Installation Instructions and Reference Handbook
Page 40 of 50
Related parameters:
Pulse energy output ranges from 0 to 4 corresponding
to none, Ep_imp, Ep_exp, Eq_imp, Eq_exp.
Pulse rate ranges from 1 to 6000 (integer) with a unit of 0.1kWh (kVArh),
apparently that is the resolving power of energy output.
Pulse width ranges from 1 to 50 (integer) with a unit of 20ms. The narrowest
interval between two pulses is 20ms.
In practice, the pulse width and the pulse ratio are selected according to
system power. The relation of the two parameters should satisfy the
following expression:
Pulse rate >[(pulse width +1)×Pmax]÷18000
In the expression, the Pmax is the maximum power or reactive power.
The unit is kW or kVAr. Recommended pulse rate is 3 to 5 times the right
side value of the above expression.