fig. 24
fig. 25
fig. 26
Preparing cappuccino
1. Prepare the espresso coffee as described in the paragraph
“How to prepare espresso coffee” from points 1 to 11; using
the quantity of water required to obtain 2 cappuccinos as indi-
cated in the chart page 10.
Note that the quantity of water
required for making cappuccinos is greater that the
amount necessary for making espresso coffee: the extra
water is used for producing steam for frothing the milk.
2. Brew the coffee into the small espresso carafe. When the cof-
fee reaches level 2 on the “coffee level” side of the small
espresso carafe (fig. 22), turn the Vario System selector to “cap-
puccino” (fig. 16). If you allow too much coffee to come
through at this point there will not be enough steam for froth-
ing the milk.
3. Pour the coffee into 2 large cups.
4. Fill a container, ideally a small metal jug, with around 100 grams
of milk for each cappuccino being prepared.
It is recommended to use semi-skimmed milk at fridge
5. When choosing the size of the container, remember that the
volume will increase by 2 or 3 times.
6. Hold the jug of milk so that the tip of the steam nozzle is 5 mm
immersed (fig. 23). Gently turn the steam release knob anti -
clockwise (fig. 20) (turning more or less the steam knob, the
quantity of steam will change).
7. The milk will increase its volume and will be creamer.
8. When the volume of milk has doubled, immerse the steam noz-
zle deeper into the milk to continue to froth and heat the milk
(fig. 24). Froth the milk until the steam in the boiler has been
completely used up: this will prevent the milk becoming trapped
inside the steam tube.
9. Press the ON/OFF switch for espresso/cappuccino to turn off
the appliance.
10.Pour the frothed milk over the coffee, with the aid of a spoon.
Then, as a final touch, sprinkle a bit of cocoa powder over the
frothy milk to make a perfect cappuccino.
11.In order to make 4 cappuccinos, it is necessary to repeat the
previous operation, paying attention to the quantity of ground
coffee and water, indicated in the chart page 10. Before turning
the Vario System selector to “cappuccino”, brew the coffee into
the small espresso carafe until it reaches level 4 on the COFFEE
LEVEL side (fig. 25).
The steam nozzle must be thoroughly cleaned
after each use. Proceed as follows:
• Unscrew the steam nozzle from the tube by turning in a clock-
wise direction (fig. 26) and wash it thoroughly with warm water.
5 mm
fig. 22
fig. 23
Coffee Maker
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