Datsun 1973 510 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 13

Содержание 1973 510

Страница 1: ...J J l P Otl l J X 4 t t h r 3 f f 510 1200 1973 610 1973 76 710 1974 77 810 1977 78 8210 1974 78 2005 1977 78 f10 197778 510 1978 R4 speCltlC oo lt ourselt tlAalote r J J...

Страница 2: ...J spARK PLUli ENGINE 7 rAR8 J J...

Страница 3: ...k Company president and chief executIve officer WILLIAM A BARBOUR Chilton Way executIve vice president RICHARD H GROVES vice president Radnor Pa 19089 and general manager JOHN P KUSHNERICK managing ed...

Страница 4: TIus book outlmes prreedures for servIcmg and rep31nng vehIcles usmg nfe effechve methods The procedures contain many NOTES CAUTIONS and WARNINGS wh ch should be followed along Wlth standard safety...

Страница 5: ...62 General Engme SpeCifications 63 Crankshaft and Connectmg Rod Speclfi catIons 64 Piston and Rmg SpeCifications 65 Valve SpeCificatIons 65 Torque SpeCificatIons 66 Engme Removal and Installatlon all...

Страница 6: ...pter 9 Brakes Brake System 187 Adjustment 187 HydraulIc System 187 Master Cylmder 187 System B1eedmg 190 Front DISC Brakes 191 DISC Brake Pads 191 Chapter 10 Body Doors 201 Door Panels 202 Appendix Wm...

Страница 7: ...speCific procedure ThiS wIll give you the overall view of what Will be reqUIred as far as tools supplies and you There IS nothing more frustrating than haVing to walk to the bus stop on Monday mornmg...

Страница 8: ...hometer 8 Torque wrench ThiS assures proper tightening of Important fasteners and aVOids costly thread strlppmg too tight or leaks too loose 9 011 can filler spout 10 011 filter strap wrench Makes re...

Страница 9: ...the engme model code EngIne senal number Routine Maintenance AIR CLEANER All Datsuns covered m this gUIde are eqUIpped With a disposable paper car tndge au cleaner element At every tune up or sooner...

Страница 10: ...o the mtake mamfold to be burned With the normal aIr fuel mixture The PCV valve should be replaced every 24 000 miles Make sure that all PCV don nectIons are tIght Check that the con nectmg hoses are...

Страница 11: ...apply aIr pressure to the fuel tank Side of the valve The aIr should Fuel filler cap With vacuum rebef valve Carbon canister How through the valve and eXit the crank case Side of the valve If the valv...

Страница 12: ...the alternator out With a bar such as a ratchet handle or broom handle and then tIghten the alternator bracket nuts Checlnng belt deflectIon 4 Recheck the tensIOn The alternator dnve belt also operat...

Страница 13: ...nous gas In the presence offlame Do not open or dIsconnect any part of the air condlttOmng system Sight Glass Check You can safely make a few Simple checks to determme If your aIr condltlon mg system...

Страница 14: ...mOIsture to enter and cause a very expensIVe rust problem NOTE ExerCise the air conditIOner for a feu minutes every two ueeks or so dunng the cold months ThiS aVOids the pOSSibilIty of the compressor...

Страница 15: ...On IS not hot shift Into Dnve Low then Neutral or Park Set the handbrake and block the wheels Remove the dipstick wipe It clean then Add automatIc transmiSSion flUid through the dip stIck tube reinser...

Страница 16: ...cant m the Check the rubber gasket on the cap when checkmg coolant level steering gear every 12 000 miles If the level IS low check for leakage An Oily film IS not considered a leak solId grease must...

Страница 17: ...118 725 710 wagon 1976 78 38 34 27S 36 118 18 115 625 B210 1976 45 40 425 118 I 75 2 2 145 1375 725 610 wagon wagon 197677 45 40 425 118 275 1325 11 8 725 710 wagon 1977 78 60 525 36 118 2 75 2 2 159...

Страница 18: ...hat radial tIres are better all around per fonners givmg longer wear and better handhng An added benefit whICh you should consider when purchasmg tIres IS that radials have less rolhng resistance and...

Страница 19: ...r Under the claSSifica tion system adopted by the American Pe troleum Institute API In May 1970 SE IS the highest deSignation for pas senger car use The S stands for pas senger car and the second lett...

Страница 20: ...osen the dram plug Turn the plug out by hand By keepIng an Inward The 01 filter on Lsenesengmes IS eastly located on the nght hand SIde of the block pressure on the plug as you unscrew It 011 won t es...

Страница 21: ...cure It With the attachmg screws tlghtenmg them to 3 5ft Ibs 3 Pour the same amount of Type A Dexron ll automatic transmiSSIOn flUId which was dramed from the Oil pan m through the filler pipe Make su...

Страница 22: ...Iveand pOSltI ve to posItIve or you stand a chance ofdam aging the electrical systems of both cars Keep the engme runnmg 10 the donor car If the car stIll falls to start call a garag ontmual gnndmg on...

Страница 23: ...s de tenoratlng radiator or heater hoses loose andor frayed fan belt etc These httle Items have the tendency to develop mto major headaches so don t overlook any thmg w At i t 1 i I A or r AI r l d r...

Страница 24: ...3 1200 BP 5ES o 032 49 55 0020 5B 5B NA 700 600 0010 15 0 0036 700 600 cold cold C 0014 0014 t l l hot hot 1973 610 BP 6ES o 028 49 55 0018 5B 5B 26 800 650 0008 0010 15 S 0031 0022 800 6 0 34 cold co...

Страница 25: ...49 55 0018 12B 12B 38 750 650 0010 0012 20 1976 610 110 Z Federal 0035 0022 hot ot t 12B 38 750 650 0010 0012 20 19 16 610 110 BY 6ES 0031 Elec 12B 0 Cahiorn a 0035 trOn1C hot hot 1971 B210 BP 5ES o...

Страница 26: ...deral 0043 10 10 36 700 650 0010 0012 10 0 5 1977 810 lI6ES o 039 Ele d 78 0043 trontC hot hot Ca 1 0008 0010 I co d co d 0 1978 510 lIP 6ES 0039 E ec 9 12 38 600 600 0010 0012 10 0043 hot hot I feder...

Страница 27: ...RT Insulator Tip Fast Heat Transfer LOWER Heat Range COLD PLUG Spark plug heat range loads In severe cases the heat may be come high enough to start the fueVau mllrture burnmg throughout the combus ti...

Страница 28: ...cap and COli Replace any damaged wmng Ifno phYSI cal damage IS obVIOUS the WIres can be checked With an ohmmeter for excessive resistance Remove the dlstnbutor cap and leave the WIres connected to th...

