DBL Technology Co., Ltd.
GoIP User Manual
Technical Support: [email protected]
The preference page shown above consists of the following system level parameters and options as shown in
the table below.
(Preference Page)
Default Value
This sets the webpage and voice prompts language. Currently, only English and
Simplified Chinese (Mandarin for voice prompt) are supported.
Time Zone
This specifies the offset of the local time zone with respect to GMT. The syntax
should be “GMT
x” where x is the offset.
Time Server
This specifies IP address or the domain name of a network time server for
computer clock synchronization. The default is “pool.ntp.org”.
Provision Server
Provision Interval
The auto provision is optional. When this option is enabled, the device
downloads its configuration from the Auto Provision Server at start up or at the
time interval specified by the Provision Interval. The configuration file name is
<Serial Number>.cfg which is just a text file (not encrypted). If encrypted format
is required, please contact technical support for further assistance.
Please note that Auto Provision Server is a free utility supporting both Linux and
Window environment. Please visit our website or contact technical support for
more information.
The specifies the Provision Sever address (IP or Domain name)
This specifies the interval in performing an auto provisioning event.
Remote Control
Remote Server
Remote Server
Remote Server ID
Remote Server
This is a unique feature that allows remote access to the device's built-in Web
server even when it is installed behind NAT. To achieve this function, a Remote
Control Server is required to be installed. This server is a free Linux based utility
and is available for download via our website. Please contact technical support
for further assistance if required. Once installed, please make sure that the
Remote Server Port and Password are set properly.
This specifies the IP address or the domain of a Remote Control Server. Please contact
technical support if you need further help on this.
Check with your Remote Server administrator for the communication port.
This specifies the name to be appeared in the Remote Control Server. It is used as a
reference for the device. The default is set to display the serial number of the device.
This specifies the login password to the Remote Control Server. This is not the password
to login to the built-in webpage. Please ask your Remote Server Administrator if it is not
Web Access
HTTP port
This default the security settings for web access via the LAN port. You can
always access the device web page via the PC port. Since the LAN port is used
to connect to a local router or to the internet directly, the IP addresses of the
network devices that can access the device can be restricted to the ones
The standard HTTP port for web page is 80. You can change it to a non-standard
port to make it harder to access the web.