Datsun 1968-1973 510 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 245

Содержание 1968-1973 510

Страница 1: ...j y 1 10 2 and4 doOt and iftUSt eI C I II I L u l c lDQ I 1 1 to 1913 0913CUn o ...

Страница 2: ...Datsun PL 521 Pickup 11 1 Hustler 97 3 eu In ISBN 0 85696 123 X J H Haynes and Company Limited 1974 All roghts reserved No part of thIS book may be reproduced or transmitted on any form or by any means electronle or mechanoeal oneludlng photOCOPYIng recording or by any information storage or retrieval system Without permission In wtltong from the copytight holder Pnnted In England e J H HAYNES AND...

Страница 3: ...or insertIon In the cylonder But on a very few occaSIons the specIal tool IS essentl8l to prevent damage to components then theor use os descnbed Though It mIght be poSSIble to borrow the tool sueh work may have to be entrusted to the offICIal Datsun dealer To avoId labour costs a garage WIll often gIve a cheaper repaIr by fl ng dltloned assembly T o e mech n Il helped by thos book to dIagnose the...

Страница 4: ...3 r r lr W Datsun 1600 Estate North American version ...

Страница 5: ... Manual 510 195 PL510 Wagon Estate Autcmatlc 521 395 PL521 PIck up Manual The 510 saloon was flfst ontroduced to both markets late In 1968 but was not actually avaIlable In the UK untIl early the follOWIng year Produetlon has stopped of all models except for the 2 door saloon Ion USA and the p ek Jp now called LBl Hustler although It IS thought that the 510 saloon WIll soon stOp The series has bee...

Страница 6: ...op Hard top Axle shaft Heat riser Prnnary shoe Cou oter shaft Fender Freeway turnpike ete Kerosene Gas Back up Sedan Lock for valve spring retamer Cotter pm Oil pan Muffler Spmdle arm Parkmg lIght Cat s eye Wrench Valve lIfter Tang lock HIgh Whole drove Ime from clutch to axle shaft Secondary shoe Tie rod or connecting rod Wmdshleld Miscellaneous pOints An 0 1 seal IS fitted to components lubricat...

Страница 7: ......

Страница 8: ...olt 16 16 063 17 067 11 16 069 7 16 Some nuts 175 072 318 7 16 BSF 183 18 071 314 076 1 2 UNF 193 19 075 20 079 13116 082 20 8 083 7 16 1 2 BSF 211 21 0 83 7 8 088 9 16 Some nuts 224 22 087 093 1 2 9 16 BSF 236 23 0 91 15 16 094 58 UN F 23 8 24 0 945 25 0 985 I 101 256 102 9 16 5 8 BSF 259 26 1 02 11 16 107 58 Heavy UNF 272 27 106 111 58 11 16 BSF 282 28 tl0 1 1 8 113 314 UNF 287 29 114 30 118 121...

Страница 9: ... 89 Fault dIagnoSIs 93 6 Gearbox and automatic transmISSion Removal and replacement 97 Automatic transmiSSion 113 Dismantling 99 Fault diagnoSIs automat e 116 Reassembly 103 Fault diagnoSIs manuaU 119 7 Propeller shaft Removal and replacement 122 Universal Jomts 122 8 Rear axle FlRal dnve and dIfferentIal 126 Rear axle removal and replacement 131 Pinion 011 seal 129 Dlfferent al assembly 133 9 Bra...

Страница 10: ...e cannot guarantee the correctness of a part unless these relevant numbers are available The car Identification plate IS attached to the centre of the top of the bulkhead and ISvISIble when the bonnet IS fully open The car number IS stamped on a plate which also IS attached to the top of the bulkhead The engine number 1 located on the rear fight hand Side of the cylinder block When obtaining new p...

Страница 11: ...OtO disrespect of their advice to leave work undone dIsastrously long 4 When you are chocking the car If something looks wrong look It up In the appropriate ehapter If something seems to be workIng badly look In the fault finding sectIon S Always road test after a repaor and Inspect the work after It and eheck nuts ere for tIghtness eheck again after about ISO mrles need a large ordinary one a htt...

Страница 12: ...tness of all cableattachments 44 Test battery specIfIC gravIty 45 Check crankcase ventilation control valve for correct operation 46 Check correct function of transmiSSion 47 eheck operatIon and effte ency of shock absorbers Ensure mountings are secure 48 Check tIghtness of antI roil bar attachments 49 eheck tIghtness of door locks catches and honges 50 eheck front wheel alignment Datsun garagel 5...

Страница 13: ...ghly wIth a solvent Ioke Gunk allowed to soak and then very carefully hosed down Water In the wrong places partIcularly the carburettor or electrical components will do more harm than dIrt Use petrol or paraffon and a small pamt brush to elean the more onaccesslbla places 5 Waste dISposal Old 011 and cleaRIng paraffm must be destroyed Although It makes a good base for a txmflre the practice 1 dang...

Страница 14: ...lIU 011 t Stllrlngprbolll St ngglllrbox Brlk I fteA Olr Br k rew olr ClInch r rvolr Gelrbox Al ltOfMtlC tranl alon Cluteh olr Column rehln link 2 A combination drawing showing the estate and Pick up This chart Illustrates the pick up front end rear suspension plus the estate rear suspension r Anr hubt Hlncb lk IInkagn ox W ...

Страница 15: ...ft replacement 29 PIston and connectong rod reassembly 30 PIston rong replaeement 31 PISton replacement 32 ConnectIng rod to erankshaft refottong 33 Valve and valve sprong reassembly 34 Cyhnder head replaeement 35 Camshaft reflttong 36 TIming chain tenSloner and sprockets reflttong 37 Front eover drove spindle and 011 pump refttong 3B 011 straoner and sump refItting 39 Roeker arm and pIvots reasse...

Страница 16: ... taken at Thrust clearance Max thrust clearance MaIO beanng Journal diameter MaIO beanng Journal ovahty and taper Max 8 2 pints 4 7 Iotres 9 9 US pints 70 pInts 4 0 httes 8 4 US Pints Alumlnoum allow one poece 00098 In 0 25 mm 00118 In 030 mm o 0079 on 0 20 mm 00098 In 0 25 mm 0055 0071 In 140 1 80 mm 0 063 0079 In 160 200 mml 450 00031 00043 In 008 0 11 mml 00024 00039 In 006 010 mm 150 2000C 302...

Страница 17: ... 9670 1 9675 10 49961 49975 mml 0001210 003 mm H sectIon Forged steel steel shell whIte metal hned bearing 5 507 5509 10 139B7 139 93 10101 53510 1366 mml 5235 5237 10 13297 133 03 10m 00006 0002210 0014 00561010 00039 10 0 10 mml o002 10 0 060 mm 000410 0 120 mml 0010 In 10250 mm 002010 0500 mm o030 10 0 750 10m 004010 100 mm Flat top InvaT strut Slipper skirt Cast alummlum Concave top lovar stru...

Страница 18: head bolts Connectmg rod bIg end nuts IL 13 L161 IL 14 Ibfft Kgf m 434 60 23 27 32 3B 3340 45 55 101 116 14 16 3340 45 55 86 8 116 12 16 43 65 06 09 80 108 11 15 145 217 20 30 362 434 50 60 43 65 06 0 9 26 52 36 7 2 58 87 OB 1 2 87 130 12 18 86B 1157 120 160 230 32 120 16 380 52 220 30 230 32 120 17 51 72 07 10 26 29 4 5 Flywheel flxmg bolts MaIO bearing cap bolts Camshaft sprocket bolt 011 sum...

Страница 19: ...18 fl9 CroSS ct10na 1 at engIne ...

Страница 20: pump dowel 26 Crankcsse 011 snl 27 HIb her 28 Bolt 29 Clemp pacer 30 Tube clamp 31 Tube c emp 32 HOMJ clamp 33 011 cooler ho e clamp 34 Lock sp ng washer 35 Bolt 36 011 pan ga ket 37 Dreln plug 38 Drem plug wether 39 Oil pen assembly 40 Chain oil 8t 41 CrankcBStl beff e plelll 42 Crankc818 net 43 Relief yalve 44 Rear engme plelll 45 OllletfBlgau1 8 3 19 10 2 5 20 19 21 161a fA1618 1618 li16 18 ...

Страница 21: ...all end dnlhngs are located In the big ends of the rods so that the all s sqUIrted upwards Crankshaft end float IS controlled by thrust washers located at the centre maon bearon9 The PIltON are of a specIal aluminium caltm9 with strutsto control thermal expansIOn There are two compresSion and one 011 control rmg The gudgeon pm IS a hollow steel shaft whIch IS fully f10atmg In the pIston and a pres...

Страница 22: ...11 cap packmg 18 0 1 Iercap I9 Rockercovergasket 20 Rockercover 21 Nut 22 Sprmg washer 23 Engme rear slmger 24 Engme front slmger 25 Lockwashersprmg 26 Bolt 27 Front cover head gasket 28 Bolt 29 Front head cover 30 Washer 31 Cylmder head bolt 32 Cylinder head bolt 33 Cylu der head bolt 34 Cylmder head gasket 35 Stud 36 Stud 37 Stud 38 Stud 39 Cylmder head 011Jet 40 Taperplug 41 Cylinder blmd plug ...

Страница 23: ...eel bOlt 8 5 1 6 fOf autOf l at C tfan5f l Ot 4 2 23 COllllsctlllll rod 24 PlstOIl 119 set 25 Plstoll rlll9 set 26 Plstoll wIth pill 00 15 C k 98er 19 crankshaft sh 6 Fly ff dbU 1119 ff 0 8 FlywheelllSlI8mblY 140 pump geer 180 gallerv plu9 9 erenk bushm9 set 10 crallk pulley shaft ...