Страница 29: ...s on IS controlled by a relay whICh In turn IS connected to throt tle pOSItion temperature and transmls Pull the rotor straIght off to remove It Carefully check the pomt contact surfaces slOn SWitches...

Страница 30: ...r set the pomt gap now or later after you have remstalled the dlstnbutor 6 On dual pOint models mstall the distributor makmg sure the marks made earher are hned up Note that the slot for the 011 pump...

Страница 31: ...7 Rotor 1 S Dlstnbutor cop 23 Ground Wire 8 Breaker plate 16 Corbon pOint assembly crease or decrease the gap to the proper settmg 5 Tighten the adjusbnent lockscrew and recheck the contact gap to ma...

Страница 32: ...haft assembly ahgned With notch In the shaft Ahgn the tab In the base of the distributor cap With the notch In the distributor body Make sure that the cap IS firmly seated on the 13 Vacuum control ass...

Страница 33: ...lead wlre odvanced pOints Primary lead wire retarded pOints 5 Primary lead Wife set serew 6 Set Icrew advonced pOints 7 Set screw retarded pOints 8 Adluster plate set screws 9 Breaker plate set screws...

Страница 34: ...ct readIng IS obtaIned disconnect the dwell meter 7 Check the adjustment of the Igm tlon timing DUAL POINT DISTRIBUTOR Adjust the pOInt gap ofa dual POInt diS tributor With a dwell meter as follows 1...

Страница 35: ...S at tached to the dlstnbutor shaft and has one tooth for each cylInder In the engmefour teeth for four cyllnder engines and SIX teeth for sIx cylinder engines When the teeth of the rotating reluctor...

Страница 36: ...ment proce dures on the electromc Igmtlon system are somewhat simpler than on a conven tional system Smce there are no pomts and condenser to replace at tune uptime a number of steps have been elimmat...

Страница 37: ...l Air gap 5 Pole piece 6 Adluster plate 7 Reludor IS adjustment of the aIr gap between the reluctor and the pickup COlI ThiS should be checked and adjusted If necessary at the normal tune up Intervals...

Страница 38: ...second for the spark plug to Ignite the mIXture m the cylmder the spark plug must fire a httle before the piston reaches TDC Otherwise the mixture will not be com pletely Igmted as the piston passes T...

Страница 39: ...hght clear of the fan 14 With the timing hght aimed at the pulley and the marks on the engine turn the distributor In the dlTectIon ofrotor ro tatIOn to retard the spark and In the op posite dlTectIo...

Страница 40: ...fter first removmg no 1 plug untIl the piston AdJustmg 1200 B210 and FI0 valve clearance IS at the top ofItS stroke and the TOC tIm mg mark on the crankshaft pulley IS m ahgnment With the tImmg mark p...

Страница 41: ...ark on the crankshaft pulley IS hned up approxI mately as It would be when the No 1 spark plug fires 4 Adjust the No 1 cylmder mtake valve to 0 008 m 0 20 mm FlfSt loosen the pivot lockmg nut and then...

Страница 42: ...been done check and adjust the Igmtlon tlmmg to the proper setting 4 Turn off the engme and connect a tachometer to the engme 5 Remove the au cleaner and start the engme With the transmiSSIOn m Neutra...

Страница 43: ...s Warm the engIne to nOTmal temperature and hook up a tachometer Automatic trans miSSIOn cars are adjusted wIth selector m Dnve so be sure that parkmg IS on and the wheels blocked for safety AdJust th...

Страница 44: ...lnp Worn connectlnr rod bearlnga Fuel octane too low wom onnect ng rod bearlnp Loose plflton pin CollapMd r sticky valve lifter 6 C eYlve alve clearance exceulve end play In rotatlnl shaft Fan belt co...

Страница 45: ...screwdnver be tween the battery post and the cable clamp Turn the headlIghtson high beam and ob serve them as the screwdriver IS gently twisted to ensure good metal to metal contact Testing battery c...

Страница 46: ...31 23 2 3 Check the IgnItIon SWItch start posItIon Connect a 12V test lamp between the starter post of the solenOId or relay and ground Turn the 19mtlOn SWItch to the start pOSItIOn and JIggle the key...

Страница 47: ...or mal Rotate the crankshaft untIl the contact heel rests on a hIgh pOint of the dlstnbutor cam and adjust the pOint gap to specIfi catIons Replace the resIstor or the resIstance wIre If the resIstanc...

Страница 48: ...sistance Results and lndtcatums CoIls utIlIZing ballast resIstors or reSIstance wires should have approximately 1 on re sIstance coIls WIth Internal reSIstors should have approximately 4 on reSIstance...

Страница 49: ...Normal wear IS md cated byap proximately 001 wear per 1000 mIles Clean and regap the spark plug If wear IS not ex ceSSIVe Replace the spark plug If excessIVely worn 47 Carbon foulIng black dry fluffy...

Страница 50: ...ently Fuel mIxture too lean Poor compressIOn Fuel grade too low Replace With plugs of the proper heat range Adjust tImmg to specIfica tIons Clean the spark plug seat and check the coolIng system Check...

Страница 51: ...e to the tank WIth low pressure compressed aIr untIl bubbhng IS heard from the fuel filler neck Also blowout the carburetor fuel lme both ends dIsconnected If no suction IS eVIdent replace or repair t...

Страница 52: ...r the not start Inspect for droplets or perature tank must be dramed and the a layer of water changes fuel lInes blown out With com pressed aIr Te8t and Procedure Resndt8 and IndtCatt07Ul Proceed to 6...

Страница 53: ...md1cated NOTE A Jumped ttmtng cham 18 often tn dtcated by dt fjU ult crankmg See below 71 See below Readmg Steady from 17 22 m Hg Indtcatw7Ul Proceed to Normal 81 Low and steady Late IgnItIon or valve...

Страница 54: ...vacuum hose s to the dIstrIbutor If speCI fied start the engme and observe the timIng marks at the speCIfied engIne speed 8 3 Check the operation of the distrI butor advance mechanism s To test the m...

Страница 55: ...perSISts remove and replace the bft er MetallIc tap through the stetho Collapsed valve lIfter scope able to push the rocker arm lIfter sIde down by hand Remove and replace the lIfter 101 101 ErratIc...

Страница 56: ...tely 1h play at Its mId pOint under thumb pressure 11 2 Check the flUId level of the cooling system 11 3VISually InSpect the external por tIons of the coolIng system radia tor radIator hoses thermosta...

Страница 57: ...or cap and Insert a thermometer Into the radIator Allow the engine to Idle After a short whIle there WIll be a sudden rapId Increase In coolant temperature The temperature at whIch thIS sharp nse stop...

