Standard Anemometer
Installation Manual
The anemometer measures wind-related conditions such as wind speed, wind
direction, wind run, wind chill, and the temperature-humidity-sun-wind index.
It can be used with an EnvironMonitor Node to add wind data to an
EnvironMonitor system, as well as a replacement anemomter to your Davis
weather station.
The anemometer includes the components listed below. Be sure you have all
listed components before continuing. Assess your installation and make sure
you have all necessary parts, tools, and materials pictured below before you
Wind Cups
Anemometer Arm
with 40 feet (12.2 meters)
of cable
Wind Vane
The hardware kit contains the items
most commonly needed for the
installation of the anemometer.
Which items you use from the kit
depend on where you install your
unit. You may need to adapt or
purchase additional hardware to fit
your individual requirements.
Tools and Materials Needed
You will need the following tools
and materials to install your
• Cable Clips or Weather-Resistant Cable Ties
Note: Make sure the clips or ties you use to secure the anemometer cable have screw holes or other
means for mounting the cable. Do not use metal staples to secure the cables.