One processor is designated as the boot processor (or primary processor)
and becomes the primary communicator to the console terminal.
At power-up or initialization of the system, the console program in each
processor begins parallel execution. Each processor performs self-test and
then checks with the other processors to determine which processor be-
comes the boot processor. The default boot processor is the processor with
the lowest node ID number, passing self-test, that is eligible to become the
boot processor. Once the boot processor has been determined, all other
processors on the system wait for commands from the boot processor.
Console commands can be used to select the boot processor. The set
cpu_primary command is used to select the primary (or boot) processor.
This command is not stored in the EEPROM, so its parameters are not
saved during a reset. The set cpu_enable command is used to disable se-
lected processors, so they are not eligible to become the boot processor.
For more information:
Console Reference Manual