Installation Guide
You can jumper the DS pins at either the J9 or J12 control connector location.
If you jumper the DS pins at J12 to configure a master drive, park the jumper (if
installed) on J9.
The drive has drive active slave present (DASP) signal capabilities to check for the
presence of a slave drive. In a master-slave relationship, if both drives have the DASP
option, leave the SP pins at J9 and J12 open. If the slave drive does not have the
option, you must jumper the master drive SP pins.
Table 2 describes the DS jumper settings.
Table 2. DS Jumper Setting Descriptions
Drive Configuration
Slave drive
DS, Open/parked
SP, Open/parked
Master drive (using the DASP signal to indicate
that a slave drive is present.)
Use this configuration in most cases.
DS, Jumpered (default)
Master drive (using the SP jumper instead of the
DASP signal to indicate that a slave drive is
DS, Jumpered
SP, Jumpered
Installing the Drive
Perform the following steps to install the drive:
Set the correct drive jumper setting for master or slave. See the previous sections
for configuration information.
Turn off the computer and unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, then from
the back of the system box.
Remove the system box cover and select an available drive bay. See your
computer user guide for instructions.