Receiving Inspection
Upon receipt, and at the time of actual unloading,
each package should be visually inspected for any
possible damage or electrolyte leakage. If either is
evident, a more detailed inspection of the entire
shipment should be conducted and noted on the
bill of lading. Record receipt date, inspection data
and notify carrier of any damage.
(Always wear eye protection.)
1. Never lift batteries by the terminal posts. Always lift
batteries by the bottom or use the lifting handle.
2. Check all batteries for visible defects such as
cracked containers, loose terminal posts, or other
unrepairable problems. Batteries with these defects
must be replaced.
1. Cells should be stored indoors in a clean, level, dry
and cool location. Recommended storage tempera-
tures are 0°F to 90°F (–18°C to 32°C).
2. Lead acid batteries self-discharge and must be given
a boost charge periodically to prevent permanent
performance degradation. Batteries should not be
stored for more than 180 days without applying a
boost charge of 13.8 volts ± .06 volts per battery
until the current stabilizes. Record dates and condi-
tions for all charges during storage.
Cabinet systems come factory assembled and
prewired. Do not tip or turn cabinets on their sides
when positioning them in their intended installation
area. Cabinets must be used in an upright position.
These systems are preconnected. Only inter-shelf,
inter-cabinet and connections to the load are
required. See the connection diagram inside the
cabinet. Inter-cabinet and load connection cables
are not included.
Assemble racks in accordance with the intended
arrangement, align with a level and bolt to the floor.
See rack assembly instructions.
(Always wear eye protection.)
1. Set up the batteries so that the positive post (+) of one battery
is connected to the negative post (–) of the next battery for
all series connections. Make sure they match the connection
diagram. For parallel or parallel/series combinations, check
the connection diagram.
2. The intercell connection contact surfaces should be cleaned
by rubbing gently with a non-metallic brush or pad before
installing connectors.
3. Install all intercell connections loosely to allow for final
alignment of batteries, then torque to 60± 5 inch pounds.
1. Install the lockwasher and torque the terminal bolts or nuts
to 60 ± 5 inch pounds. DO NOT OVERTORQUE. Some
batteries have cable harnesses (torque value is 60 ± 5).
2. Clean all outside surfaces of batteries, cabinets and
racks with soapy water only. DO NOT USE SOLVENTS.
3. For future identification of all racked batteries, apply
individual battery numbers in sequence beginning with
number one at the positive end of the first battery.
4. After torquing the connections on racked batteries, read the
voltage of the battery string to assure that individual batteries are
connected correctly. The total voltage should be approximately
equal to the number of batteries times the measured voltage of
one battery (when connected in series). If the measurement is
less, recheck the connections for proper voltage and polarity.
5. Read and record intercell connection resistance and note
the method of measurement. This helps determine a
satisfactory initial installation and can be used as a reference
for future maintenance requirements. See Appendix A,
recording forms, in the back of the manual. Clean, remake
and remeasure any connection having a resistance
measurement greater than 10% of the average of all the
same type of connections (intercell, inter-tier or shelf,
inter-rack or inter-cabinet).
6. Battery performance is based on the output at the battery
terminals. Therefore, the shortest electrical connections
between the battery system and the operating equipment r
result in maximum total system performance.
Do not select cable size on current carrying capabilities
only Cable size should not provide a greater voltage drop
between the battery system and operating equipment than
specified. Excess voltage drop will reduce the desired
support time of the battery system. Cables are not
recommended for connecting parallel battery strings.