Introduction to the DriveRight 600
The DriveRight 600
, in conjunction with DriveRight Fleet Manage-
ment Software (FMS), provides advanced vehicle safety and monitoring
capabilities as well as comprehensive fleet management capabilities.
This manual explains how to use the DriveRight 600
to view informa-
tion and change DriveRight 600
A Note About the Concept of “Trips”
Much of the data stored and displayed by the DriveRight 600
is stored
by “trip.” A trip is the time that has elapsed from when the vehicle first
moves to the time the DriveRight 600
device logs a “trip stop time” or
a driver “logs out.” For example, the maximum speed and the time spent
driving over the set speed limit can be viewed for each trip.
Stored in the DriveRight 600
is a “trip stop time”, which represents the
amount of time for which the vehicle must be stopped before the
DriveRight 600
ends the current trip. The default trip stop time is 10
minutes (this setting may be altered using FMS). Whenever the vehicle
not in motion
for an amount of time equal to the trip stop time, the
DriveRight 600
saves the current trip data to memory and begins a new
trip (this new trip remains empty until the vehicle begins moving again).
The DriveRight 600
also saves the current trip data whenever a driver
“logs out” (see “Driver ID Code Entry & Digital Input Status Screen” on
page 10).
DriveRight Fleet Management Software
DriveRight Fleet Management Software (FMS) enables a user to keep
track of detailed vehicle information, and provides access to some
additional features in the DriveRight 600
device. The following is a list
of the DriveRight 600
features which are accessed by using FMS only.
• View information contained in the “accident log”
• View tamper information
• Set login alarm
• Set trip stop time
• Download up to 100 authorized driver ID codes
• Set and revise limit settings
• View trip type information —
Although you may specify the type
of trip using the DriveRight 600
display device, you must have FMS
to view trip type information.
• Configure GPS —
Requires optional DriveRight 600
Interface Module (# 8127) and GPS Module (# 8128).