Connect one end of an appropriately connectorized fiber-optic cable into the port. Connect the
other end to an SFP+ connector in a C9010 switch.
Stacking Multiple C1048P Port Extenders
The C1048P supports PE stacking, which allows multiple C1048P units to act as a single port extender.
You can stack up to eight C1048Ps using the stack ports on the back panel.
C1048P stack ports support the Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) protocol and operate as mini-SAS ports. The
C1048P supports stacking only with other C1048P port extenders. You can connect up to eight C1048Ps
together through the stack ports so that they operate as a single unit with up to 384 front panel ports.
The stack operates and is managed as a single entity.
NOTE: If you are installing a stack of C1048Ps, assemble and cable the stack before powering it up.
When you power up a stack for the first time, the C1048P units receive the provisioned
configuration from the parent C9010. A stack master unit is elected based on the highest MAC
address or highest provisioned priority. The master unit may occupy any location in the stack. The
Stack Master LED on the front panel is illuminated on the master unit.
NOTE: Although individual C1048P stack members do not require a separate uplink to a parent
C9010, Dell Networking recommends connecting more than one C1048P stack unit to the C9010
for redundancy. A C1048P stack unit uses the stacking connection to the master PE for its C9010
uplink. For more information, see
Connecting to a C9010 Switch
Creating a C1048P Stack
Create a C1048P stack by connecting adjacent units using the mini-SAS stack ports on the back panel.
Figure 8 shows the switches connected in a ring topology, the recommended topology for a C1048P
Install the C1048Ps to be stacked in a rack as described in
Installing the C1048P in a Rack
Starting with the C1048P at the top of the stack, connect a mini-SAS cable from a stack port on its
back panel into one of the stack ports on the C1048P directly below it in the rack. You must
separately order mini-SAS cables. If necessary, use a longer (1 meter or 3 meter) mini-SAS cable to
connect the C1048Ps.
Connect a mini-SAS cable in the other stack port on the second C1048P and into one of the stack
ports on the third C1048P directly below it. Continue from top to bottom until all C1048Ps in the
rack are connected with a mini-SAS cable.
Connect a mini-SAS cable from the bottom C1048P in the stack to the top C1048P to complete a
ring topology.
Installing the Hardware