Install bushings
Note: The bushings must be carefully tightened after cable installation. This is the only way to ensure IP protection according to
these instructions.
Selection of supply voltage and maximum current load
Supply voltage 100-230V AC
The maximum current load of the control panel is 6300 mA (maximum source load). This current is used to power the
connected transmitters and the optical and sound signals, which are connected to the "LIGHT_SIG" and "SOUND_SIG"
terminals. The maximum load of these terminals is 5 A. The outputs are protected by a 5A-T tubular fuse.
Example: we have connected 20 transmitters with a consumption of 60 mA, for powering optical and sound signaling we have 5100 mA (I =
Supply voltage 24V DC
Consumption of control panel electronics is 300 mA. The maximum current at the "+24V DC" terminals is 6300 mA, which are
protected by a 6.3A-T tubular fuse. The maximum load of the control panel is calculated as in the previous case
Information on the consumption of individual transmitters and components of optical and sound signaling is provided in the
relevant manuals.
Warning: Never connect 24V and 230V power supply at the same time.
Uninterruptible power supply UPS
In this case, the control panel is powered by 24V from a backup source. Connect the control signals from the backup source
according to Figure 4 Connection of backup power supply and control panel. Dimension the wires according to the current
consumption of the control panel. See 7.3.2 Supply voltage 24V DC.