Flying with the SOUL
General warnings and advice
Before every flight, check the following:
Are you in good physical and mental condition?
Are you familiar and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations in your area?
Are you briefed thoroughly about the site, airspace and expected weather conditions of the day?
Is your equipment and choice of site suitable for your level of experience?
Do you have a suitable helmet, gloves, boots, eye-wear and adequate clothing?
Are you carrying some form of identification, so that people know who you are in case
of an accident? Take along a radio and mobile phone if possible.
Pre-flight checks
As part of your normal pre-flight check routine, check:
Is there any damage to the harness or carabiners that could affect its airworthiness?
Are all buckles, belts, zips securely fastened? Buckles should click into place as you close them, and a
gentle pull on the fastened buckle verifies this. Secure any zips after fastening the buckles. Take extra care
in snowy or sandy environments.
Is the paraglider connected correctly to the harness with both carabiners secured by their locking mechanisms?
Are all pockets closed properly and any loose items tied down safely?
Have you closed your leg and chest straps? Double check before you take off