7. Remove upper strut tower nuts.
8. Remove the lower strut bolts.
9. Remove the upper ball joint nut. Separate the ball joint from the
knuckle by hitting the side
10. The strut will drop down.
11. Pull the strut down so you can remove the strut from the vehicle.
12. You will have to cut the stock strut bolts down so stud extenders
will thread all the waydown to the bottom of the studs. The length
of stud after it is cut should be no longer than 3/4”. Thread the nuts
to the bottom of the studs, mark the studs, and cut them using
ahacksaw or cut-off wheel.
13. After you cut the studs, apply thread lock to the studs and install the
stud extenders. Slidethe Polyurethane spacer over the stud exten-
sions and seat it on top of the strut. The spacer should be even with
or slightly above the shoulders on the stud extensions.
This kit should be installed by a professional mechanic