Страница 24: rocker 8 Valve 011 seal 9 Inner valve spnng seat 70 Valve seat 77 Rocker valve guide 72 Valve collet 13 Valve retamer 74 Valve spring 75 Valve spring 76 Exhaust valve 77 Intake valve 4 3 0 Iii 14 13 15 Q 8 iJ J 17 8 78 Bolt 79 Spring washer 20 Cham tenSion slack gUIde 21 Cham tenSion Side gUide 22 Washer 23 Bolt 24 Cham tenStoner 25 Camshaft chain 26 Fuelpump cam assembly 27 Cam gear bolt 28 ea...

Страница 25: ...ft draw rearwards to detach the spllned end from the gearbox and 11ft away from the under ude of the car 3B PosItIon a lack under the gearbox casmg and take the weight of the Unit from the rear mountings 39 Undo and remove the boIlS and spring washers that secure the rear mountmg crossmember and mountIngs The handbrake clamp WIll also haveto be detached 40 Undo and remove the bolts and washers tha...

Страница 26: ...chment It Will be necessary to fit a new mounting Always cure the cause of the 011 leak before fitting a new mounting Chock the rear wheels apply the handbrake lack up the front of the car and support on firmly based axle stands FRONT MOUNTINGS 1 Undo and remove the bolts that secure the engine mountmgs to the crossmember 2 POSition a piece of wood on the saddle of a Jack and locate under the engm...

Страница 27: ...r to the Inlet manifold Lift away the carburettor and Its gasket 9 Place a container of at least 13 Impe a pints under the radIator bottom tank and open the tap Allow the coolant to drain out 1 0 Slacken the two top hose clips and carefully detllCh the hose 1 1 SllICken the chp and detach the h ter hose from the rear of thecyhnder head 12 Disconnect the HT do at the spark plugs It IS Important tha...

Страница 28: ...IOn hole oo f DC of 00 l After adjustment Before adjustment FIgl 11 Camshaft sprocket locatIon before end after edJUltment See 13 2 U 175 L 6 S F g 1 12 Wooclen wedge dlm ons See 131 FIg1 13 Wooden IIfitted to locktiming cMln See 131 FIg1 14 RemoVIng camshaft sprocket See 13 Flg l 15 Cyhnder head bolt slackenIng sequences See 131 FIg 1 16 Spec 1 I for removal of cyh der head bohs See 13 ...

Страница 29: ...f the valve and the claw end over the valve spring retamer The SCrew 1 now turned unt 1 the two spht collars round the valve stem are fneed and can be removed I f the spring collars tend to stIck so that the compressor cannot be tIghtened tap the top of the spring whIle the clamp IS on to fneelt 2 Slacken off the compnessor and the valve springs retamers and collars will be released and can be hft...

Страница 30: ...amfold See 16 Max allowable deflection o 2 mm 0 0079 m 30 mm 1 181 m F g1 21 Valve and gUIde wear check Sac 17 29 11 FIg 1 18 Inlet and exhaust manIfolds See 161 FIg 1 20 USing spring compressor to dISmantle valve assembly Sac 17 FIg 1 22 Valve gu de flttong dImenSIons Sac 17 ...

Страница 31: an old piston ring Into the top of the bore to relt on the pIlton and ensure that carbon IS not accIdentally removed Check that there are no panIcles of carbon In the cylinder bores De carbonlsatlon IS now complete 19 001 pump removal Inspect and replacement 1 The 011 pump may be removed with the engme eIther 10 or out of the car 2 Turn the crankshaft untd the TDC mark on the crankshaft pulley ...

Страница 32: ...he car over a pIt 8 Place a contemer of at lealt 8 Impenal plOts under the engone sump dram plug Rem e the dram plug and allow the 011 to dram out RefIt the dram plug 9 Remove the cover plate from the front of the clutch haUling manual gearbox or torque converter hOUSing automatIc transmission 1 0 Refer to Chapter 11 and dIsconnect the Iteenng connectmg rod at the Idler arm and steenng box Lower t...

Страница 33: ...ay thebolt and fuel pump operating earn 27 Inspect the ca shaft sprock t an wIII see ha ere are three tlmmg marks on the outer radiUS These marks are IdentIfied by the numbers 1 2 and 3 and correspond 109 numbers are stamped also on the sprocket bOss opposIte the three cam shaft dowel 10catmg holes These marks and addItIonal dowel locatmg holes are used to compensate for chain stretch 28 To check ...

Страница 34: ...sprocket See 22 FIg 1 29 Camshaft thrust plate Sac 22 FIg1 31 Removal of tlmmg chain tensloner and gUIdes See 221 FIg 1 32 Wrthdrawmg crankshaft sprocket See 221 Front Front Rear I FIg 1 33 Correct f tment of front and rear crankshaft 011 seals F g 1 34 Usmg hammer handle to push p ston and connectIng rod Sac 221 assembly through top of be ra See 231 ...

Страница 35: ... that each ring gIves a clearance In the pIston groove accordmg to specIfIcatIons If the gap IS too great new c pIstons and rings will be reqUIred If Datsun spares are used However mdependent speclahst producers of pIstons and rmgs can normally proVIde the rings reqUired separately If new Datsun pmons and rings are being obtained It will be necessary to have the ridge ground away from the top of e...

Страница 36: ...t fltment of piltonrings Sac 241 FIg 1 39 Measurement of pIston fIt 10 cylinder bore Sac 24 35 Fig 1 36 Measurement of rn lgSide clearance In piston rll1g groove See 24 FIg 1 38 Use of Mercer gauge to measure bore r See 241 FIg 1 40 Slackening sequence for crankshaft maInbearing cap bolts Sac 25 ...

Страница 37: ...e top of the tlmmg chain Drrlhngs pass ad from the gallery to the camshaft bearings 011 that IS upphed to number 2 and 3 camshaft bearmgs IS passed to the rocker arm valve and cam lobe by two drrlhng mSlde the camshaft and small drrlhnllm the om e Circle of each cam The ad pressure relief valve IS located 10 the ad pump cover and IS designed to control the pressure In the system to a maximum of 80...

Страница 38: ...lSac 25 FIg 1 43 Useof specl8l tool to remove rear bearing end cap FIg 1 44 Removal of crankshaft rear 001 I See 251 Sac 251 ylmder block 20 to 25 mm ro 787 to 0 984 In J Nj f41fl PUlnt to be Jpplled sealdnt Rear maIO beanng cap FIg 1 46 Apply Ier to the rear main bearIng cap and cyhnder block Sec 29 J F gl 45 Engine lubricatIon system lSee 271 F g 1 47 Check ng crankshaft end float Sac 29 ...

Страница 39: ...on and fit a ring compressor or a Jubilee clrp of SUitable diameter and shim steel 5 As each piston IS mserted IOto Its bore ensure that It IS the co ct on connectm Lod ssemj ly Jo hat I c u r bore that the connectmg rod s the right way round and that the front of the piston IS towards the front of the bore Lubricate the bore and piston well with engme 011 6 The pIston WIll shde IOta the bore only...

Страница 40: ...ssembly Into bore See 32 39 OIl hole F g 1 49 Correct poslt omng of pISton on connectIng rocl See 301 FIg 1 51 Tlghtemng connectIng rod and cap securong nutS See 33 FIg 1 52 Usmg fealer gauge to determIne by each side play See331 FIg 1 53 T ghtemng order for cylrnder head bolts ISee 351 ...

Страница 41: ...WIth the two bolts and sprong washers 9 Refit the second woodruff key to the crankshaft nose and shde on the worm drove gear Replace the 0 1 shnger httm9 It the conect way round as was noted dunng d smanthng 10 Well lubncate the tlmmg cham sprockets tensloner shpper pad and cham YUille 38 Front cover dnve splndla and 001 pump refitting 1 Wipe the mating faces of the front cover and cyhnder block 2...

Страница 42: ...ged 4 WIpe the mating faces of the aankshaft and flywheel or adaptor plate 5 Offer up the flywheel or adaptor platel to the crankshaft and secure WIth the fIVe bolts whIch should be tIghtened to a torque wrench settmg of 76 0 Ib ft 10 5 kg fml 43 CrankcaseventilatIon system The closed type of aankcase ventilatIon system fitled to models covered by thIS manual draws air from the air deaner and pass...

Страница 43: the engme and walt a few mmutes to see If any lubricant or coolant IS drlppmg out when the engme IS stat lon ary B Road test the car to check that the tIming IS correct and gIVIng the necessary smoothness and power Do not race the engme when new bearings andor pistons and rmgs have been fitted t should be treated as a new engIne and run In at reduced revolutions forthe first 500 miles BOO kml ...

Страница 44: ...1 being lost due to leaks Worn pistons and cylinder bores ExceSSive piston rlOg gap allowmg blow by Leakmg 011 filter leaking rocker cover gasket Leaking front cover gasket Leakmg sump gasket andor plug See remedIes under ENGINE TURNS OVER RefIll tank check cap Check Jets fIlter and needle valve 10 float chamber for blockage Check and lighten as necessary at spark plug and d ltrlbutor cap ends Che...

