SC Latodis com SRL
Poiana Campina, jud. Prahova
Str. Centru nr.636,bl.21,parter
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(biological feedback), that is distinguished by its ultimate safety in operation and by its
high tolerance.
DENS results in pain elimination, blood flow improving and normalization of nervous,
hormonal and immune systems. Elaborated specially for animals, the therapeutic
regimen provides a maximum comfortable and efficient treatment during which animals
do not experience unpleasant sensations caused by treatment with the Device.
ZooDENS Device is designed for use by owners of pets and exotic animals, vets,
breeders working under field and home conditions or in special
conditions of veterinary clinics, farms, nurseries etc.
2. Indications for use
The Device is recommended to be used independently, as well as concurrently with
therapy for pets, cattle and exotic animals to increase effi ciency of current therapy and
to reduce the length of treatment in the following diseases and conditions:
— urgent conditions: apparent death, depression, drowsiness, contusions, fractures,
bites, wounds, bleedings, post-operative conditions;
— respiratory diseases: rhinitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchial pneumonia, emphysema of
— cardiovascular diseases: myocarditis, pericarditis, dropsy of pericardial sac, acute
and chronic cardiovascular failure;
— digestive apparatus diseases: poisoning, vomiting, loss of appetite, colic, diarrhea,
constipation, jaundice, gastritis, gastroenteritis, colitis, hepatitis;
— diseases of urinary system: ischuria, paralysis and paresis of urinary bladder,
nephritis, urocystitis, urolithiasis;
— non-contagious diseases with skin affection: dermatitis, shedding of hair, allergy;
— diseases and functional disorders of reproductive system: sterility, weakness of birth