Страница 58: ...over nor underfull and that the pIckup In the sump IS In the proper posItion and free from sludge 12 5Inspect the 011 pump dnve and the 011 pump FIll ordrain the crankcase to the proper capa cIty and...

Страница 59: It was pomted ongInally This Will be done automatIcally If the marks on the engme and the distributor are lmed up With the rotor 2 Install the distrIbutor hold down bolt and clamp Leave the screw l...

Страница 60: ...IS correctly m stalled the breaker pomts should be m such a posItion that they are Just ready to break contact With each other ThiS IS ac comphshed by rotatmg the distributor body after It has been m...

Страница 61: ...Front cover 6 Stator 10 Diode cover 3 Front bearing 7 Rear cover 11 Through bolt 4 Rotor 8 Brush assembly cb l IJ 1 I II Il 1 J Exploded v ew of alternator used on 510 610 710 and 200SX 1 Pulley asse...

Страница 62: ...ternator attachmg bolts and remove the alternator from the vehICle 5 Install the alternator m the reverse order of removal REGULATOR Removal and Installation NOTE I9Z8 models are equlpped wfth mtegral...

Страница 63: ...used to secure the contact set on the yoke and move the contact up or down as neces sary RetIghten the screw The gap should be 0 024 0 039 m 2 AdJust the pomt gap of the voltage regulator coIl by loo...

Страница 64: be tween 143153 volts at 680 F STARTER Removal and Installation 1 Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery 2 Disconnect the starter wlflng at the Note the wIre locatIons before removm...

Страница 65: ...10 Thrust wosher 11 Stop washer 12 Stop clop 13 Pinion retainer 14 Pinion 15 Overunnln9 clutch 16 Field Call Exploded v ewof 510 610 and 710 starter CD l Exploded v ew of 1200 and B210 starter 1 End h...

Страница 66: ...tery LOCK TE H Amp NO LOAD TEST Hour Torque Year Model Capaclly Amps Volts lrfIn Amps Volt RPM 1973 510 50 60 420 60 79 60 12 7 000 1973 1200 NA 420 63 65 60 12 7 000 All 610 NA 430 60 63 60 12 7 000...

Страница 67: ...ead The A12 A13 and A14 senes of engmes are used m the 1200 the B210 and the FIO The maJor difference be tween these engmes IS the mcreased diS placement of the A13 and the A14 achieved through a long...

Страница 68: ...he extra two cylmders the maJor difference IS that the L24 engme IS fuel mJected while the others are carbureted Like the others the 1 24 utIhzes a cast non block and an alummum cyhnder head Engines a...

Страница 69: ...p 1973 OHC4 973 Dual throat 96 100 327 x 2 90 85 1 54 57 510 1600 Sedan LI6 1595 downdraft 5 600 3 600 1973 OHV4 715 Dual throat 69 70 2 87 x 2 76 85 1 54 60 1200 Sedan A12 1171 downdraft 6 000 4 000...

Страница 70: ...0 FI0 A14 1397 downdraft 6 000 3 600 1976 OHC4 1191 Dnal throat 112 108 335x339 85 1 50 57 610 L20B 1952 downdraft 5 600 3 600 1976 77 OHC4 1191 Dual throat 100 100 3 35 x 3 39 85 1 50 57 710 L20B 195...

Страница 71: ...mpreuwn Control LI6 o 001 002 0009 0015 00060012 o 006 0 012 o 002 0 003 o 001 003 o 001 003 A12 o 001 002 0008 0014 0008 0014 00100014 o 002 0 003 o 002 0 003 o 002 0003 L18 o ool 002 0014 0022 0012...

Страница 72: ...68 1766 o 00080 002 00016 0002 Yes 1975 78 A14 45 1975 78 129 119 1831 o 0006 0 002 00016 0003 Yes ENGINE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION ALL ENGINES EXCErr F10 move the battery from models With the L16 engm...

Страница 73: and remove the lever from mSlde the car 12 Detach the exhaust pipe from the exhaust mamfold Remove the front sec tion of the exhaust system 13 Mark the relationship ofthe dnve shaft flanges and rem...

Страница 74: ...the slave cyhnder from the clutch housmg 7 Unhook the speedometer cable from the transmiSSIOn and remove the shift hnkage from the transmiSSIOn 8 Unbolt the exhaust pipe from the exhaust mamfold Ther...

Страница 75: ...ether Rap the head With a mallet to loosen It from the block Remove the head and discard the gasket 8 Remove the pushrods keepIng them In order To replace the cylmder head on OHV engines 1 Make sure t...

Страница 76: ...n the timing cham 1 Crank the engme until the No I piston I TDC ofthe compressIOn stroke and disconnect the negatIve battery cable dram the coolmg system and re move the aircleaner and attending hoses...

Страница 77: ...20 Install and assemble the remammg components of the engme m the reverse order of removal Wedge thecham With a wooden block arrow Ifyou don t you lI be fishmg fur the cham m the crankcase DimenSIOns...

Страница 78: ...3 1 5 000 o 0 10 14 9 13 o 0 L24 head torque equenlt 14 Imtall a new head ga ket and place the head m pO ltlon on the block 15 Imtall the head bolt 111 their ongl nallocatIon 16 Torque the head bolts...

Страница 79: ...ttle hnk age 3 Remove the B P T valve control tube from the mtake mamfold Remove the EGR hoses 4 DIsconnect all electncal wlflng to the fuel mJectIon Unit Note the location of the wues and mark them m...

Страница 80: ...Remove the OIl pump attachmg screws and take out the pump and ItS dnve spmdle 5 Remove the coolmg fan and the fan pulley together With the dnve belt 6 Remove the water pump 7 Remove the crankshaft pul...

Страница 81: ...een removed It may be necessary to remove the 011 pan to reach the hfters for removal 8 The camshaft bearmgs can be pressed out and replaced They are avail able m underslzes should It be necessary to...

Страница 82: be re used markmg It IS useless 5 Unbolt the camshaft sprocket and remove the sprocket along with the cham As you remove the cham hold It where the cham tenslOner contacts It When the cham ts remo...

Страница 83: ...Ifthe notch m the sprocket IS to the left of the groove m the retammg plate then the cham IS stretched and needs ad Justmg CDto I to 3 2 Remove the camshaft sprocket together With the cham and remsta...

Страница 84: ...ons With engme OIl 9 Turn the top compressIOn nng to bnng ItS gap to about the 1 30 0 clock posItIon Set the remammg nngs so that thelf gaps are posItioned 1800 apart around the piston The OIl nng gap...

