Owner’s manual – ESQUIRE 35
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5.6 Electrical system
Esquire is equipped with two electrical systems. A
battery powered direct current (12V DC), and a shore
powered alternating current (220V AC) system. A part
of the AC system is powered by an inverter using
battery power, while shore power is disconnected.
5.6.1 Fuses and Circuit breakers
All electric circuits are protected by the use of fuses or
circuit breakers. In the event of an overload or short
circuit, the fuse will blow or circuit breaker will trip. If a
circuit continuously overloads under normal operating
conditions, have your boat inspected by a competent
marine electrical technician.
Never reset a breaker or fuse which has automatically tripped without first
detecting and correcting the cause of the problem.
5.6.2 220V AC network
The network is divided in a shore power network and
an inverter supplied network. Shore power network is
supplying the electric heating element of the boiler and
the Combi-Gamma inverter/battery charger. In the
event of the shore power being disconnected, the
inverter within the Combi-Gamma is automatically
activated and takes over supply to the connected loads
by using battery power.
These two networks are distributed from two separate
switchboxes. The “220V shore power” switchbox and
the “220V Combi Gamma” switchbox.
5.6.3 220V shore power switchbox
This switchbox contains the main shore power breaker
of maximum 20 Amps. The shore supply is protected
by a Residual-current device (RCD) and contains two
automatic fuses. One fuse of 16 Amps for the shore
supply to the Combi Gamma inverter/battery charger
and one fuse of 6 Amps for the boiler.
Improper use of AC and DC
systems will cause fire,
explosion or electrocution
resulting in death or serious
injury. DO NOT work on an
energized system or swim
near a craft when it is
connected to shore power.
Use caution when
connecting or disconnecting
to shore power.
Do not work on electrical
installation while the
system is energized, modify
the electrical system or
relevant drawings.
Installation, alterations and
maintenance of electrical
system should be
performed by a competent
marine electrical technician.
Do not alter or modify the
rated current amperage of
over current protective
devices, and only use
electrical appliances or
devices with components
that do not exceed the
rated current amperage of
the circuit. When leaving
the craft, turn off all
electrical systems except
automatic bilge pump and
active corrosion protection.