Test the Rain Collector II
3. Separate an end cap from one side of the magnet.
4. Slide the magnet, with the exposed end of the magnet first, into the open slot of the
metric measurement adapter.
5. Insert the metric measurement adapter between the arms of the tipping bucket, with
solid side of the metric measurement facing up.
Open plastic arms to insert metric mea-
surement adapter, with adapter in “V”
Although the rain collector is now ready to take accurate metric measurements, the
console does not register the rain collector measurement weight has changed. The rain
measurement type must be changed on the console.
Test the Rain Collector II
Before installing the Rain Collector II, test the unit. If you are replacing a rain collector
you previously installed, make a note of the total rainfall amount displayed. You may
want to reenter this amount after you test the rain collector.
1. Open the SIM housing on the ISS. Remove the foam insert and feed the rain collector
cable up through the opening. Plug the cable to the appropriate connector. (See
illustration on page 6.)
2. Press the RAIN
on your console to display rainfall.
3. While watching the display on your console to see if it changes, slowly tip the bucket
until it drops to the opposite side. If the display does not change, you may be tipping
the bucket too quickly. Try again, more slowly this time.If the rainfall amount dis-
played on the console increases by the expected increment (either 0.01" or 0.2 mm)
each time you tip the bucket, your rain collector is working properly.
Install the Rain Collector II
Note: Climbing on your roof may be hazardous. If you are uneasy about installing your unit please have a qual-
ified professional complete the installation. Davis specifically disclaims any liability for injury or loss
resulting from the installation or use of the Rain Collector II.
When choosing a mounting surface, you may want to consider the Davis Rain
Collector Mounting Shelf, product number 7704.