Dell Open Source Guide
5) Extract the kernel source package “dell_venue_kernel.tgz” to the Android source root
directory, i.e. aosp directory in this example.
\> pwd
\> tar –xzf dell_venue_kernel.tgz
6) Once done, you should be able to see the “linux” directory inside aosp directory.
7) Copy “prebuilts” directory into “linux” directory. Run the kernel build script.
\> cd linux
\> ./
8) Check out if the kernel image “boot.img” was created.
\> cd out/target/product/
\> pwd
\> ls -al boot.img
-rw-r----- 1 xxx yyy 8540672 Mar 19 14:56 boot.img.
Flash boot.img and droidboot.img
1) make the device enable fastboot mode.
2) Download adb.exe, fastboot.exe, AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll from
3) Configure environment variable as the following. If this variable has been set before,
please add this new environment path before old path.