Страница 45: ... kg cm21 whIch IncreaSM the bolhng pomt of the coolant to 2300F ILt wate el11ll8 8tu e exceeds thIS fIgure and the water bolls Preuurlsed system assllted by pump and fan 1 41 gallons 6 4 htres 1 7 US gallons Wax pellet Top water outlet on cylmder head 820C 18ooFI 8BOC t900F 7650C HOOF I 870C 18goF 930C 199oF 81 50C 117goFl above 0315 10 IS mml at 950C 12030Fl above 0315m 810101 at 1000C 2120Fl abo...

Страница 46: ...or re use 3 Open the dram plug at the bottom of the radIator Also remove the engme dram plug on the right hand Side of the cylinder block When a heater 15 fItted move the heater temp erature control to the hot position 4 When the water has finished runnmg probe the Orifices With a short pieceof wire to dISlodge any particles of rust or sediment wh ch may be causmg a blockage 5 I t IS Important to ...

Страница 47: shroud IS fItted undo and remove the four bolts that secure theshroud to the radIator Move the shroud rearwards 6 Undo and remove the four bolts and washers that secure the radIator to the SIde supports 7 The radiator may now be lifted upwards and away from the engine compartment 8 LIft the radIator shroud If fItted away from the fan blades and remove from the engine compartment 9 WIth the rad...

Страница 48: ... prOVided the Summer one IS stilI functioning correctly It can be placed on one Side and refitted In the Spnng Thermostats should last for two to three years before renewal becomes deSirable FIg 2 3 Removal of gasket and thermoltat See 71 8 Water pump removal end replacement Dram the coohng syltem as deSCribed 10 SectIon 2 2 When a fan shroud IS fItted undo and remove the four bolts that secure th...

Страница 49: washer to Bolt 11 Water pump gasket 12 Walllrpumpseat 13 Water pump hub 14 Walllr pump bearing 15 Water pump bearing 16 Waterpump seal 17 Water pump vane 18 Water pump body 19 Water pump assembly FIG 2 6 AL TERNATIVE WATER PUMP ASSEMBLY 21 1 Fan 2 80lt 3 Gasket 4 Pump andpulley assembly 7 Seal and Wire set 5 Spring washer B Bearing and seal set 6 80lt 9 Water pump and clutch assemblyJ ...

Страница 50: WIre 4 Seat assembly 5 Seal assembly 6 Bearmg assembly 7 Fan belt 8 Bolt 9 Fan lock washer 10 Coolmg fan 11 Fan clutch assembly 12 Fan pulley 13 Lock washer 14 Bolt 15 Bolt 16 Wstof pump flJung bolt 17 Lock W8 her 18 Kloter pump fxmg bolt 19 WatBf pump gssk8t FI9 2 8 Fluid couphng type water pump ...

Страница 51: ...enSIon IS correct when there IS 0 3 0 5 lOch 8 12 mm of lateral movement at the mId pomt poSItIon of the belt run between the alternator and fan pulley 3 To adjUst the fan belt slacken the alternator secUring bolts and move the alternator 10 or out until the correct tension 1 obtained It IS eaSIer If the alternator bolts are only slackened a little so It requires some effort to move the alternator...

Страница 52: ...e opening of valve Thermostat miSSing Loose clipS on water hoses Top or bottom water hoses perished and leakmg Radiator core leaking Thermostat gasket leak 109 Pressure cap spring worn or seal meffectlve SIown cylmder head gasket Pressure In system forcmg water steam down overflow pIpe Cylinder wallar head cracked Top up radiator TIghten fan belt to recommended tensIon or replace If worn I Reverse...

Страница 53: ... Ir pump servlcong 26 Antl backfll 8 valve testmg 27 Check valve testmg 28 Air mJ8Ctlon gallery and nozzles removal and replacement 29 SpecIal engone mocllflcatlons general descroptlon 30 Dual contact breaker point u3tnbutor 31 EvaporatlV8 control system 32 Fault diagnosIS carburatlon only 33 SpeclficetKlns Fuel pump Type Pump pressure DelIVery rate Carburetlor Type L13 L14 L16 Mechanically operat...

Страница 54: ... 680rl0 150 130 160 150 Air pump Make Model CapacIty Pulley ratIo Relief valve opening pressure Hltach ECP 140 140cc 118 103 10 10 Hg 254 10m Hg Flow gu cle valve Make Model Opening pressure HItachI FGA 2 or FGA 1 04mHg 10mmHg Check valva Make Model Opening pressure HItachI CV 27 2 5 gO In Hg 0 15 10m Hg AntI bac kf re valve Make Type Model Duration time Duration pressure HItachI Gulp AV 4 18 1519...

Страница 55: ...front cover and a Ml tachl or Nikki carburettor A renewable paper element air deaner IS fitted as standard The fuel pump draws petrol from the fuel tank and dehvers It to the carburettor m ta lat oo The level of petrol 10 the carburettor IS controlled by a float operated needle valve Petrol flows past the needle unt l the float nses SUffICIently to close the valve The pump will then free wheel und...

Страница 56: ...let valves and then undo and remove the valve retainer secUring screw Lift away the retainer Inlet and outlet valves and small seals 7 F mally unscrew the two p pe connectors from the SIde of the upper body 8 To remove the 011 seal from the lower body note whIch way round It IS f tted and then pnse t out wrth a screwdriver 9 Carefully examme the dIaphragm for sIgns of sphttmg or cracking and obtai...

Страница 57: ...IS controlled by a Sj 8C1B1 dIaphragm one SIde of whIch IS open to the atmosphere and the other SIde connected through a small drllhng to air JeU In both the primary and secondary systems When induction depression IS Increased at the ventUrl5 the dIaphragm IS pulled agamlt Its spring and to the secondary throttle valve vIa a linkage from the d18phragm The secondary throttle valve now comes Into op...

Страница 58: ... let 18 Slow let 19 IslI ow air bleed 20 P Mam alf bleed 21 P Mam nozzle 22 P Small venturi 23 Choke valve 24 Float 25 Float valve G FIg38 Fuel flow et full throttle low 1 P Vacuum Port 2 So Vacuum Port 3 Diaphragm chambercover 4 Diaphragm spring 5 Diaphragm 6 So Throttle valve 7 P Throttle valve 8 Vacuum pilton 9 Power let 3 5 0 7 7r J 6 2 1 FIg 3 9 Fuel flow at full throttle hIgh speed Q tn7n 1 ...

Страница 59: ...asket The spacer and float may now be removed from the chamber 18 Undo and remove the three screws whIch secure the secon dary throttle vacuum chamber assembly to the carburettor maIO body Detach the assembly from the maIO body and recover the gasket 19 Should It be necessary to dIsmantle the vacuum chamber undo and remove the three screws on the outer cover Carefully part the two halves of the as...

Страница 60: ...t chamber cover glass removed Invert the carburettor and allow the float seat to rest against the needle valve 4 If the carburettor IS on the Inlet manifold 11ft the float With the fingers until the needle valve IS closed 5 Bend the float tab gently usmg a pair of long nosed pliers until the upper face of the float IS In a honzontal pOSition 6 With the carburettor m the normal fitted pOSition allo...

Страница 61: ...JUst comes IOta contact With the actuating lever lug on theprimary throttle shaft 5 Check the adlustment by wtthdrawmg the gauge rod clOSing both throttle valves and then gradually open the primary throttle valve vIa the throttle lever unt l the secondary throttle valve s JUst permitted to open When 10 thIS posItIon the gauge rod should lUst slot between the pnmary throttle valve and the promery t...

Страница 62: ...ut 3 Dash pot I 4 Throttle lever 5 Throttle valve 3 l I L J I s I A FIG 324 ADJUSTMENT OF FAST IDLE OPENING SEC 151 1 Choke lever 2 Crank rod 3 Choke arm 4 Choke valve 5 Starting lever 6 Throttle arm 7 Throttle valve FIg 3 25 M urement of fest Ue 0 0109 See 15 L Flg 3 26 Engine Idle adJustment See 151 1 Throttle adjustment screw 2 Idle adjustment screw om ...

Страница 63: ...ble With engtne ad to ensure free move ment 19 Fuel tank removal and replacement 510 models Saloon Remove the rear seat cushIon and backrelt 2 Remove the seat back trim panel securing screws and hft away the trimpanel 3 Open the boot hd and remove the rear tnm panel securing screws L ftaway the trim panel 4 Make a note of the electrical cable connectIons to the fuel tank sender umt and detach from...

Страница 64: ...y TO 1 Shim 2 Rubber grommet 3 Nylon cltp 4 Breather tube 5 Breather tube 6 Breather tube 7 Plam washer 8 Hbolt with washer 9 Tank reservolf asrembly 10 Rubberplug 11 Fuel tank sender Unit earth plate 12 Spong washer 13 Plam washer 14 Hbolt 15 Fuel tank sender Unit lockplate 16 0 rmg 17 Fuel tank render Unit lB Flllercappackmg 19 Fillercap ersembly 20 Hose clamp 21 Hose clamp 22 Fuel tank fl er ho...

Страница 65: ...p 7 ReservOir pipe assembly B Fuel tank to crankcase hose 9 FleXible hose 70 FleXible hose 17 FleXIble hose 72 Breather tube assembly 13 Breather tube 74 Breather tube 75 Breather t be 76 Breather tube 71 Breather tube lB Breather tube 19 Breather tube 20 Screw 27 Spring wa her 22 Tank reservoir assembly 23 Sender Unit lockmg plate 24 Fuel tank sender Unit 25 Sender Unit 0 rmg 26 Filler neck packi...

Страница 66: ...the umt at the connector SWItch on the Igmtlon and the gauge should read Empty Now connect the lead to earth and the gauge should read Full Allow 30 seconds for each readmg 5 If both the sltuetlons are correct then the fault hes In the sender umt 6 If the gauge does not read Empty With the wIre dIS connected from the sender Unit the wire should then also be dIsconnected from the gauge to the sende...

