Because of the incredible resolution of this amplifier, you will find it easier to adjust your
speakers properly for best imaging because there is no time smearing, or filtering common
in most amps. Perhaps the amps strongest weapon is the huge soundstage it casts. To
hear music get completely holographic, you need to work on room acoustics and speaker
placement. Do not put your speakers near any walls, especially the front wall. Do not put
reflective surfaces (TV SETS) between your speakers. Pull them out into the room several
feet from the front wall and toe them in to create a triangle with your listening chair.
Take the opportunity to try different speakers whenever possible, you may find that now
with a good amp the differences in speakers will be even more profound. Since you always
hear ONLY the weakest link in your system, you will want to pay attention to cables and
speaker wires as they too will make far more difference than you think.
Power conditioners (real ones) are recommended. Clean power is essential. To find out
what clean power sounds like, listen to the amp at 2:00 a.m. when there are fewer nasty
harmonics in the power line. Once you have your first
out of body
experience during a late
night listening session we have a forum on our web site where you can share your experi-
ences with other Zen Taboo owners and get tips on set-ups that really work well.
Lucid mode is an alternate signature that your Taboo can have at the flip of a switch while
you listen. The switch located on the front of the amplifier is in “standard mode” when it is
towards the front of the amp, and in “lucid mode” when it switched towards the back of the
amp. Lucid mode is part of this amplifiers very original output circuit design. It adds pres-
ence and decay when compared to “standard mode”. This can go a long way to making
digital sources sound more listenable. To become familiar with “lucid mode” you should
flip the switch with each recording you listen to. As you do so, you will find that the effects
of “lucid mode” act on some recordings more then others. With a little listening time under
your belt, you will know based on preference which mode to use every time you fire up
your amplifier.
The Taboo has stereo feedback controls that create the ability to make fine adjustments to
the feedback taper on each channel. All the way to left is more feedback, all the way to
the right is less feedback. The control as it is being swept from one extreme to the other
adjusts the taper or frequencies that feedback are applied to. The controls are generally
found to sound best just left of center, however you may find the best sound to be hiding
anywhere in the controls range, so experimenting with it frequently is advantageous.
The Zen Taboo was designed specifically as a stereo amplifier. Even though our original
Zen Triode amps can be run mono by bridging the outputs, this amplifier has a bit more
power so bridging should not be required. If you find that this amp is not enough power
and are unwilling to find more efficient speakers, we have it’s big brother available in a
push-pull circuit using KT88’s that would have the power your after.