Hardware Overview
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell
D E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A RY 1 / 1 6 / 1 4 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
group/port_number or te group/port_number
In addition, the switch supports an Out-of-Band (OOB) port that is connected
to the management network of the chassis.
Port Types
The following ports are found on the R1-2401 switch:
24 x 1G Ethernet Ports.
These consist of:
8 external ports
—Connected to network (visible when the switch is in
the chassis)
16 internal ports
—Connected to blade servers (not visible when the
switch is in the chassis)
Out-of-Band port
(this port is the same as used for CMC)
The following ports are found on the R1-2210 switch:
20 x 10G Ethernet Ports.
These consist of:
4 external ports
—Connected to network (visible when the switch is in
the chassis)
16 internal ports
—Connected to blade servers (not visible when the
switch is in the chassis)
• 2 x 1G Ethernet Ports
• 1 Out-of-Band port
(this port is the same as used for CMC)
Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 map the hardware network port numbers to the
software interface port numbers and describe how they are referred to in the
CLI/GUI (short version) for the R1-2401 and the R1-2210, respectively:
Table 2-1. R1-2401 Port Mapping Table
Port Type and Number
Software Port Naming Convention in
External 1G ports 1-8
gi0/1.... gi0/8
Internal 1G ports 1-4
gi1/1.... gi1/4
Internal 1G ports 5-8
gi2/1.... gi2/4
Internal 1G ports 9-12
gi3/1.... gi3/4
Internal 1G ports 13-16
gi4/1.... gi4/4
Out-of-Band port