Страница 67: ...ould the manIfold pressure be greater than the pump InJectIon pressure I t IS des gned to close agamst the exhaust manifold pressure should the air pump fall as a result for example of a broken drive bett To p nt rI t exhaust sy the throttle IS closed at h gh speed and a coasting condItIon eXIstS a specla anti backfire valve IS fitted benveen the mlet mamfold and air delivery hne ThIS valve supphe...

Страница 68: ...fr1 Fig 3 33 Crankcase emiSSion control components i I FIG 3 34 ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL COMPONENTS 1 Reltef valve 2 Aff pump 3 Check valve 4 Anf backf e valve ...

Страница 69: ...heck hr F 803 35 Layout of aorInjectIOn system Nozzle Vapour vent line PoIRlVe ling uelcap Flow guide vaNe hhe varvl opens when the pl lSIUre ISO 0 41 fig PCV valve Fig 3 36 OperatIOn of emiSSion control system Fuel tank J ...

Страница 70: ... 37 The emISSIOn control system saloon end estata car models wrth manusl gearbox Toddtrlbutor T Battery 1 clod M1wr point Spe I switch c rburettor rc i Tfwo Mrtch Switch dneetlng clo tlrottl poSItion III I Switch cWteetlng Wide optn tlwottle polltlOn Fig 3 38 The emiSSion control system saloon and estate car models with automatic transmiSSIon ...

Страница 71: ... check valve may flutter or VIbrate at engme u lle speeds Should thiS be the case It qUIte normal 7 To remove the check wive detach the air supply hose from the check valve 8 Unscrew the check valve from the air gallery flange takmg extreme care not to distort the air gallery 9 Rehttmg IS the reverse quence to removal TIghten the valve to a torque wrench setting of 76 Ib f ft 10 5 kg fm 29 Au InJe...

Страница 72: ... connectlonl The reason for thiS IS that the functIOn of the exhaust emission control system IS dependent on the effICIent operatIon of all parts of the system and If one fault occurs It can fact give symptoms of another fault Without expenence of any emiSSion control system and no test equipment trou e shootlOg IS Virtually Imposslbte 32 EvaporatIve control system The system comproses the followm...

Страница 73: ...the carburenor CI and fuel tank F aperture 4 Apply air pressure to the carburetlor aperture and air pressure should be felt at thecrankcase and fuel tank SIdes of the valve Fuel tank vapour hquld separator and vapour vent lone To carry out tests for effICIent sealing requIres the use of a manometer As thiS type of equipment IS not usually found amongst the belongmgs of a d I y motorost no further ...

Страница 74: ... and re gap Check tyre pressuresand mflete of necessary Remove and replace With correct Units Check and edjult brakes Remove petrol cap and clean out elrvent Remove and clean filters Remove and clean out float chamber and needle valve as ll lT1bly Remove and overhaul or fIt new fuel pump Remove and overhaul or fIt new fuel pump Remove end overhaul or fIt new fuel pump Remove and overheul or thorou...

Страница 75: ...ell angle POInts gap Contact spring tension Shaft lower dameter Inner hOUSing diameter Clearance between shaft and hOUSIng Repair hmlt of clearance Shaft upper dameter Carn Inner diameter Clearance between shaft and cam WeIght pIVOt d ameter WeIght hole dameter Clearance between PIVOt and hole TORQUE WRENCH SETTING Spark plugs NKG BP 6E ChampIon M14 19 N4 07510 1910101 05510 14 mm 0031 003510 08 0...

Страница 76: ...ey are the cap will have to be renewed 2 Push 10 the carbon brush located 10 the top of the cap once or tWice to make sure that It moves freely 3 Gently prase the contact breaker pomts open to examme the condItIon of their faces If they are rough pItted or dirty It WIll be necessary to remove them for resurfacing or for replacement pOInts to be fItted 4 Presummg the pOints are seusfactory or that ...

Страница 77: ...TRIBUTOR ROTOR HEAD SPARK PLUG Fig41 allgrammatic t otion of ognrtKln system CJrCUrt FIG 4 2 CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW OF SINGLE CONTACT BREAKER SET DiSTRiBUTOR S de plug 2 Cap 3 Go nor ght 4 Hou mg 5 Shaft 6 ConrJenser 7 Breaker plate contact 8 Rotor head 9 Centre carbon bru h ...

Страница 78: ...lalrl 3 Condenser 4 Screw 5 Vacuum control 6 DlStTlbutor cap assembly 7 Rotor head assembly B Termmal assembly 9 Screw 10 Pomt set screw Lead Wire assembly 12 Earth wife assembly 13 Contact pomt assembly 14 Breaker assembly 15 Shaft couplmg assembly 16 Screw 17 Com essembly IB GOll8rnor sprmg 19 GOll8rnor gfrt assembly 20 Thrust washer 21 Shaftasambly 22 DIstributor cap clamp ...

Страница 79: ...or head assembly 10 Lead wrre assembly 3 I I Lead Wire assembly 12 Contact set 13 Earth wire assembly 14 Breaker plate assembly 15 Collarset 16 Cam assembly set 17 Governor sprmgset 18 Governor weight 19 Thrust washer set 20 Shaft B sembly set Fill 47 Contact breaker pams attach ments See 3 I grew 2 Adjuster F 9 48 Remova of contact breaker poUlts a mb y 3 Primary Jead term l1al SIngle set type Se...

Страница 80: ...are applicable to the slOgle contact breaker pOints type distributor The twin contact breaker pOints type IS however baSically Similar Therefore If these instructions for the latter type dlstrlbutor are followed the reader will fmd that most of the content of thiS SectIon IS applicable 1 With the distributor removed from the car and on the bench remove the distributor cap and 11ft off the rotor ar...

Страница 81: ...rhaul or other reasons flm turn the crankshaft until number 1 piston IS on the compression stroke 2 Turn the crankshaft further untIl the pomter IS 10 line WIth the extreme left hand mark on the pulley when ookmg at It from the front of the engme 2 3 7 4 FIG 413 CORRECT SETTING OF GOVERNOR SPRING AND CAM SEC 91 t Governor weight 2 Clearance forstart and end of ad nclng angle 3 Rectangular hook 4 G...

Страница 82: ... by hand The machme WIll also test the condItIon of the plugs under compression Any plug that falls to spark at the recom mended pressure should be renewed 8 The spark plug gap IS of consIderable Importance as If It IS too large or too small the size of the spark and Its effiCiency will be seriously Impaired The spark plug gap should be set to 0 031 o 035 lOch 0 8 0 9 10m for the best results 9 To...

Страница 83: ...way due to wrong heat value or chronic pr8 gnlllon ponk ng Mild white deposits and electrode burnt mdlC atmg too weak a fuel mixture Broken porcelain insulation due to bent central electrode Excessive black depoSits caused by ove rlch mixture or wrong heat value Plug In sound condition With light greYish brown depoSits ...

Страница 84: ...e plugs by dlsconnectmg each plug lead In turn at the spark plug end and holdmg the end of the cable about 0 188 lOch 4761010 away from the cylmder block Spm the engme on the 1480lt 15 Gasker 76 0 ring 17 Spring washer 18 Screw 19 Dltflbutor support 20 D stn butor assembly 21 Plam washer 22 Spring washer 23 Screw 24 ReSIstance 25 Igmtlon COil Starter motor by pressing the rubber button on the star...

Страница 85: cracked Or the points may have burnt away govlng too WIde a gap for the spark to Jump Worse stIli one of the POints may have broken off Either renew the plug or clean It reset the gaP and then test It 5 If there IS no spark at the end of the plug lead or If It IS weak and intermittent check the Ignition lead from the distributor to the plug If the InsulatIon IS damaged renew the lead Check conn...

Страница 86: ...embly thIckness Free Compressed Number of torsIon springs MIOImum depth of rivet head from surface Allowable free play of splme at outer edge of dISC Allowable facmg run out Clutch cover 510 moclels Pressure spring Free length F tted length F tted load Allowable minimum spnng force Clutch cover 521 models Cover type DIaphragm spring to flywheel Spring load Clutch I 510 models Pedal heIght RHD LHD ...

Страница 87: ...ose WIth the WOrkmg InSIde the car carefully WIthdraw theclutch pedal to conventIonal sprong clutch do Further InformatIon WIll be found pushrod cleVIS pm sprmg pm The cotter pin may now be Wlth In lon drawnfltlm the pushrod yoke S1ava cyhnder D ameter Pressure plate Allowable refacmg hmlt Adjustment 510 moclelsl Clutch lever clearance TORQUE WRENCH SETTINGS Clutch to flywh8l1 510 models 521 model...

Страница 88: ...rt 14 Lock nut 15 Release lever seat 16 Release lever 17 Pressure sprmg retamer 18 Pressure sprmg 15 19 Eye bolt pm 20 Pressure plate bolt 21 Pressure plate 22 Clutch cover 23 Clutch assembly 24 Clutch diSC 8 14 FIG 52 COMPONENT PARTS OF DIAPHRAGM SPRING TYPE CLUTCH 1 Hexagonal nut 2 Push nut 3 Return spring 4 Dust cover 5 Holder spring 6 Release beanng 7 Clutch sleeve 8 Retamer sprmg 9 Lock washe...

Страница 89: ...88 mm E E r N o A B FIg 5 3 Clutch cover assembly COl SprIng type FIg 5 4Clutch cover assembly dIaphragm SprIng tYpe ...

