Chapter 2: Interface
DFS150-485 2D Fixed Scanner User Guide
2.2 RS485
RS485 is an asynchronous protocols, half duplex serial port, and the communication interface for
control and barcode transition. It supports Modbus and Private protocols, both will be described in
detail in chapter 4.
It supports the setting for baud rate, data bit length, parity type, and stop bit length. The setting will
be effective after the next reboot with sending a software reset command or the power on reset.
More details may be found in chapter 3. Flow control such as XON/OFF and RTS/CTS are not
supported. The features and default setting are shown below.
2.2.1 Features
Asynchronous transmissions and receptions.
Baud rates: 9,600bps to 115200bps.
Parity type: None, Even, Odd.
Data length: 7 or 8 bits data.
Stop bit length: 1 or 2 bits times.
Table 3. RS485 default setting
Baud Rate
115200 bps
Data Bits
8 bits
Stop Bits
1 bit