Страница 85: ...the engine and transmis sIOn assembly from the vehicle 2 Remove the transmiSSIOn from the engme 3 Remove the clutch from the fly wheel 4 Remove the flywheel from the crankshaft 5 Remove the rear mam...

Страница 86: ...w gasket placed over the dnve spmdle mstall the OIl pump and dove spmdle assembly so that the proJec bon on the top of the dnve spmdle IS located m the 11 25 0 clock poslbon PosItion of distributor dn...

Страница 87: ...ngIne water pump removal 2 Loosen the four bolts retammg the fan shroud to the radiator and remove the shroud 3 Loosen the belt then remove the fan and pulley from the water pump hub 4 Remove the five...

Страница 88: ...and remove the water outlet gasket and the thermostat from the thermostat housmg 4 Install the thermostat In the reverse order ofremoval usmg a new gasket WIth sealer and with the thermostat spnng to...

Страница 89: ...g process Starred Procedures that should be performed to ensure maximum performance and en gine lIfe Double starred Proce dures that may be performed to Increase enllne performance and relIabIlIty The...

Страница 90: ...r anti seize com pounds before mstallatIon to prevent seIzure Never over torque bolts or spark plugs m alummum threads Should strlppmg occur threads can be restored accordmg to the followmg procedure...

Страница 91: ...d number the valve faces front to rear usmg a permanent felt tIp marker Remove the rocker arms Valve Identification Remove the rocker arms With shaft s or balls and nuts WIre the sets of rockers balls...

Страница 92: ...oth dIago nals along the longitudinal centerlIne and across the cylInder head at several points If warpage exceeds 003 In a 6 span or 006 over the total length the cylinder head must be resurfaced NOT...

Страница 93: ...ith a machmlSt ReplaCing the valve guides OTE Valve guuks s undd only be replaced If dam aged or If an over8lZe valve stem ts not avatlo ble A VALVE GUIDE 10 B SLlGHnV SMALLER THAN VALVE GUIDE 0 0 Val...

Страница 94: ...WIth a pIlot of the correct SIze InstalI the ptlot Into the valve gUIde and uSing steady pressure turn the reamer clockWIse CAUTION Do not turn the reamer counter clockwISe Remove only as much materi...

Страница 95: ...changing POSI tIon and hftlng the tool often to prevent grooving Lap the valve untIl a smooth pol Ished seat IS eVIdent Remove the valve and tool and nnse away all traces of grinding compound Fasten...

Страница 96: ...nng Installed height LubrIcate the valve stems and mstall the valves In the cylInder head as numbered LubrIcate and pOSItIOn the seals IT used see above and the valve spnngs Install the spring retaine...

Страница 97: ...oth and square remov Ing as lIttle matenal as pOSSible Replace the rocker arm If exceSSively worn If a rocker stud shows SignS of wear It must be re placed see below If a rocker nut shows stress crack...

Страница 98: ...ual Measure the length of the pushrods com pare to specIficatIOns and replace as neces sary Inspect the valve lIfters i Checking the lifter face Remove lIfters from theIr bores and remove gum and varn...

Страница 99: ...d If bearing or Journal appear defectIve cause of fa1lure should be deter mined before replacement noUl AnUtI Remove crankshaft from block see below Measure the main bearing Journals at each end tWIce...

Страница 100: ...emo e the rIdge from the top of the cylIn der RIDGE CAUSED BY CYLINDER WEAR Cylinder bore ridge RemOVIng the pIston and connectIng rod In order to faclhtate removal of the pIston and connecting rod th...

Страница 101: ...lock Ha e the block hot tanked to remove grease corrOSIOn and scale from the water Jackets NOTE COlls lt the operator to determme whether the cam ha It beanngs Ill be dam aged dUTlng the hot tall proc...

Страница 102: ...oversize piS ton Installed If the measurements are WIth In specifications the cylInder may be used as IS WIth only finish hOning see below NOTE Prtor to submttttng the block for bcmng perform the fol...

Страница 103: ...eds 005H the deck heIght should be corrected NOTE Block deck he ght and warpage should be corrected concurrently Check the cyl1n 1er block bearing alIgn ment Checkmg maIO beanng saddle alignment Remov...

Страница 104: ...ceSSIVe try to obtain a slIghtly larger pIston to bnng clearance WIthin specIfications Where this IS not pOSSible obtain the first oversIze piS ton and hone or If necessary bore the cylInder to size A...

Страница 105: ...typical If excessIve wear IS indIcated or If the engine IS being completely rebUIlt camshaft bear Ings should be replaced as folIows DrIve the camshaft rear plug from the block As semble the removal...

Страница 106: ...file Hold the ring In the groove and measure Side clearance If necessary correct as indICated above NOTE Always tnstaU any addtttonal spacers above the ptS ton nng The nng groove must be deep enough t...

Страница 107: the seal Hold the pIpe In pOSI tion and tnm the ends of the seal flush if reqUIred Install the crankshaft Satfna the rear m11ln aeal L J Home made belnng roll out pin PRY FORWARD PRY CRANKSHAfT FOR...

Страница 108: ...nt a dIal indIcator stand on the front of the block With the dIal indICator stem rest Ing on the nose of the crankshaft parallel to the crankshaft aXIs Pry the crankshaft the extent of Its travel rear...

Страница 109: ...o protect the crankshaft Journals Installing a piston Check connecting rod Side clearance Determine the clearance between the Sldes of the connecting rods and the crankshaft us Ing feeler gauges If cl...

Страница 110: ...shing In the crankshaft If the bushing IS excessIvely worn remove It WIth an expand Ing puller and a slIde hammer and tap a new bushing Into place PosItIon the engine cylInder head Side up LubrIcate t...

Страница 111: ...IOn of the gases whICh are formed m tern IS the PCV valve ThiS vacuum con the combustion chamber durmg combus trolled valve regulates the amount of tlon leak by the piston nngs and enter the gases whI...

Страница 112: Moon AirtempcrllUftSCDSOr Droppullrau1or Overall VIew of 810 emISSIons control system Crank Collie ventilation control valve 2 name Jrre tcr 3 Scaled flllcr cap 4 Baffle plate S Od levcl pugc 6 O r...

Страница 113: ...eIr own way out of the crankcase This alternate route IS usually a weak OIl seal or gasket m the engme As the gas escapes by the gasket It also creates an OIl leak BeSides causmg OIl leaks a clogged P...

Страница 114: ...ide and the fuel tank or crankcase be comes 2 m Hg the rehef valve opens and allows ambient au from the au cleaner mto the fuel tank or the engme crankcase ThiS ambient au replaces the vapor wlthm the...