Страница 90: ...ver assembly or he flywhael Cantfully make a note of wIloch way round It Isfitted 6 I t IS Important that no 011 or lJI 88M gall on the dutch dISC frICtIon IinlnB or tha preIIUnt plate and flywheel faces It II advIsable to handla tha parts with dean hands and to wipe down the pressure plata and flywheel fec8 with e dean dry rag befont Inspection or ntf ottlng commences 6 To refit the dutch plate p...

Страница 91: ... dISC IS bemg fItted It IS false economy not to renew the release bearing at the same tIme ThIS will preclude havIng to replace It at a later date when wear on the clutch hnlngs IS very small 3 Examme the clutch dISC frictIon IIn ngs for wear or loose rivets and the diSC for nm dIstortion cracks and wornsplmes 4 It IS always belt to renew the clutch driven plate as an assembly to preclude further ...

Страница 92: ...ching a rubber tube to the slave cyhnder bleed nIpple Undo the nIpple by approxImately three quarters of a turn and then pump the flUId out IOta a SUItable contamer by operating tha clutch pedal Note that the pedal must be held 10 agaInst the floor at the completIon of each stroke and the bleed nipple t ghtened before the pedal IS allowed to return When thepedal has returned to Its normal posItIon...

Страница 93: ... port at the bottom of the bore IS clear by pokIng gently WIth a pIece of wIre 8 As the e are refltl o the cyh der bo a e surelh t they are thoroughly wetted with dean hydrauhc flUId 9 Refit the valve seal to the end of the valve and shde on the spnng seat 10 Fit the seal to the poston 10 thet1lla hp faces away from the main pen of the piston 11 Aaemble the spnng to the valve end sprIng seat and t...

Страница 94: ...rew 3 If small amounts of 011 get onto theclutch they will be burnt off under the heat of the clutch engagement and 10 theprocess gradually darken the IInmgs ExcessIve allan the clutch will burn off leavmg a carbon dePOSIt whIch can cause qUIte bad clutch slip or fIerceness spIn and Judder 4 If clutch slop IS suspected and confIrmatIon of thIS condItion IS required there are several tests whIch ca...

Страница 95: ...ston seal 5 If thase poInts are checked and found to be 10 order then the fault hes Internally In the clutch and It will be necessary to remOl e theclutch for exammatlon 18 Clutlh udde 1 Clutch Judder IS a self evIdent condItIon whIch OCCurs when the gearbox or engine mountmgs are loose or too flexIble When there IS all on the face of the clutch frictIon plate or when the clutch pressure plate has...

Страница 96: ...fety SWItch adjustment Carburettor and downshIft cable adjustment Carburettor and downshIft cable renewal Automatic transmission fault diagnOSIS Fault dIagnosIS manual gearbox 16 17 lB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SpecIfIcatIOns 12 13 14 15 Type L 13 L 14andL 16 Synchromesh 3 speed gearbox RatiO Top 2nd 1st Reverse Mamshaft end float Laygear end float Reverse Idler gear end float Mamshaft r...

Страница 97: ...edIate to hllJh Klckdown Low to Intermed ate I ntermedl8te to hIgh Downstllft speeds klckdown HIgh to Intermediate HIgh to low RatIOS Low Intermed ate 2401 1451 Coverter range AutomatIC transmISSIon capacIty TORQUE WRENCH SETTINGS Manual gearbox Reverse hght tch Gearbox to angone bolts I nput shaft front cover ExtenSIon housmg bolts Cover bolts Dram plug AutomatIC transmISSIon FIller tube adaptor ...

Страница 98: ...rred through a strlkmg rod to special gates whIch are located on the shaft rods Movement IS then via shift forks In contact With the synchronrser sleeves 2 Gearbox removal and replacement 1 The procedure for removIng the three and four speed gearboxes IS baSically mdentlcal With the exception of diS connecting the gear change lever 2 The best method of removmg the gearbox IS to separate the gearbo...

Страница 99: ...change hnkage Sec 21 stem pr8 5llencer See 21 Flg 67 DISCOnnectIng clutch slave cyhnder See 2 FIg 6 6 Locetlon of control Itches See 21 7 Neutral gear Wltr h 2 Tran mlsslon Wltrh 3rdgear 3 Reverse gear wltrh FIG 68 GEARBOX MOUNTING ATTACHMENTS SEC 21 Rear extenSItJfl mounting boIlS 2 Rear engme mountmg boIlS ...

Страница 100: the cover plate to the maIO casmg LIft away the cover plate and gasket 5 Undo and remove the speedometer pmlon assembly retalnmg bolt and lockplate from the extensIOn housmg 6 WIthdraw the speedometer p nlon assembly 7 Undo and remove the bolts and sprmg washers that secure the extension housmg to the maIO casing The extensIOn housmg may now be drawn rearwards from the malO casing Recover t...

Страница 101: ...tIonal VI of 3speed gearbox 31 FIg6 11 Clutch wtthdrawallever and 18818 bea II See 31 Fog 13 Ra 1 of croashaft See 31 F g 12 Ra 1 of rsar axtlInsIOn hoUllng I8CIlrong bolts See 31 FIg6 14 Ramoval of Iaygear clulter See 31 ...

Страница 102: ... malnshaft gear assembhes See 31 Flg 6 19 USing c chp phersto rei 2nd end 3rd gee hub c chp Sac 51 101 FIg6 16 Removal of IntBrlock plug See 31 FIg6 1 B Removal of Input sheft See 3 F g 6 20 Removal of 2nd end F g6 21 Removal of malnshan 3rd gear hub See 5 2nd gear See 61 ...

Страница 103: ...ball bearong Sac 51 FIg 624 Check baulk rlng for wear by rockIng See 6 F g 6 23 Lrftlng away maUl shaft gear 8188mbly See 51 FIg625 Cross SICt on of synchromesh unit See 71 Synchromesh sleell8 2 Sau k rmg 3 Spread sprmg 4 Synchromser hub 5 Insert FIg 6 26 Frttmg ShIftIng nserts to synchromesh hub See 71 ...

Страница 104: ...Sac 71 Flg 6 28 FItting r sprong DlB t See 71 V G Flg 629 2nd and 3rd gear synchromesh snap ring replace nt Sac 71 FIg 6 30 FIttIng the Q hub to 1 st goar Sac 7 reassembled with their orlgmal or IdentIcal new parts 2 The pIpes on the shdmg keys are offset and mult ba assembled to both hubs so that the offset IS towards the sp goted end of the hub 3 One slotted key IS assembled to each hub for loca...

Страница 105: ...shaft forks on the synchronlser sleeves 8 Carefully slIde the 11t reverse shift rod through the maIO casIng and shIft fork to dIslodge the dummy shaft and allow the detent bell to engage on the centre detent of the shIft rod 9 Refit the Interlock plunger IntO the case so as to abut the litreverse shIft rod 10 Shde the 2nd top shift rod through the hole In the maIR casmg and shIft fork untIl the ce...

Страница 106: ... change rods as necessary at the adJultlng nuts located above and below the trunnIons 14 G rbox d anthng 14 speedl 1 Refer to Secbon 3 paragraphs 1 3 nduslve 2 Undo and remove the retaining bolt and lockplate that retains the speedometer pan Ion assembly In the extenSIon hOUSIng WIthdraw the speedometer ptnlon assembly 3 Usmg a paor of clrchp phe remove the clrchp and clevIS pm that holds the Itrl...

Страница 107: ...everie S l meutral ad Rev 1st sh ft r I hne Hand lever r mi ll i 3rd N I 3m n2 d 3rd s ft lever J Steering gear center Lower bracket f Trunm n tf Rev 1st sluft lever 1st ChaSSIS grease Apply grease to the pomts shown by when reassembling FIg 8 35 3 speed column gearchange hnkage RHO See 12 cen ...

Страница 108: ...FIG 6 3B LOWER BRACKET REMOVAL SEC 121 FIg639 Removal of rear eXl on hou ng See 141 1 Securmg bolt 2 Lower bracket 3 Control rod attachments F U 640 cross sectIonal vIew of 4 speed gearbox See 141 ...

Страница 109: ...Spring wowr 21 Bolt 22 Spring washer 23 80lt 24 SWltrh 26 Dram plug assembly 26 Dram plug mbly 27 Spnng washer 28 Bottom coverhexagonalbolt 29 80ttom colier gaskBt 30 Bottom cover 31 Sprmg woshflr 32 Bolt 33 Bearmg ratflmer 34 Dowel pm 35 Sprmg wolhflr 37 80lt 3B Extflnlon gasket 39 Extenllon bUlh ng 40 8reatherassembly 41 Rear ex enl on houlmg leal 42 Rear eX ellllon haUlfig 43 Spring WOIher 44 F...

Страница 110: ...t needle beanng 18 Secondgear asrembly 19 Mam haft needle bearmg 20 Couplmg Ieeve 21 Synchronl e hub 22 Spread pnng 23 Shlftmg msert 24 Baulk rmg 25 Mam aft flflt gear 26 Mam aft bulhmg 27 Mam rhaft needle beenng 28 Thrust womer 29 Steel ball 30 Mam rhaft 31 Mam dnve nap nng 32 Mam dnve rpacer 33 Mam drtve bBarlng 34 Mam dnve gear 35 Thrun W81her 36 Thru t walher 37 Needle bBarmg auembly 38 Counte...

