on the machine lid (fig. 7). At this point press
filter-holder upwards while at the same time
rotating clockwise all the way. It does not
matter if the filter housing bowl’s handle is not
centrally aligned with the machine. It is impor-
tant that the bowl be firmy set in its housing.
8 The carafe with the lid must be positioned
under the filter holder so that the spout is insi-
de the opening on the carafe’s lid (fig. 8).
Make sure that the steam knob is turned off.
9 Insert the plug and press the power switch.The
indicator will come on (fig. 9).
10 About three minutes are required before the
coffee begins to be discharged. Turn off
power switch after coffee has been dischar-
Before unscrewing the boiler cap or
removing the filter holder, residual pres-
sure must be released by slowly turning
the steam knob (fig. 11) so that the resi-
dual steam can escape.
N o t e
: for safety reasons, it is not possible to
open the boiler cap when the boiler is hot as the
cap turns without unscrewing. If it has to be remo-
ved for any reason, it is always necessary to let
off steam from the boiler using the steam knob as
described immediately above.
• To remove coffee grounds from the filter hol-
der, turn upside down and knock it repea-
tedly until all grounds have been removed
(fig. 11), or rinse the filter holder unit under
running water and let drip dry.
To eliminate the “new” smell, the first
time you use the coffee machine, carry out a num-
ber of coffee cycles without using coffee.
A cappuccino is an espresso coffee with a froth
topping made by heating milk.
1 Using the following table as a guide pour the
required amount of milk into carafe. The best
results will be achieved using fresh milk, not
skimmed, which should be at refrigerator tem-
2 Transfer the milk into a jug. The jug should be
large enough to allow the milk to expand to
around treble its volume.
3 Then follow steps 1-9 in the section "Making
Espresso Coffee".
N o t e
that the amount of water needed to
make 2 cups of cappuccino is greater than
that required for 2 cups of normal coffee as it
also necessary to produce the steam to emul-
sify the milk.
4 When the coffee starts to drip from the filter
holder, place the steam nozzle in the milk
(fig. 12) ensuring that the nozzle opening is
just under the surface of the milk, as shown in
fig. 13 and open the steam valve by turning
the steam knob counter clockwise.
5 Move the jug up and down under the steam
nozzle as in fig. 14 (this will give maximum
froth). When sufficient milk froth has been
produced, turn the steam knob clockwise to
close the steam valve.
6 Allow the remaining coffee to drip thorugh the
filter holder into the carafe, it takes about 3
minutes,the n swit ch the ap pliance OFF.
Remember: Before unscrewing the tank tap or
removing the filter holder, residual pressure
must be released by slowly turning the steam
knob so that the residual steam can escape.
7 Pour the coffee into cups, gently pour, or pre-
ferably spoon the frothy milk onto the coffee,
then sprinkle on a little chocolate powder for
perfect cappuccino coffee.
8 Clear the steam tube (with the cappuccino
nozzle) of milk immediately after use, as dried
milk can be difficult to remove.
You do this by turning the
steam control knob counter clockwise.
Than making care as the steam tube may be hot:
• unscrew the cappuccino nozzle by turning
gently to the left (fig. 15) and wash it carefully
in hot water.
• clean the steam tube and replace the cappuc-
cino nozzle.
(from time to time, use a pin to clean the holes
in the cappuccino nozzle (fig. 16).
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