State machine status
Status Description
Implemented but not changed since last read of state string
Implemented and changed since last read of state string
2 Reserved
3 Unimplemented
A state machine that is implemented (status 0 or 1) has a fixed name string in GenComm page 27
that can be used in a status display, the name strings for unimplemented state machines will
contain 32 spaces (Unicode 0x0020).
State machine description
1. Control module state
2. Mains supply state
3. Load transfer state
4. Master state
A state machine that is implemented has a state string in GenComm page 28 that may be used in
a status display. The contents of this string will change when the state machine changes state and
this is indicated by the status changing from 0 to 1, when the state string is read the status will
change back from 1 to 0.
Polling the State Machine status register on a regular basis enables you to see when the
module changes state. If the response from the state machine you interrogate indicates
that the state of the module has changed, you must then read the appropriate state
machine string from GenComm page 28. This means you only read the State machine
strings when it is necessary, cutting down on data transmission.
The state machine timers are again provided for use in a status display, and should be
polled at least once per second. These timers indicate how long the current state has
been active for or how long until the current state is exited. I.e. State Machine 1 string =
“Start Delay”, State machine 1 timer counts down to zero, after which the start sequence
will begin.