Страница 111: 4 Controlsprmg 5 Control erm bushmg 6 Control wa her 7 Control ermpm 8 0 rmg 9 Stnkmg pm Fie6 44lntar v of main caSIng See 141 20 Strlkmg rod 2 Retammg pm 22 Check spring 23 Reverse check bell 24 Return prmg 25 Relf8nlJ forlc pm 26 Rolled pm 27 Reverse sh ftfork 28 RlW8nB fork rod 29 3rd end 4th sh ftfork 30 3rd and 4th forlc rod 3 Sf and 2nd sh ftfork 32 Sfand 2nd fork rod 33 Control 0 rmg 34 ...

Страница 112: ...2 Shde off the 3rdtop gear synchronlser and 3rd gear complete WIth needle roller bearings 3 Note that a baulk ring IS located on both ends of the synchronlser 4 Undo and remove the nut and lockplate from therear of the mamshaft ThIS has already been slackened off 5 W thdraw the speedometer drive gear and ball bearing 6 The reverse gear and sphned hub may now be WIthdrawn from the mamshaft 7 Place ...

Страница 113: ...dle roller bearmg onto the mamshaft sp got Make sure that the notches In the baulk ring locate over the synchronlser shIft plate ends 19 Shde the synchronoser sleeves Into gear uSIng a screwdriver SO as to lock the malnshaft and tIghten the end nut to a torque wrench settmg of SO Ibf ft 11 Kg Fml 20 Lock thanut by bendmg over the lockplate tab 21 Return the synchronoser sleeves to the neutral posI...

Страница 114: ... and negative terminals 4 Refer to Chapter 10 and remove the starter motor 5 Place a large container under the dram plug remove the dram plug and allow all the flUId to dram out Refit the dram plug If the car has recently been driven take care because the flUId WIll be very hot and can easily burn 6 D sconnect the filler tube and the dIpstIck from the trans miSSion casing and remove 7 When an 011 ...

Страница 115: ...ntpmlOn carnsr 12 Rmg gear and output shaft 13 Forward sun gear and shaft 15 Short planet pmlon 16 Long planet pmlon 17 Reveroe sun gear s I a n 4 6 Ii p 0 9 o t F 1O FIG 6 53 MAIN COMPONENTS OF EXTERNAL CASING WITH TORQUE CONVERTER ISEC 22 1 Torque converter 2 Oilpan 3 Downshift cable 4 Cbnverterhounng 5 Stone guard 6 Dipstick tube adaptor 7 Case assembly 8 Rearextension hOUSing 9 Inhibitor SWitc...

Страница 116: ...t In senes With termmals 2 and 4 a battery and earth 6 Slowly screw the safety swItch on untIl the reverse light test lamp goes out Mark the switch and transmiSSion case pOSitions 7 Now continue to screw the sWitch In until the starter test light comes on and agam mark the switch and transmiSSion case positiOns 8 Screw the switch out until a pomt mid way between the previOUsly made marks IS reache...

Страница 117: ...lug Allow all the transmISSIon flUid to drain out Refit the drain plug Teke care If the engIne has been run recently as the flUId will be very hotand can burn 3 Undo and remove the 011 pan secunng bolts and washers and 11ft away the pan and gasket A new gasket will be required on reassembly 4 DIsconnect the Inner cable from the throttle linkage 5 Undo and remove the outer cable adjusting locknut a...

Страница 118: ...t lb late on o r I L 9 t leVer Selee ter Mole 7 trOke Ma 0 r P L 1 0 J I 1 I f I v nu t V eat ce tlO ing g JJ Steer Z 1on tal hue p V f O S O 5 g 2 S 6 t lb select le l a u 2 t9 10 In f 1I651 AutO t C tran lectOr l ni a118 ...

Страница 119: ...I fP I Il3 Shp 2 I Shp 32 1 67 a 4 3 9 2 Roup 2 1 3 2 1 Roucb I 3 4 2 6 7 8 BoIow 1 000 I OYer 2 000 I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 I 11 I 1 Nopoaobart 1 2 8 91 11 1 111 I 4 I 2 3 TII r 4 KEY TO FAULT DIAGNOSlS OIAIlT PftIlmlaory Ad F A Auld level Jn uffiClenl B Oo nslu1 l valve cable mc om ctly assembled oradjUSted C Manual hnkaf e mcom cdy UItlD blcd or adjusted D lncorTect ne Idling speed E Incorrect front ...

Страница 120: ...bearings worn or damaged Gearteeth excessively worn or damaged General wear Laygear thrust washers worn allowmg ex ceSSive end play EXCESSIVE DIFFICULTY IN ENGAGING GEAR Clutch not fu IIy disengaging Clutch pedal adjustment Incorrect DIsmantle and overhaul gearbox Fit new gear wheels and synchronlsmg cones DIsmantle and overhaul gearbox FIt new baulk nng synchromesh DIsmantle and replace spring DI...

Страница 121: ...less Pink 521 Sirles Type length Front Sleeve yoke Shaft External diameter length Rear Short wheelbase long wheelbase AXIal play of spIder lournal Other tolerances as for 510 series TORQUE WRENCH SETTINGS Propeller shaft to drive pln on flange Companoon flange nut front shaft Flange yoke rear shaft to companoon flange front shaft Centre bearing bracket to crossmember One piece 425 In IOS0 mm 25 63...

Страница 122: ......

Страница 123: ...e compamon flange bolts to a torque wrench settIng of 145 195 Ibf ft 2 0 2 7 Kg fm c TIghten the centre bearing support bracket bolts to a torque wrench setting of 11 6 15 9 Ibf ft 1 6 2 2 Kg f m 4 UnoversallolnU Inspection and repair one ple typel 1 Before dismantling make sure that a repair kit IS available otherwise an exchange unit must be obtained 2 Mark all parts to ensure that If they are r...

Страница 124: ...4 Kg Fm b TIghten the companoon flange securong nuts and bolts to a torque wrench setting of 18 1 23 1 Ibf ft 2 5 32 Kg Fm o I ij 0 amQd l I J FIg 7 2 Exploded vIew of two pIece type propeller ft 11 11 1 II FIg 7 3 Propeller shaft rear attachment lSec 31 FIg 7 4 USing a soft hammer to tap bearong cap from yoke See 4 ...

Страница 125: 01 seal Pinion height adjustment selective fit washer thickness 41111 37 9 Pinion height adjustment selective fit shim thickness Pinion bearmg adjustment selective fit spacer length Plmon bearing adjustment selective fit washer Crown wheel Backlash crownwheel pmlon MaXimum runout at crownwheel face Carner beanng retainers Adjustment shIm thIckness range SIde gears Thrust washers thickness HYPol...

Страница 126: ... differential nuts Propeller shaft flange nuts Mounting leaf to casing nuts Rear mounting leaf nuts F mal drive assembly to suspension member bolts Estate car 510 and Plck up 521 Carner beanng cap bolts Crownwheel bolts Pinion nut Propeller shaft flange nuts Differential carner to axle nuts HYPold fon 1 drIve and dIfferential unot 3 speed gearbo 4 speed gearbox 3 889 1 3 700 1 Seml f1o tmg rear xl...

Страница 127: ...he axle or half shafts easily Withdrawn are sphned at their Inner ends to fit Into the sphnes In the dIfferential wheels The Inner wheel bearing races are mounted on the outer ends of the axle casing and are secured by nuts and lock washers The rear bearing outer races are located In the hubs 2 FII181 drlY8 caSIng and dfferent a un t replacement U RSI removal and 1 Refer to Chapter 9 and detach th...

Страница 128: ...Retamer 0 rmg 21 Oil seal 22 Bearmg retamer 23 Nut 24 Washer 25 Compamon flange 26 Bolt 27 Sprmg wa her 28 Frontpilot bearmg 29 0 rmg 30 Oil seal 31 Bearmg retamer 32 Fran t bearmg spacer 33 Adjustmg washer 34 Bearmg spacer 35 Front pinion bearmg 36 Adjustmg shim 37 Adjusting shim 38 Adjusting washer 39 Adjustmg washer 127 84 13 12 10 15 11 40 RearpinIOn bearmg 41 Bolt lockmg strap 42 FIXing bolt ...

Страница 129: ...he gears and thrust washers In their mated poSItIons SO that unless parts are to be renewed they may be refitted In their anginal pOSition 23 The fInal dnve assembly IS now dIsmantled and should be washed and droed With a clean non fluffy rag ready for inspection 24 Carefully Inspect all the gear teeth for SIgnS of pItting or wear and If dent new parts must be obtaIned The crownwheel and plmon are...

Страница 130: ...d gasket or JOinting compound 49 F It a new gdSket and then the rear cover and secure with the eight bolts and sprong washers TIghten these bolts In a dIagonal and progressive manner 50 The umt IS now ready for refitting the the car Do not forget FIg 8 6 USIng unoversal pull to drawoff SIde flange See 3 Fig 8 8 USing a feeler gauge to determine the clearance between SIde gear and thru t washer See...

Страница 131: ...ntact WIth tOl at tooth flank bottom Move pinion away from crown wheel and crownwheel Plnlon Heavy contact at tooth heel and towards the centre Moye pinion to crownwheel t Heavy contact on heel at tooth face Move pinion towards crtlwnwheel ownwheel towards pinIOn FIg 8 10 Tooth markIng for the crownwheel See 3 ...

Страница 132: ...and forward of the rear axle Remove the rear wheels 2 W th a scrober or fole mark the final driveand propeller shaft flanges sa that they may be refitted In their ongmal pOSitions 3 Undo and remove the four bolts that secure the final drove and propeller shaft flanges Move the propeller shaft from the rear axle 4 Wipe the top of the brake master cylinder reservoirs and unSCrew the cap Place a piec...

