reproducing audio in the height plane above the listener. These speakers
feature a unique upward firing driver and special signal processing. These
features can be built into a conventional speaker or standalone speaker
module. The features minimally impact the overall speaker footprint while
providing an immersive listening experience during Dolby Atmos and
Dolby Surround playback.
Dolby TrueHD
Dolby TrueHD is a high definition audio technology developed by Dolby
Laboratories, using lossless coding technology to faithfully reproduce the
sound of the studio master.
This format provides the facility to support up to 8 audio channels with a
sampling frequency of 96 kHz/24 bit resolution and up to 6 audio channels
with a sampling frequency of 192 kHz/24 bit resolution.
Speaker Virtualizer
Dolby Atmos height virtualization is a digital signal processing solution that
leverages Dolby’s deep understanding of human audio perception to
create the sensation of overhead sound from the listener-level speakers.
This signal processing applies height-cue filters to overhead audio
components contained within the audio signal before they are mixed into
the listener-level speakers.
These filters simulate the natural spectral cues imparted by our ears to
sounds that originate from overhead.
For stereo and 3.1-channel speaker configuration, Dolby Atmos height
virtualization is combined with surround virtualization to create an
enveloping 360-degree audio minus the speakers that would ordinarily be
employed behind or to the side of the listener.