3. Click the “Convert” button to convert it into a WAV file.
In addition to converting ACT into WAV, this tool can also play files in WAV
and MP3 formats.
Please rename the ACT file first before conversion to WAV format with this
program to avoid overwriting WAV files with the same name.
Use the FM radio
1. Enter the main menu
2. Switch the Next button to select the “FM mode”
3. Short press the Mode button to enter the “FM mode”
4. Automatic searching. Hold the Last / Next button for two seconds,
and the player will search for channels at the pace of 100KHz forward
or backward, and stops at the channel found. To stop searching,
switch the Last / Next to stop.
5. Fine-tune. Switch the Last button: Backward by a step of 100KH.
Switch the Next button: Forward by a step of 100KHz