Страница 133: ... hou mgandcap 3 Dlfferent alcap stud 4 Wather 5 Nut 7 Crownwheel and pmon 8 Crownwheel to dlff bolt 9 Lock tab 70 Differential 7 7 SIde Bar 72 Differential pm on gear 73 Shim 74 Thru t watller 75 Pm on 76 Dowel 77 Taper roller bearmg 78 Spacer him 23 Taperroller bearmg 24 Taper roller bearing 25 Sleeve 28 Shim 43 Spacer til 53 Oil eal 54 Dr e pm on flange 55 Lock nut 56 Wa her ...

Страница 134: ... assembly or to exchange It for a reconditioned Unit first remove the axle shafts as described In SectIon 7 2 Mark the propeller shaft and pInion flange to ensure theIr replacement In thesame relative pOSition 3 Undo and remove the four bolts from the flanges Separate the two parts and lower the propeller haft to theground 4 Place a contaoner under the differentIal unIt assembly and remove the dra...

Страница 135: ...reassembly 22 Brake master cyhnder tandem dlsmanthng and reassembly 23 Vacuum servo UOIt descnptlon 24 Vacuum servo umt removal and replacement 25 Vacuum servo unit dlsmanthng spectlon and reassembly 26 Brake pedal removal and replacement 27 Handbrake adJustment 28 Handbrake cable removal and replacement 510 models 29 Handbrake cable removal and replacement 521 models 30 Handbrake control removal ...

Страница 136: ...mlke Normal stroke 510 521 3346 to 3 740 on 185 95 mm 315 to 3 94 In 80 to 100 mm Servo unit type Master Vac 45 In 1143 mm dIameter TORQUE WRENCH SETTING Ibftt Kgfm 510 Brake pedal fulcrum pon 253 289 35 40 Brake ptpe connectionS 108 130 15 1 8 Brake dISC securing bolts 282 383 39 53 Wheel cylinder securing bolts Stud SIde 36 51 05 07 Hexagon Side 100 130 14 1 8 Bridge pipe 123 145 17 2 0 Brake ho...

Страница 137: ... untIl the wheel IS free to rotate 5 SPI t a IY the brak s hard to ceJl f1 I s the shoes Re check that It IS not pOSSIble to turn the adjuster further WIthout locking the wheel 6 NOTE A rubbing nOIse when the wheel IS spun IS usually due to dust on thebrake drum and shoe hnlng Ifthere IS nO ObvIOUS slOWIng down of the wheel due to brake bonding there IS no need to slacken off the adjusters untIl t...

Страница 138: ...crobed on SectIon 5 If one hose has been removed It IS only necessary to bleed eIther the front or rear brake hydraulIC system 7 Front dISC br1lke pad InspectIon removal and replacement 1 Due to the deSign of the caliper the pad to dISC clearance IS automatically adjusted 2 To check the pad llnong thIckness chock the rear wheels Jack up the front of the car and support on firmly based stands Remov...

Страница 139: away pad See 71 FIg9 7 llftong caliper from dISC See 81 FIg 9 8 DISC brake caliper component pan 1 Sprmg 2 Mountmg bracket 3 PIVot pm 4 Hold downpm 5 SUpportbrackel 6 KlIsher 7 NUl 8 Cotter pm 9 TOrron sprmg 10 Caliper plate 11 Pad 12 Shim 13 Clip 14 Piston 15 Retamer 16 Wiper seal 17 PISton seal 18 Cylmder ...

Страница 140: ... of the car and support on firmly based stands Remove the road wheel 2 Refer to SectIon 7 and remove the pads 3 Undo and remove the caliper securmg bolts and spring washers Lift the caliper from the diSC and suspend on a piece of wire so that the fleXible hose IS not strained 4 USing a screwdnver remove the grease cap from the hub 5 StraIghten the ears and Withdraw the split pin locking the castel...

Страница 141: ...Front drum brake nbly 510 modelsl 1r 11121 1 r 10 141516 17 FIG 9 11 FRONT DRUM BRAKE ASSEMBLY 521 MODElSl 1 Brake disc 6 Tralhl1g shoe return spnng 10 Adjuster screw 2 Front brake shoeassembly 6 Wheel cylmder assembly 11 Adjuster head leadmg 7 Adjuster assembJy 12 Shim 3 Front brake shoe assembly B Adjuster housmg 13 Lock spnng trallmg 9 Adjuster wheel 4 Return spnng 14 Sprmg plate 15 Lock plate ...

Страница 142: ...round and fonally road test J 7 f I 12 Front drum brake wheel cylinder removal Inspection and o haul If hydraulic flUId IS leaking from the brake wheel cylinder It may be necessary to dIsmantle It and replace the seal Should brake flUId be found running down the SIde of the wheal Or a pool of liquid forms alongside ona wheal and the lweI on the master cylinder has dropped It IS ondlcatlve that the...

Страница 143: ...ton noting which way round It IS ttted Do not use a metal screwdnver as thiS ratch the s to 12 Inspect the inSIde of the cylinder for ore marks caused by ImpurItIes In the hydraulic flUId NOTE If the wheel cyhnder requires renewal always enSUre that the replacement IS exactly IndentlCal to the oneremoved 13 If the cylinder IS sound thoroughly clean It out WIth fresh hydraulic flUId 14 The old rubb...

Страница 144: ...6 DUff cover 17 PISton 18 PISton cup 19 Wheelcylmder assembly 20 Nut 21 Locker washer 18 FIG 9 14 REAR DRUM BRAKE ASSEMBLY 1521 MODElSl 22 Rearbrake adjuster 23 Return spring adjuster slides 24 Brake Immg 25 Brake shoes 26 Rearbrake diSC 11411 7 f fi 1I1 1 7 AntNattle pm B Rubber boot 9 Shim 10 Lock plate 1 I Spring plalP 12 Lock spring 13 Shim 14 Adjuster head 15 Adjuster screw 16 Adjuster wheel ...

Страница 145: ...AR DRUMBRAKE WHEEL CYLINDER 521 MODELS SEC 16 Wheel cylmder housmg 2 Pilton 3 Piston cap 4 Piston head 5 Dust cover 6 ConnllCtor 7 Connector bolt B Packmg 9 Bleed row TO Bleed cap FIg 916 Brake master cylinder sIngle cross sectIonVIew See 221 ...

Страница 146: ...e clrchp retaining the push rod assembly lIft away the pushrod complete WIth rubber boot and shaped washer 4 WIthdraw the pIston assembly and spring On some master cylinders there may be a piston stopper screw under the body whIch must be removed before the pIston assembly can be removed 5 Carefully remove the onlet valve primary and secondary seals from the pIston assembly Note whIch way round th...

Страница 147: ...S I R nIOIrQP 2 011 llr1r 3 Ollrelt1f olr 4 PlIckmg 5 Valve cap 6 S ondary pIston stopper 7 Bleed screw B Secondary return spring 9 Secondary pIston 10 Prtmary return rprtng 17 PrImary pIston 12 PISton stopper 13 Pilton stopper ring 14 Dust cower 15 Push rod asoembly N FIg 9 17 Brake master cylinder Tandem 510 modelsI I Push rod 2 Dust cover 3 Stopper ring 4 Piston assembly A 5 Piston assembly B 6...

Страница 148: ...g 19 Rubber boot 20 Pulh rod FIG 9 20 ALTERNATIVE MASTER CYLINDER TANDEM FROM OCTOBER 1969 26 1 ReservOIr cap set 2 Band alSembly 3 Reservoir 4 Reservoir 5 Bleeder screw cap 6 Bleeder screw 7 Valve cap 8 Gasket 9 Valve retainer 10 Valve aSlembly 11 Valve prmg 12 Valve seat 13 Stopper SCf fJW 14 Packmg 15 Dust cover 16 Snap ring 17 Stopper 18 Nut 19 Pull rod head assembly 20 Pull rod 21 Push rod as...

Страница 149: ... manof Ic a d he other the servo unit Stan the englOe and thiS Will create a vacuum 10 the Unit so drawing the two halves together 5 Rotate the lever In an antl clockwlse direction until the front shell mdentatlOns are In hne With the recesses 10 the rim of the rear shell Then press the lever assembly down firmly whilst an assistant stops the engine and qUickly removeS the vacuum pipe from the IOl...

Страница 150: ...0 A silencer f lter 4 FIG 9 22 SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIR D TO DISMANTlE SERVO UNIT SEC 261 1 Scnbe marks 2 Lever 3 Vacuum applied 4 Base plate 11 Valve operatmg rod 12 Valve return spong 13 Poppet return spring 14 Exhaust valve 15 Valve plunger 76 Reaction drive 11 Diaphragm return spring 18 Front shell 3 FIG 9 23 BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY SEC 27 H Pedal height P Pedal play L Pedal stroke ...

Страница 151: ...t the lock plate that fIxes the front cable to the retainer and withdraw the from cable 6 RefIttIng the front cable IS the reverse sequence to removal Apply a Iottle Iothlum based grease to all moving parts and then adjust the cable as descrobed In SectIon 28 Rear cable 1 Saloon Independent rear sulipenaon Unsaew and remove the adjustment nut from the adjuster and then disconnect the left hand rea...

Страница 152: ...ease Apply chassis grease Chp cable front band brake t F g9 26 Handbrake linkage 58loon 51 ollSee 291 I Pul1 sprmg I CleVIS Balance leve 1 II I r r t7 1 1 J f Cross rod i I I I J Note Apply engine 011 Rear cable h i L AdjUst poSlUon A Front cable l FIg 9 27 Handbrake linkage Estate 5101 See 29 ...

