Page 13
Specify Trip Type
There are four types of trips stored by the Trip
500AL: Business, Personal, Commute, and
Other. The trip type is stored along with the
rest of the trip information and is automati-
cally saved when information is downloaded
using the software. Although you may specify
the type of trip using the Trip 500AL display
unit, you must have the software to view trip
type information.
To change the type of trip, press and hold
MINUS. The trip type screen will appear--do
not release MINUS.
Trip Type Screen
As long as you hold MINUS, the Trip 500AL
will cycle through the letters representing the
various trip types: b = Business, P = Personal, C
= Commute, O = Other. Release MINUS when
the desired trip type appears.
You may change the trip type anytime during
a trip. Trip type information is saved when the
trip ends.
Turn Display Lamp On/Off
To turn the Trip 500AL’s display lamp on or
off, press PLUS. You must be viewing the Cur-
rent Readings Screen to turn the display lamp
on and off.