The benefi ts of solid state electronics with the operational simplicity of standard
controls. Improved pull down, more even cabinet temperatures, reduced compressor
cycling, lower energy consumption and adaptive defrost all in one convenient,
reliable package.
Thermostatic Expansion Valve-
Refrigerant metering - the variable fl ow of refrigerant into the evaporator coil afforded
with the use of a thermostatic expansion valve instead of a fi xed fl ow capillary tube
means faster temperature recovery and more even cabinet temperatures. For you that
means you can work your Specifi cation Line unit hard with lots of door openings and
closing, in the hottest of kitchens and still get the performance you need.
Hot Gas Condensate Removal-
We use the hot gas discharge line to generate heat to evaporate condensate that
is produced from normal refrigeration operation. It’s free energy since the line
is an integral part of refrigeration system operation. Its heat assures condensate
evaporation even in the most demanding environments. We don’t leave evaporation
to chance like some other manufacturers might by just counting on non-heat aided
evaporation to occur. We’ve designed our hot gas system to be resistant to the corrosive effects
of acids found in the condensate.
Refrigeration System Design-
Carefully engineered to the application each system is designed and built to meet the
specifi c requirements of the unit it’s placed on. We don’t buy off the shelf systems. We
have components built to our specifi cations. No compromises. Designed to work for
you in your unique application.
Large Evaporator Coil-
Designed to perform without robbing your food storage environment of the humidity
it needs to keep your food fresh and appealing. We could use a smaller coil and still
maintain temperatures, but it would run colder and pull more moisture out of our
cabinet air, drying out your food. Why would we want to do that? Fresh, appealing
food means satisfi ed customers and enhanced revenues to you.
Balanced Airfl ow-
You need your food to be stored at just the right temperatures. Not too hot, not too
cold. You need those temperatures everywhere in the cabinet so you can get maximum
capacity utilization out of your investment. Specifi cation Line is designed to deliver
those consistent temperatures throughout the cabinet. Our balanced airfl ow uses a
well engineered fan design, directional air movement and well thought out ducting to
assure even, proper temperatures throughout our units.