Страница 115: ...arded POInts CIrCUIt the advanced set of pomts con trols the pnmary CIrCUIt The retarded set of pomts IS activated as follows The retarded set of pomts IS actIvated only whIle the throttle IS partiall...

Страница 116: ...E 1 Disconnect the WIrmg harness of the distributor from the engme harness 2 Connect the black WIre of the engme harness to the black WIre of the dlstnbutor harness With a Jumper WIre ThiS connects th...

Страница 117: prevents the complete combustion ofthe air fuel mIXture because of the reduced amount of au ThiS condition Will result m a large amount of HC emiSSIOn Ennchmg the au fuel mixture for a short time...

Страница 118: ...BCDD IS lower than the mtake mamfold vaC lum when the throttle IS suddenly released the engine speed wIll not lower to Idle speed To adJust the set operatmg pressure of the BCDD remove the adJustmg s...

Страница 119: ...ide under hood aIr to be drawn mto the engme Testing When the au around the temperature sensor ofthe umt mounted Inside the au cleaner housmg reaches 100 F the sen sor should block the How of vacuum t...

Страница 120: ...ted and blocks the vacuum Ime lead mg to the EGR valve thus preventIng exhaust gas reclIculatIon When the tem perature of the engme coolant reaches operating temperature the solenOId IS deactIvated an...

Страница 121: ...owered test hght to the two electrical leads of the sWitch g Heat the con tamer of water h The sWitch should conduct cur rent when the water temperature IS below 770 F and stop conducting cur rent whe...

Страница 122: ...f the pump body vanes and rotor for wear If the rotor has abnormal wear replace the aIr pump 3 Check the needle roller beanng for wear and damage Ifthe bearmgs are de fective the aIr pump should be re...

Страница 123: from the pump The au pump rehef valve should vent the pres sunzed au to the atmosphere IfIt IS work mg properly NOTE When performmg this test do not completely block the discharge lme of the aIr pu...

Страница 124: ...the at mosphere NOTE Only unleaded fuel must be used wIth catalytic converters lead In fuel will qUIckly pollute the catalyst and render It useless The emergency aIr rehef valve IS used as a catalyst...

Страница 125: ...p mount mg nuts and remove the fuel pump as sembly from the sIde of the engme 3 Install the fuel pump m the reverse order of removal usmg a new gasket and sealer on the matmg surface FUEL PUMP HO The...

Страница 126: ...the engme stalls for some reason the fuel pump IS cut off even though the IgmtIon sWitch remams m the on posItIon Fuel Pump Removal and Installation 810 ReleaSing pressure at the cold start valve 1 Di...

Страница 127: ...tors discussed m thiS book are two stage type carburetors On thiS type of carburetor the engme A II 1 Secondary throttle lmkage adJustment 1 Roller 2 Connecting lever 3 Return plate Adlust plote 5 Thr...

Страница 128: ...uld be 0 0374 m With a manual trans mISSIOn and 0 0461 m With an automatic transmiSSIOn 2 Install the carburetor on the engme 3 Start the engme and measure the fast Idle rpm With the engme at operatmg...

Страница 129: ...le and choke shaft wash all parts except diaphragms elec bores for wear or an out of round condl tnc choke umts pump plunger and any tlon Damage or wear to the throttle ann other plastic leather fiber...

Страница 130: valve 12 Secondary maIn all bleed 13 Pnmary mam all bleed 14 InJector weIght IS Pnmary slow all bleed 16 AcceleratIng pump 17 Plug 18 Pnmary slow Jet 19 Needle valve 20 Float 21 Anll dleselmg solen...

Страница 131: ...38 DlIphr chamber parts 39 Idle lImiter ap 40 Idle adjUst SClew 41 Idle adjUst screw SP Ull 42 Throttle adjust screw 43 Throttle adjust screwsplll1l 44 Primary nd secondary throttle 1 45 BCD 0 for Cab...

Страница 132: ...seats but do not overtighten as the tIps Will be distorted Tighten all screws gradually m rotatIon Do not tighten needle valves mto theu seats uneven Jetting Will result Always use new gas kets Be su...

Страница 133: ...temperature sensor tempera ture of mtake au 6 Startmg sWitch signals that starter IS operatmg 7 Altitude sWitch used on Cahfornla i cars to signal changes m atmo phenc pressure The sensors provIde th...

Страница 134: ...the passage of current when It IS the electncal component IS mounted turned off Smce the sWitch IS a part of Perhaps the easiest way to vlsuahze the CIrcle necessary for a complete CH thiS IS to thmk...

Страница 135: ...Similar thmg happens on a smaller scale when the power supply wire to a component or the electncal component Itself becomes grounded before the normal ground con nectIon for the CIrCUIt To prevent da...

Страница 136: ...IS defective NOTE Never substttute the Jumper WIre for the bulb as the bulb IS the component reqUIred to use the power from the pother source 5 If the bulb In the test hght goes on then the current IS...

Страница 137: ...sure that the system IS filled With coolant 1977 78200SX 1 Disconnect the battery cable 2 Dram the engme coolant and re move the heater hose from the engme Side 3 Inside the pas enger com part ment di...

Страница 138: ...mlet and outlet hoses 6 Remove the heater duct and re move the defroster hoses from the as sembly 7 Remove the au mtake door control cable 8 Disconnect the wlflng harness to the heater 9 Remove the r...

Страница 139: ...ter sWitch 11 Heater hose outlet 7 Heater control 12 Defroster nozzle l H 8 Heater case R H 13 Defroster dud l H 9 Heater COre 10 Heater case L H CD 1 S de outf t 2 Cooler dud 3 Defroster naule Heater...

Страница 140: 9 Control Wile heater control to water cock 10 Control rod heater control to shut valve 11 Heater cock 1200 heater I Defroster nozzle 2 Oer ro ter hose 3 Air Intake box 4 Hcater box L H 5 ClIp 6 He...

Страница 141: ...emove the heater assembly as de scnbed earher 2 Remove the seahng sponges Unfas ten the seven chps that hold the heater case together 3 Remove the heater core from the cases 4 InstallatIOn IS the reve...

Страница 142: ...l out the radIO SWItch knobs 3 In order to remove the mstrument panel first remove the steenng wheel and cover 4 Remove the control knobs on the In strument panel by pushIng In on them and turnmg them...

Страница 143: ...r of removal 1978 510 1 DIsconnect the battery ground cable 6 Defroster nante 7 Instrument garmsh 8 RodJO 9 Speaker 10 Ventllohon duct 11 Package trQY 12 Glove box 13 Glove box I d 14 Ash troy 15 Oute...

