REV 1 MAR 2018
Clipping is another term for distortion during playback. The amplifier has an input
sensitivity of just under 1 volt. That means that connected to an industry standard
source like a CD player (which is 2 volts) the amp will run out of power around the
half-way point on the volume controls. With a 1 volt source you will have to turn
the volume control much higher to achieve that same listening level.
The Mini Torii when built with a headphone jack is a very respectable planar and
dynamic headphone amplifier. In some cases with super-efficient headphones, the
attenuation resistor in series with the headphone jack will have to be increased in
value to maintain hum-free sound in the headphones. If this is the case, Decware
will fine tune the headphone output specifically for your phones.
When your amp is new it will require at minimum 200 hours of use to reach what
we a term “burned-in” state which is to say a state where the sound is pretty much
where it’s going to be from then on out. During the 200 hour burn-in period the
amp and the tubes will season and you will hear the sound continue to improve.
The biggest differences happen in the first 40 hours.
The Mini Torii has an interesting design behind it. It is a dual-mono single-ended
pentode amplifier based on the popular 8-pin octal 6V6 output tube.
We gave the amplifier an extra stage of gain so that it could be used with low
output sources like smart phones, iPods, tablets and so on. The extra gain stage
gives these low output sources some real kick which is what they lack, so it’s a
great desktop amplifier even when you’re not running a high-end DAC to it.
Additionally, we used individual regulator tubes to filter the high voltage feeding the
input and output tubes for a total of four. This removes all the power supply grain
and noise resulting in liquidity that usually only comes as the result of expensive
power regeneration devices.