090 Series Reference Manual
Digital Control Systems
Page: 10
Power ECB Electrical Connections
The layout of the M090 power ECB is shown in Figure 3.
Load Connection
The load(s) to be
controlled by the 090 must
be connected in series
with the power ECB triac
as shown schematically in
Figure 1. The two floating
triac contacts appear as ¼”
quick connect tabs labeled
‘HOT’ and ‘LOAD’ as
shown in Figure 3.
One side of the load must
be connected to either one
of these quick connects.
The power line leg not
connected to the load is
connected to the quick
connect. Power line
polarity and whether the
triac is switching the
load’s supply or return are
irrelevant despite the nomenclature of the contacts. The triac always operates in quadrants I and
Figure 3:
Power ECB Component Locations
There is a 3/16” quick connect tab marked ‘NO CONNECT’ and covered with a plastic cap
located as shown in Figure 3. This is the gate terminal of the triac. It is at power line potential
and must never be connected to.
The power ECB triac starts conducting at the next power line
zero crossing after the
*LOAD signal voltage falls below the logic low threshold. The triac stops conducting at the
next load
zero crossing after the *LOAD signal rises above the TTL high threshold.
Control Cable Connection
The cable from the M090 power ECB is connected at J1 located as shown in Figure 3. Power
ECBs that have the relay option installed have a four pin connector at J1. Those without the
relay option can operate with only a three pin connector at J1. The pinout of J1 is shown in the
table below:
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