through the command line. The interface provides access to simple commands for
performing a variety of basic operations, such as panning and zooming the map, performing
quick searches, and creating routes. All operations are triggered from the command line but
control the running application. Any commands that require further input prompt the user
through the standard XMap user interface.
Database Manager
XMap automatically installs a DeLorme database application that provides essential
tools for DeLorme OpenSpace database management. The easy-to-use interface allows
database administrators to add new SQL server connections, add server account users,
create databases and add users, easily manage multi-user database permissions or groups,
and create database subscriptions. You can open the Database Manager within XMap or
from the XMap install directory.
Bulk Importing and Exporting
The XMap GIS Bulk Importer/Exporter is a command prompt utility that installs with XMap
GIS Editor and Enterprise. You can run the utility independently of the XMap application and
use it to automate the import and export of vector GIS layers with DeLorme OpenSpace
databases. Use batch files (.bat or .cmd) to import/export multiple files.
You can filter which attribute fields in a layer are included when exported, as well as
reference an existing query to filter which geometries and associated attribute records are
included in the exported data. Supported export formats include .openspace, .shp, .dxf,
.dwg, .kml, and .txt (Enterprise and Editor only).
The OpenSpace Transfer File is a DeLorme proprietary format that stores
classification, query, label, form, and symbolization settings. The transfer file is designed
to serve as an exact duplicate of its counterpart within the database and does not allow
filtering of attribute fields during export; however, you can use queries to filter geometries
and attribute records. All exported layers are in the latitude/longitude coordinate system
and WGS1984 datum.
Importing from an ArcSDE 9.2 or 9.3 Database
XMap GIS Enterprise allows you to import layers directly from ESRI ArcSDE databases to
DeLorme databases. To import layers, use the Connect to Database utility in the GIS Import