6 of 12
Press the read button (#1)
and take a reading.
Mix the sample once again
and take at least two more readings. Use the
highest readings.
Whenever pressure is being applied on the electrode, be sure that the points of
the electrode are touching nothing but the hay.
Repeat the steps above if considerable variations are found in the meter
readings. To reduce these variations, chop the hay, mix it thoroughly and take
several readings by following the procedures above. This will make the moisture
distribution in the sample more uniform
Test B:
Attach the #831 short pin prod
to the H-3 handle and connect the handle to the
external connector on top of the meter.
Apply the prod
to the hay in the windrow and press down on the electrode
handle until the head of the screw touches the palm of your hand.
Press the read button #1
and take a reading.
Make several tests
on the hay exposed to the sun, then turn the windrow over
and make an equal number of tests on the hay that had been closer to the
ground. Use the highest readings.
Make sure that the points of the electrode are not touching the ground. The
electrode points should make contact with the hay only.
Test C:
Select up to five large, slower-drying stems
from a section of the windrow.
Place them one at a time
across two adjacent points on the #831 short pin prod.
The average of these stem readings
should be about two to five points higher
than the actual moisture content.
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