preset setting. Turn the knob counter-clockwise to lower the value until the middle line
is displayed. If the bottom line is displayed, the knob position is lower than the preset
setting. Turn the knob clockwise to raise the value until the middle line is displayed.
Once the middle line is displayed, the knob is effectively “engaged” and will operate as
a typical real-time control knob.
See the section “Working with Presets” for more details on saving presets.
The DIRT knob controls the input gain. Turn the knob counter-clockwise for cleaner
tones and clockwise for more drive and sustain. The Dirt Clod is capable of clean boost
by turning this knob down, while turning up the MASS control.
Pressing on the DIRT knob toggles the FORM, which changes the clipping
characteristics. With the LED off, the clipping is thicker and heavier. When the clip LED
is on, the clipping will sound slightly compressed and more focused.
The CORE knob defines the body of the distortion. When set fully clockwise, you get a
thick, full midrange. This is great for thick leads and blues tones. As you start to turn
the knob counter-clockwise, you begin to thin out some of the midrange, giving more
articulation to notes and chords. Turning further counter-clockwise begins to scoop
some lower midrange, which can be great for removing low-mid mud.
The CRYSTAL knob controls the high frequencies. Turn clockwise for brighter grit and
counterclockwise for a darker, more rolled off sound.
The MASS knob controls the output level. Turn clockwise for more volume and counter-
clockwise for less volume. Use this knob in conjunction with the DIRT knob to distort
before the amp or turn it up to overdrive a tube amp input.
A quick way to immediately enable the Dirt Clod and play with its settings is to
press the footswitch and then sweep each knob down and up through its range.