4.2 Front seat height adjustment
The handbike is shipped with a front height of 50 cm from the ground. Please note that this se ng is the only
way to change the distance rela ve to the footplate.We therefore recommend verifying that this distance is
correct immediately a er selec ng the desired seat inclina on and adjus ng the rear height in the same way:
To func on properly, the carriage mount should be as parallel as possible to the ground. The distance between
the seat and ground can vary from 500 to 600 mm, and between 400 and 500 mm for the footplate. To set the
front height:
Loosen but do not remove screws "F3" and "F4" (see 4.1)
Unscrew and remove the “B” screw.
Posi on the front seat support at the same height as the rear (parallel to the ground), aligning the
holes in the plate
Put the "B" screws back in place and ghten them properly.
Tighten the F3 "F4" screws
4.3 Adjus ng the seat inclina on
The seat angle can be adjusted via two plates on either side of the seat.
Loosen the F1 screws
Unscrew and remove the "A" screws
Select the new angle from the 4 possible posi ons
Re-insert and ghten the A screws
Tighten the F1 screws
These opera ons must be carried out at the same me on both sides.