inReach SE product manual, version 5.6.13
Reply to Messages
To reply to an existing message, open the message. Select Reply and press Enter. Compose the message and press
Enter. To send the message, select Send and press Enter.
Send Preset Messages
To send a preset message that you created in your Explore account, press and hold the X (Quit) key. Select the message
you wish to send, and press Enter. Your preset message will automatically send to the recipients you selected when you
set up your Explore account.
Send updates to Facebook, Twitter, and MapShare
Using the inReach SE, you can type short messages that post to your Facebook, Twitter and/or MapShare feeds. In order
to send messages to your social media, you need to have already connected your Facebook and Twitter accounts with
your Explore account online.
Select Social from the home screen and press Enter. Select which social media accounts you’d like to post on. Move your
cursor into the Message field and press Enter. The keyboard will automatically appear. Type your message and then
select Send. Press Enter to post your messages to your social sites.