Страница 144: ...mstrument cluster 1978 510 Imtrument panel removal pomts L Cluster lad A 2 Cluster lid 8 3 Instrument panel 4 FInisher A 0 Cluster lid B securing Cluster lid A securing screw posItions screW position...

Страница 145: ...ts to the body Remove the aIr mtake grIlle for access 3 Open the hood and unscrew the motor from the firewall 4 DIsconnect the wumg connector and remove the wIper motor WIth the Imkage 5 Reverse the p...

Страница 146: ...lockWIse to remove 3 From the rear dIsconnect the lIghter wue Turn and remove the lIghter outer case 4 Remove the radIO and heater knobs 5 Remove the shell cover from the steenng column 6 Remove the s...

Страница 147: ...nts may now be readIly replaced 12 Reverse the procedure for mstalla bon 1 Meter 2 RadiO 3 Glove box 4 Speaker 5 Instrument panel 6 Slay Escutcheon 5 Wiper SWitch knob 6 RadiO knob 7 Cigarette lIghter...

Страница 148: ...le 2 Remove the steenng column cov ers 3 DIsconnect the speedometer cable and the radIO antenna 4 DIsconnect all the WIres from the back of the panel after notIng theIr loca tIon and markmg them 5 Rem...

Страница 149: ...ob 13 Speaker harness 4 Gauges 9 light control sWitch 14 illumination bulb 5 light monator 10 Cluster cover 15 Instrument panel f1 200SX Instrument panel 1 Cluster lid 2 Meter assembly 3 Instrument mo...

Страница 150: ...ll the gnlle If It was removed from the car Fuses Model Fu e Bo Location FlUe Lank LocatIOn 1973 510 Engme compartment rIght rear Between battery and alternator 1973 1200 78 Under mstrument panel rIgh...

Страница 151: be fully downward 4 Increase the mltIal clearance A by 8 mm 031 In 5 Push lever 4 fully upward Now tIghten nut I untIl It makes contact WIth trunmon 7 Then back the nut offone full mrn and tIghten...

Страница 152: ...4 speed transmISSIon j 8 For S speed tnnSml5l10n FI0 shIft hnkage assembhes 1 Select lewr E 2 Shift lever E 3 Shift rod Shift lever 5 Select rod 6 Select lever 7 Radius link 8 Control rod 9 Hand lever...

Страница 153: sWItch 5 Remove the shIft lever 6 Remove the clutch operatmg cylm der from the clutch housmg 7 Support the engme WIth a large 1200 and B21O hsconnect the back up hght SWitch I speedometer cable 2 c...

Страница 154: ...eed transmiSSiOn used m the 710 Remove the clutch slave eylmder 510 610 and 710 erossmember bolts 9 Lower the rear of the engIne to allow clearance 1978 510 erossmember removal 10 Remove the starter N...

Страница 155: ...ased thIS spnng IS convex that IS It IS dIshed outward toward the transmls slOn Pushmg m the clutch pedal achIates the slave cylmder Connected to the other end ofthe slave cyhnder rod IS the throwout...

Страница 156: ...Clutch cover aso embly 8 Operatmg cylinder 4 Release beanng and eeve ll mbly 9 Wllhdrawallever 5 Return spring 10 Wtthdrawallever ball pm 510 610 and 710 clutch control system I Clutch pedal 2 Clutch...

Страница 157: ...eve the con tact surface of the lever ball pIn and lever Replace the release mechamsm 5 Install the dISC ahgmng It WIth a splIned dummy shaft Tlghtenmg the pressure plate bolts The dummy shaft keeps t...

Страница 158: from the upper sectIon of the clutch housmg 3 Remove the SIX bolts whIch secure the clutch cover The easIest way to turn the engIne over to reach all the bolts IS to Jack up the nght front wheel pl...

Страница 159: ...scores and replace the parts as necessary LIght scor mg and glaze can be removed WIth crocus cloth soaked m brake flUId 7 Generally the cup seal should be replaced each tIme the master cylmder IS dIs...

Страница 160: ...oken CID I ft Jf V I Bleeder screw 2 Cylinder body 3 PISton cup 4 Plslon 5 Dust cover 6 Push rod 7 Lock nut 8 Push nut Exploded vIew of 510 610 and 710 slave cylmder 8 Lubncate all of the new parts m...

Страница 161: ...ack up the front ofthe car and sup port It safely on stands 2 SlIde a dram pan under the trans mISSIOn Loosen the rear 011 pan bolts first to allow most ofthe flUId to dram off WIthout makmg a mess on...

Страница 162: ...lInkage 3 Detach the shIft Imkage 4 DIsconnect the neutral safety sWItch and downshIft solenoId wmng 5 Remove the dram plug and dram the torque converter If there IS no con verter dram plug dram the t...

Страница 163: ...versal JOInts one at each end and a slIp yoke at the front of the assembly whICh fits Into the back of the transmISSIOn The 610 810 and 200SX Incorporate an addItIonal umver sal JOInt at the center of...

Страница 164: ...bracket 5 Center bearing support 6 Center bearing 7 Companion flange 8 Flange yoke 9 Rear drlveshaft Exploded view of 810 dnveshaft Exploded view of 200SX manual transmISSIOn dnveshaft 1 Front drlvesh...

Страница 165: dIsassembled for lubncatIon at 24 000 mIle mtervals The splmes are lubncated by transmISSIOn 011 1 Release the handbrake 2 Loosen the 510 muffler and rotate It out of the way 3 On the 510 remove t...

Страница 166: speakmg they are not dnve shafts but dnve axles A specIal puller IS necessary to remove the axles The tool IS Illustrated here 1 Jack up the car and support It WIth safety stands 2 Remove the wheel...

Страница 167: ...the brake backIng plate 4 Attach a slIde hammer to the axle shaft and remove It Use the shde ham mer and a two pronged puller to remove the 011 seal from the hOUSIng NOTE If a slide hammer IS not aVai...

Страница 168: ...ease Coat the seal hp also 9 Remstall the wheel beanngs In Pack with wheel bearmg grease MP2 or MP3 at each overhaul 1 Grease seal 3 Distance pIece 2 Wheel bearmg Inner Cutaway of wheel beanng stall t...

Страница 169: ...In 14 If the turnIng torque or axle shaft play IS Incorrect dIsassemble the umt and Install a new dIstance pIece The axle dnveshafts must be removed and dIsassembled to lubncate the ball splInes ever...

Страница 170: the balls and spacer 5 Pack about 10 grams 035 oz of grease mto the ball grooves Also pack about 35 grams I 23 oz ofgrease mto the other area 6 TWlsbng play between the two shaft halves should not...

