Hardware Reference Manual
Machine Connections
Further software settings are required to configure this port. See the Software Setup section for details.
Thumbwheel Multiplexer Port (JTHW Port)
The Thumbwheel Multiplexer Port, or Multiplexer Port, on the JTHW connector has sixteen lines. These
lines can be used to multiplex large numbers of inputs and outputs on the port, and Delta Tau provides
accessory boards and software structures (special M-variable definitions) to capitalize on this feature. Up
to 32 of the multiplexed I/O boards may be daisy-chained on the port, in any combination. Either the
Acc-1P or the Acc-2P boards, but not both, can use this connector as a multiplexing port. This is selected
by jumper E6 on the Acc-1P board and jumper E5 on the Acc-2P board.
Alternatively, the inputs and outputs on this port may be used as discrete, non-multiplexed I/O. In this
case, these I/O lines can be accessed through M-variables. See the Software Setup section for details on
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