Owner´s Manual DEA600 Radio
39 |
P a g e
to save changes or CANCEL soft key to discard changes. See
Figure 78
Figure 78: Gauges edit preset screen
The preset selection pop-up menu is displayed in order to specify which
preset memory should be used to save the new layout. See
Figure 79
Figure 79: Gauges save configuration pop-up
The General Settings screen shows the page numbers in their 3 states
(Selected, Active and Disabled) as defined for the app.
The default page selected when accessing the General Settings in the
Virtual Gauges app is the page 1. The General Settings screen from the
Virtual Gauges app show
the active virtual gauges.
The Default Virtual Gauges priorities and the User defined Virtual Gauges
priorities are saved on the memory.
Preset Updates
The default preset established is the one selected when the General settings
screen is opened.
The Virtual Gauges app allows the selection of one of the Presets at any
time by pressing the soft key.
If a Preset is selected while the other preset is active, the Virtual Gauges
app saves the changes in the Preset previously active and then switches to
the selected Preset, updating the position of the active gauges according
with the priority level in stored the Preset.
During the saving of a preset or a restoration of the default presets the
Virtual Gauges app shows a pop-up with the label "Processing..." while the
operation is performed.
The Virtual Gauges app updates the priority level of the virtual gauges as
they are reorganized by the user, changing the priority level of the selected
gauge for the priority of the gauge in the target position selected by the user.
This will allow the Virtual Gauges app to keep the Virtual Gauges positions
as defined by the user without fixing the gauge position to a slot.
All the updates in the virtual gauges priority level are saved in the preset
selected as User Defined Virtual Gauges priorities.
The User Defined Virtual Gauges Priorities does
not modify the Default
Virtual Gauges Priorities.
Gauge Population
Automatic arrangement is used to identify available gauges.
The population of the gauges for the Automatic arrangement depends on the
priority preset selected.
The priority preset is configurable through the Settings menu of the Virtual
gauges app.