Страница 171: ...nsIOn rods whICh attach to the chaSSIS STRUT Removal and Installation 1 Jack up the car and support It safely Remove the wheel 2 DIsconnect and plug the brake hose Remove the brake cahper as out hned...

Страница 172: ...7 Tension rod 8 Transverse link 9 Lower ball lOin 200SX front suspenSIOn Strut mounting Insulator Strut mounhng beanng Upper spring leat Bumper rubber Dust cover 6 Platon rod 7 Front prlng 8 Strut ass...

Страница 173: ...Oin Transverse lank 5 Sub frame 6 Drlveshaft 7 Stabilizer FI0 front suspensIon 6 7 510 610 and 710 front suspenSIon 1 tnIt mounting lulator 2 COlI spring 3 Stmt assembly 4 SuspenSlon ross member 5 Sta...

Страница 174: ...relYIng Instead on a method of determInIng the force In Inch pounds reqUIred to keep Pry the control arm down to separate the strut from the ball JOInt rurnIng ThIS method IS not the knuckle very help...

Страница 175: ...beanngs are m good shape and properly adjusted As a double check on thIS have someone watch the ball Jomt whIle you move the tue up and down WIth the bar Ifyou can see conSIderable play beSIdes feelI...

Страница 176: ...replace It 1 Steenng gear arm 2 Crossrod 3 Stde rod 4 Side rod outer socket 5 Side rod lOner socket 6 Idler ann assembly Use a brass dnft to remove the beanng races 10 Replace the cahper brake hose a...

Страница 177: ...OtherwIse undue force may be applIed to the dnveshaft 6 InstallatIon IS In the reverse order of removal Hub removal FRONT END ALIGNMENT Caster and camber angles cannot be adjusted except by replaCIng...

Страница 178: ......

Страница 179: ...o 1 IS o 04 0 12 8 OS 9 3S 40 42 33 30 3S 30 S 1 35 004 0 12 7 4S 9 IS 40 42 33 30 3S 30 SO 2 20 o 20 0 28 J IS 1O 4S 36 30 31 34 bIBS 39 30 ply tire 0 0 79 radIalply tire 200SX All I OS 2 3S 810 All...

Страница 180: 7 Torque orrette S Handbrake cable 9 Srake hase 10 Baund bumper 8 7 3 2 6 5 1 SUJpenslon member 2 Su pen lon arm 3 Member mounting Insulator A Ddt renttal mounting lnaulator 5 COil prlng 6 Bumper r...

Страница 181: ...whICh are dnven 7 Brake hose S Handbrake cable by separate axle shafts COli spnngs are used along wIth hydraulIc shock absorb ers The 1978510 sedans and hatchbacks are eqUIpped wIth a four hnk type so...

Страница 182: ...ear arm bolt 1978510 sedan rear suspensIon 9 Rear axle bearing 10 Beanng spacer 11 Rear axle shaft 12 Shock absorber lower end bolt 13 Shock absorber assembly 14 Special wash r 15 Shock absorber mount...

Страница 183: ...seating pad 11 Reor axle shaft 20 Rear sprang assembly 12 Shock absorber assembly 21 location plate 13 Special washer 22 Reor axle bumper 14 Shock absorber bushing 23 U bolt Spnng clip 15 Front pm as...

Страница 184: ...Differential mounhng member 10 Differential mounting plate Exploded vlew 8lO sedan rear suspensIOn 11 Suspension arm assembly 12 Shock absorber 13 SpeCIal washer 14 Shock absorber mounting bushing A 1...

Страница 185: ...Wagon and All 710 and 200SX Models I RaIse the rear axle untIl the wheels hang free Support the car on stands Sup port the rear axle WIth a floor Jack 2 Remove the spare tIre 3 Unbolt the bottom end...

Страница 186: ...spnng 6 Lower the Jack slowly and remove the sprmg Removmg shock absorber lower nut and U bolts 810 Spnng shackle bolts 7 InstallatIon IS In the reverse order of removal FlO Station Wagon I Jack up t...

Страница 187: ...on IS In the reverse order of removal 1978510 Sedan and Hatchback Models 1 RaIse the car and support It WIth Jackstands 2 Support the center of the dIfferen tIal WIth a Jack or other SUItable tool 3 R...

Страница 188: m thIS chapter DIsas sembly of the sprIngshock umt requues a spnng compressor It IS recommended that you leave thIS Job to a profeSSIOnal ALL LEAF SPRING MODELS I RaIse the rear ofthe car and suppo...

Страница 189: ...e SIde The warnmg buzzer whIch sounds when the dnver s door IS opened WIth the steenng unlocked IS located behmd the mstrument panel Steenng lock secunng screws 200SX others simi lar STEERING GEAR Rem...

Страница 190: ...g the worm shaft to the rubber couplIng 2 Remove the nut and the lock washer whIch secure the gear arm to the sector shaft Removmg the steermg gear arm With a puller 3 USIng a puller remove the steenn...

Страница 191: ...steenng assembly 1 Sector haft 2 Steenng gear housing 3 locknut 4 F U r plug 5 Sector ihaft cover 6 Sedor shaft ad lust n9 shim 7 Sector shaft adluliitlng screw 8 Worm bearing 9 Ball nut 10 Worm shoft...

Страница 192: ...sembly 2 Steenng column cover 3 Upper clamp 4 Lower clamp FI0 steenng assembly 5 Steering gear boot 6 Steenng clip 7 Column lower 10lnt assembly 8 Steenng column assembly 9 Column hole cover assembly...

Страница 193: ...back off untIl the wheelIS free ofdrag Repeat the procedure on the other adjuster bolt on the same wheel Some models may have only one adjuster bolt per wheel Bolt Adjuster With ClIck Arrangement 1973...

Страница 194: ...topper ring 4 Stopper screw 5 Stopper 6 PnmarY Plston assembly 7 PrImary piston return spring 8 Secondary piston assembly 9 Secondary piston return spnng 10 Plug II Check vdive 12 Reservolf Exploded v...

Страница 195: ...189 1 Reservoir cap 2 Filter 3 Reservoir tank 4 Stopper ring assembly 9 51 10 S opper screw econda 11 Plug ry return spring 12 Check valve cOle v U Jf D 9 e 7 r g Explod d e vIew of 810 master cyhnde...

Страница 196: ...s 2 The usual procedure IS to bleed at the po1Ots farthest from the master cylm der first 3 FIt a rubber hose over the bleeder screw Submerge the other end of the hose m clean brake flUId 10 a clear g...

Страница 197: ...p the car and remove the wheel 2 Remove the clIp s retaInIng pInS and anti squeal chps Remove the COli sprIng 3 Usmg phers pull out the pads and antI squeal shIms 4 Thoroughly clean the exposed end of...

