Instruction Manual
Safety instructions
To ensure suffi cient convection cooli ng, always mai ntai n a safety
distance of >20mm from all ventilated surfaces while the device is in
T h e d e v i c e i s n o t r e c o m m e n d e d t o b e p l a c e d o n l o w t h e r m a l
conductive surface, for example, plastics.
N o t e t h a t t h e e n c l o s u r e o f t h e d e v i c e c a n b e c o m e v e r y h o t
depending on the ambient temperature and load of the power supply.
Do not touch the device while it is in operation or immediately after
power is turned OFF. Risk of burning
Do not touch the termi nals while power is bei ng supplied. Risk of
electric shock.
Prevent any foreign metal, particles or conductors to enter the device
t h r o u g h t h e o p e n i n g s d u r i n g i n s t a l l a t i o n . I t c a n c a u s e : -
- E l e c t r i c s h o c k ; S a f e t y H a z a r d ; F i r e ; P r o d u c t f a i l u r e
W arni ng: W he n co n ne cti ng t he de vi ce , se c ure E ar t h c o nne cti o n
before connecting L and N. W hen disconnecting the device, remove
L a n d N c o n n e c t i o n s b e f o r e r e m o v i n g t h e E a r t h c o n n e c t i o n .
2. Device descriptions
Refer to Fig.1.:
Input & Output terminal block connector
DC voltage adjustment potentiometer
DC OK control LED (green)
3. Connection (Fig. 1)
The terminal block connector allows easy and fast wiring. A plastic cover provides
additional isolation for the electrical connection.
4. Mounting
Refer to Fig. 2.:
A Mounting holes for power supply assembly onto the mounting surface .
Power supply shall be mounted on minimum 2 mounting holes using M3
screw minimum 5mm length.
his surface belongs to customer’s end system or panel where the
power supply is mounted.
C Connector
Use flexible cable (stranded or solid), AWG no. 22-12. The torque at the
Connector shall not exceed The insulation stripping length
should not exceed 0.275″ or 7mm Refer to Fig. 3.
5. Installation of Mounting Accessories
Only use M3 screw < 6mm through the base mounting holes. This is to
keep a safety distance between the screw and internal components.
Refer to Fig. 4.:
Recommended mounting tightening torque :
Fig. 1. Device Descriptions
Fig. 4. Mounting Screw
Fig. 2. Mounting Orientation
Side Mounting (Vertical)
Base Mounting (Vertical) Side Mounting (Horizontal)
Fig. 3. Wire Type
Stripped wire
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