To frost the surface of beer cup
After pouring warm water into the cup, empty the cup when it gets warmed up.
And, turn it upside down and put it in the freezer compartment for about 30 minutes
When you take it out later, you will find frosts sitting on the surface of the cup.
To keep tropical fruits
It is not a good idea keeping tropical fruits in the refrigerator tropical fruits
do not reguire low temp.
For example, bananas and pineapples will turn black avocados and papayas will rot
before they become ripe. Store them at room temperature and put them in the
refrigerator when they ripe enough to eat.
To enrich milk
Put it in the freezer compartment and freeze it. The appropriate quantity of freezing is
0.13 ~ 0.26 gallon.
When it is frozen hard, take it out and thaw it to half-frozen state. Because the half-frozen
milk still contains ice with it, its percentage of water in milk is relatively low. So, its
concentration level is high and you can enjoy more enriched milk.
To make transparent and clean ice
When you make transparent and clean ice with the ice maker, boil water first and
then freeze it after cooling it down.
If you boil away impurities in water, you can make transparent and clean ice.
Store wines on their side
It's recommended to store wine bottles on their side.
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