Страница 198: ...g A Innor pIston 4 PISton 5 Piston seal JCI 9 r1 CI p 6 Brake pad 2 Spring 7 Air bleeder 3 Pin 8 Retaining flng 4 Sh m fro t brake caliper fI200and B210 n Exploded view 0 9 Boot 10 Piston B 11 CylInde...

Страница 199: ...b on the spmdle and adjust the wheel beanng 10 Insert a new seal m the cyhnder groove and attach the wIper seal Lubn cate the cyhnder bore WIth brake flUId Insert the pIston cautIously untIl the PIS t...

Страница 200: ...nded rmg portIOn comes to the bottom of the pIston PIston A has a small depreSSIOn mSlde whIle B does not 13 Lubncate the pIstons wIth clean brake flUId and msert mto the cyhnder Install the boot and...

Страница 201: and Installation 510 610 710 810 AND 200SX I RaIse the vehICle and remove the wheels 2 Release the parkmg brake DIscon nect the cross rod from the lever of the brake cylInder Remove the brake drum...

Страница 202: ...Bleeder 10 Lock plate A II Lock plate B 12 Lock plate C and D 13 Dusl cover 14 Brake shoe assembly after Exploded view of 510 610 and 710 rear bralce o 5 Exploded view of FI0 rear drum bralce 1 Dust c...

Страница 203: ...hoe assembly 9 Spring seat 4 Return spring 10 Anti rattle spring 5 Adluster o ssembly 11 RetOlner 6 Stopper pin RldI shoe Lining IS high 1 Brake diSC 2 Adluster 3 lover 4 Brake shoe assembly 5 Return...

Страница 204: prevent the pIston from commg out 4 Clean the backmg plate and check the wheel cylInder for leaks To remove the wheel cylmder remove the brake 1 Hand broke lever 2 Cable 3 Clop 4 lack plato 5 Turn...

Страница 205: ...ompensate for cable stretchmg 1 Control slem 2 Control slem bracket 3 Front cable 4 Cable lock plate 5 Center lever 6 Return spnng 7 Rear cable adJusler 8 Balance lever 9 Rear cdble 10 levIs 510 and 6...

Страница 206: ...00047 90 904 9055 0079 0059 1200 B210 5 0750 0331 o 0039 80 804 8051 0063 0059 710 58 65 0750 0331 o 0047 90 904 9055 0079 0059 FI0 5 0750 0339 o 0047 80 804 8051 0063 0039 810 5 08125 0413 o 0059 90...

Страница 207: ...bumper valance panel windshJeld Wlper blades cowl top gnlle and sdl moldmg 2 Remove the package tray 3 Remove the hmge access hole cover from the dash SIde trIm on 1200 models 4 Open the door and supp...

Страница 208: ...lly pull the panel to ward you and release the chps 4 To mstall the panel reverse the re moval procedure Hood adjustment Hood Trunk and Tailgate Alignment All ofthese panels should be alIgned m theIr...

Страница 209: ...BODY 203 r I if 15 j l l l oIIl c5c i N Dt OO ll E tl a B Qj E 0 l 8 fj I fj o o...

Страница 210: ...Ime from the tank Sedan aM Hardtop 6 DIsconnect the fuel gauge wues from the tank 7 Remove the rear seat cushIOn and back Remove the front mounong bolts 8 Remove the other two retammg bolts and hft o...

Страница 211: ...bolts secunng the fuel tank and remove the tank 6 InstallatIon IS m the reverse order of removal FlO WAGON The removal procedure IS the same as that for the sedan and hatchback How ever when removmg t...

Страница 212: ...ose 6 Evopora I 7 Filler hose 8 F lIe cap For Sport Wagon 9 Separator 10 ltmlt valve 11 Vent cleaner J8 1 Dram plug 2 Fuel outlet hose 3 Filler hOle hose Ventilation 5 FIller tube 6 FIUer neck 7 Fill...

Страница 213: ...ventIla tIon hose evaporatIon hose and outlet hose 5 Remove the tIre stopper DIscon nect the wmng from the gauge 6 Remove the four bolts secunng the fuel tank and remove the tank 7 InstallatIon IS m...

Страница 214: ...Fuel pump 7 Fuel outlet tube a Fuel return tube 9 Fuel strainer 10 Carbon canls er v II 810 sedan fuel tank 1 Fuel filler hose 2 Check valve 3 Vapor liquid separator 4 Ventilation hose 5 Fuel tank Uni...

Страница 215: ...Y 209 Fuel tonk 2 Fuel gauge tonk unit 3 Vent hose 4 Check valve 5 Fuel filler hose 6 Grommet 7 Fuel strainer 8 I uel return tube 9 Fuel outlet tube 10 evaporative tube 1978 510 sedan fuel tank and hn...

Страница 216: ...otector 9 Fuel s rol ner 10 Fuel outlet tube 11 Fuel return tube 12 Evoporatlve tube 1978510 hatchback fuel tank and hnes 1 Fuel tank 2 fuel gauge tank unl 3 Vent hose Check volve S Fuel filler hose g...

Страница 217: ...020 II 32 344 873 43 64 672 1707 1 64 016 040 23 64 359 913 II 16 6118 1746 1 32 031 079 3 8 375 953 45 64 J700 1786 3 64 047 1 19 25 64 391 992 23 32 719 1826 1 16 063 159 13 32 406 1032 47 64 734 1...

Страница 218: ...400 50 1 968 500 80 3149600 150 5905 500 400 15748000 21 826 770 51 2 007 870 81 3 188 970 155 6102350 500 19685000 22 866 140 52 2 047 240 82 3 2211 340 180 6 299 200 600 23 622 000 23 905 510 53 20...

Страница 219: ...390 J4 1110 7 tolO 60 0400 JJ 1130 6 2040 Sf 0410 32 1160 5 2055 51 O4to 31 1200 4 2090 S7 0430 JO IllS 3 mo 56 0465 29 1360 2 ttlO 55 O5to 11 1405 2210 54 O5SO 27 1440 Decimal Equivalent Size of the...

Страница 220: ...II II 14 If 11 11 11 7 I I I 11 II It It 11 11 I 4 I I II II II for capocltles under 10 quarn multiply true capacity by 3 fInd quarts An l freeu for the tnpled volume and dIVIde by 3 for quarts to add...

Страница 221: ...11 4 ltf t 4 rft p t f r lV...

Страница 222: ...specI fically to the Datsun make tune ups brake Jobs general maintenance and hundreds of other repairs routrne Ten logically divided chapters provide all the Information you need J Chapter 1 General...
