Failure to follow all instructions listed below, may result in electric shock, fire,
and/or serious personal injury or property damage.
Woodworking can be dangerous if safe and proper operating procedures are not followed. As with all
machinery, there are certain hazards involved with the operation of the product. Using the machine with
respect and caution will considerably lessen the possibility of personal injury. However, if normal safety
precautions are overlooked or ignored, personal injury to the operator may result. Safety equipment such
as guards, push sticks, hold-downs, featherboards, goggles, dust masks and hearing protection can reduce your
potential for injury. But even the best guard won’t make up for poor judgment, carelessness or inattention.
use common sense
and exercise caution in the workshop. If a procedure feels dangerous, don’t try it. Figure out
an alternative procedure that feels safer.
Your personal safety is your responsibility. For additional
information please visit our website
This machine was designed for certain applications only. DELTA
Power Equipment Corporation
strongly recommends that this machine not be modified and/or used for any application other than
that for which it was designed. If you have any questions relative to a particular application, DO NOT use the
machine until you have first contacted DELTA
to determine if it can or should be performed on the product.
If you have any questions relative to its application DO NOT use the product until you have written DELTA® Power
Equipment Corporation and we have advised you. Contact us online at www.DeltaMachinery.com or by mail at
Technical Service Manager, DELTA
Power Equipment Corporation, 4825 Highway 45 North, Jackson, TN 38305.
Information regarding the safe and proper operation of this tool is available from the following sources:
• Power Tool Institute, 1300 Sumner Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-2851or online at www.powertoolinstitute.com
• National Safety Council, 1121 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca, IL 60143-3201
• American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4 floor, New York, NY 10036 www.ansi.org - ANSI 01.1
Safety Requirements for Woodworking Machines
• U.S. Department of Labor regulations www.osha.gov
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................... 2
SAFETY GUIDELINES - DEFINITIONS .................................... 3
GENERAL SAFETY RULES ...................................................... 3
POWER CONNECTIONS .......................................................... 5
Motor Specifications ........................................................... 5
Grounding Instructions ....................................................... 5
Extension Cords ................................................................. 6
FEATURES AND COMPONENTS ............................................. 6
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION .................................................. 6
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ................................................... 7
UNPACkING .............................................................................. 7
ASSEMBLY ................................................................................ 8
Attach the Motor Cover ....................................................... 8
Attach the Spindle Tilt Wheel .............................................. 8
Attach Storage Hooks ......................................................... 8
Install Sanding Sleeves onto Spindles ................................ 9
Install the Spindle onto the Sander ..................................... 9
Select and Install the Table Insert ..................................... 10
Square the Table to the Spindle ........................................ 11
Connect to a Dust Collector ............................................. 11
OPERATION ............................................................................ 12
ADjUSTMENTS ....................................................................... 13
Adjust the Spindle Tilt ....................................................... 13
Adjust The 90° and 45° Positive Stops ............................. 13
RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE ........................................ 14
Routine Inspection............................................................. 14
Bearings ............................................................................. 14
Changing the Gear Oil ....................................................... 14
ACCESSORIES ........................................................................ 14
SERvICE AND REPAIRS ......................................................... 14
WARRANTY ............................................................................. 15
REPLACEMENT PARTS .......................................................... 15
FRANÇAIS ................................................................................ 16
ESPAÑOL ................................................................................. 31