Страница 153: ...n 3 CI p 4 Nut 5 Adjuster 6 Endc p 7 Cable 8 Adjuster stud 9 Spltt pm 10 Fulcrum pin 71 Nut t 72 Washer 13 Y pIece levers 74 Sprrng 1580lt 16 Pivot lever 17 Nut 18 wsher 19 Cotter 20 Wiring 21 Swrtch 22 Wa sher 23 Washer 24 Bolt 25 Washer 26 Bolt 27 Front cable 2B Washer 29 C rcltp 30 Nut 37 Washer 32 Fulcrum pm 33 Fulcrum pm 2 3 6 r 1 34 Fulcrum pm 35 Fulcrum pm 36 Cable end 37 Pm 38 Spring 39 Sp...

Страница 154: ...ment nut 30 Nut 51 Bushmg 2 56 3 fl 9 7 11 14 10 12 13 15 FIG 9 31 ALTERNATIVE HANDBRAKE LINKAGE 3 1 Control bracket 2 Con trolleller 3 Control stem 4 Control gUide 5 Control yoke 6 Set sprmg 7 Front lever B Front cable 9 Outer Jever 10 Centre cable 52 0 rmg 53 Plam washer 54 Plam washer 55 Nut 56 Cotter pm 57 Lock washer 58 Nut 59 Balance lever 60 Cross rod 61 Cross rod 62 Clip 63 Screw 64 Nut 65...

Страница 155: ...154 F g 932 Bralcel ltem layout Drum breke modelsl See 331 F g 933 Brake system layout Drum and dISC brake models wIth I RSI Sac 33 ...

Страница 156: ...e a stubborn uOlon 6 Removal of fleXIble hoses IS descrobed In SectIon 6 7 WIth the fleXIble hose removed examlna the ontamal bore If It IS blown through flm It should be posslbla to see through It Any specks of rubber whICh come out or Signs of restrictIOn In the bore means that the rubber lining IS breakong up and tha pIpe must be replaced 8 R Ig d pIpes which need replacement can usually be pur...

Страница 157: ...Brake shoe pull off sprmgs broken stretched or loose Brake shoe pull off Sprongs fItted wrong way round OmItted or wrong type used Handbrake system rustedor seIzed In the on poSition Wear or dIrt m hydraulic system or m cornect flUId Mechanrcal wear IncorrllCt brake assembly Neglect FIt new pIpeline Or hose ExamlOe for leaks tJghten as nece ry FIt replacement braka lhoes and IInmgs or pads Use bra...

Страница 158: ...moval and replacement 2B IgnitIon SWItch and steering lock removal and replacement 29 SIngle IgnitIon SWItch removal and replacement 30 SWItches general removal and replacement 31 Horn fault tracing and rectification 32 Horn serviCing and adjustment 33 Windscreen wIper arm and blade removal and replacement 34 Windscreen wiper mechantsm faultdiagnOSIS and rectification 35 Windscreen wiper linkage r...

Страница 159: No load SIl88d Brush length mInImum Brush Pring tensIon Armature shaft bend I maxlmuml Commutator out of round maximum Drrve end bush maximum wear Pinion clearance pinion to stop W1th solenOid energized FUSIble link colour code Bulb Ifocatoons 510 models Headlight Sealed beam unot Parking light Front dorectlon indIcator light SIde dIrectIon indIcator light Interoor light Rear dIrectIon IndIcato...

Страница 160: ...ITION COIL 5 F g10 1 MajOr roelll componentS Saloon Numbers show II dIV d 1 hi perUI WIPER MOTOR ROOM LAMP 2 COMBINATION LAMP f HEAD LAMP ALTERNATOR DISTRIBUTOR STARTER MOTOR IGNITION COIL VOLTAGE REGULATOR SIDE MARKER LAMP LICENCE LAMP 5 FIg 102 Major electrocal components Estate car Numb s show nd v dual harness parts ...

Страница 161: ...leakage through the crack has been excessIve It WIll be necessary to ref II the appropriate cell WIth fresh electrolyte as detailed later Cracks are frequentlycaused to the top of a battery case by pouring In dIstIlled water In the mIddle of WInter after Instead of before a run ThIS lives the WIlt no c a ce to mIx WIth the electrolyt o the lorn rr y freezes and splits thebattery case 5 If topping ...

Страница 162: ...voltage regulator Unit and warnrng light control unit to Indicate to the driver whenall IS not well 7 Aharnatar ma ntenance The eqUipment has been designed for the minimum amount of mamtenance In service the only Items being subJect to IlIBBr arethe brushes and bearings 2 Brushes should be examined efter about 75 000 miles 120 000 km and renewed If nacessary The bearongs are prepacked With grease ...

Страница 163: ...ed complete the fIeld CirCUIt to earth through a fIeld COil reSIstance and thereby produces the alternator output The charge relay IS basically SImIlar to that of the voltage gulator When the upper contacts are closed the Ignotlon warning light goes out The constructIon of the voltage regulator The regulator 6aslcally comprISes a voltage regulator and a IS basically Identical to the charge relay I...

Страница 164: ...OI 6 Adjust sprmg 7 Locle nut 8 Adjustmg screw 9 Yolee 70 Connectlngsprmg 77 Yolee gap 72 Core gap 73 Armature 74 Lowercontact 75 Pomtgap FIG 1011 CONSTRUCTlOIII OF CHARGE RELAY SEe 111 1 Pomt gap 2 Charge relay contact 3 Connecting sprmg 4 Armature 5 Coregap 6 Yolee gap 7 Yoke 8 Adlustmg screw 9 Voltage regulator 70 Loclenut 77 AdjUst sprmg 12 Coil 7307787 m 3 mm dla screw 7407575 m 4mm dla screw...

Страница 165: ...vable contacter 7 Return spring 14 Battery ID CD 1 Shift lever 2 Overrunnmgclutch 3 Pmlon 4 Pmlon stopper 5 ArmatuJ 8 l rt O jJ FIG 10 11 EXPLODED VIEW OF STARTER MOTOR ISEC 151 1 Shift lever pm 2 Gear case 3 Dust cover 4 ShIh lever 5 Dust cover 6 SolenOId 7 Armature 8 Thrust wa her 9 Metal 10 Thrust washer 11 Stopper washer 12 Stopper clip 13 Pmlon stopper 14 PmJOn 15 Overrunnmg clutch 16 Field C...

Страница 166: ...ture IS damaged thiS will be eVident after Visual inspection Look for signs of burnmg dlscolouratlon and for conductors that have lifted away from the commutator 14 Reassembly IS the reverse sequence to removal Locate a feeler guage or vernier between the pinion front edge and the stopper If the gap IS not wlthon the limIts 0 0118 0 059 In 03 1 5 mm new shIm washers should be fItted 16 Starter mot...

Страница 167: componant parts Sac 171 Y FIg 10 15 Slda hght or dIrectIon IndIcator hght mbly See 191 F1810 14 Ramoval of lad baam 118ht unit See 171 FIg10 16 SIde hght or directIon indIcator hght assembly alterna tlve from October 1969 See 19 o ...

Страница 168: clockWlse direction to release the bayonet flxmg Lift away the bulb 3 RefItting the bulb and lens IS the reversa sequence to removal 4 Should It be necessary to remove the complete light unot assembly first dIsconnect the battery for safety reasons and then detach thecable connectors to the light unot 5 Undo and remove the two nuts and spring washers from the light unot studs 6 Draw the Unit re...

Страница 169: ...168 e I 3 FIg10 18 Reer dorectlon indicator stop and tall Ioght a mbly Estate car lSec 20 FIG 10 19 SIDE MARKER LIGHT ASSEMBLY ISEC 221 Top To September 1969 Bottom From October 1969 t ...

Страница 170: IS the reverse sequence to removal 22 Side flasher and markar light bulb ramoval and replacement Slda flashar 1 Undo and remove the two lens secunng screws Lift away the rim and lens taking care not to damage the gasket 2 To detach the bulb carefully pull forwards from the socket 3 Refitting the bulb IS the reverse sequence to removal 4 Should It be necessary to remove the complete light Unit f...

Страница 171: ...110 S8C 251 969 IJ 251 969 S8C ob8 CI l from t 5 oN che5 FI l 0 22 ...

Страница 172: column 29 Ignrtlon fltch and steering lock removal and replacement Disconnect the battery for safety reasons 2 Detach the multi pin connector from the underside of the assembly 3 Undo and remove the two clamp securingscrews 4 Usmg a drill of SUitable diameter and an easy out drill the centre of the shear bolts and unscrew the shear bolts usmg the easyout 5 lIft away the sWItch and clamp half 6 ...

Страница 173: ...cement 1 Before removing a Wiper arm turn the wmdscreen SWitch on end off to ensure the erms are In theIr normal parked poSItIOn parallel WIth the bottom of the WIndscreen WIth the outer hps 0984 In 125 mm from the screen rubber 2 Remove the arms pivot the arm back slacken the arm securing nut and detach the arm and blade from thespondle 3 When reptacm9 an arm place It so It 1 In the correct relat...

Страница 174: ...efore they have finished a complete stroke turn the cover In an antl clockWlse direction by a small amount 3 Operate the screen wIper again several tImes and make further adjustments as necessary 4 Should the wIper blades complete theor full str ke and then stop on their return stroke turn the cover In a clockWIse direction and then recheck 5 When the correct setting has been obtained tIghten the ...

Страница 175: ...174 f w ttJ rJ 4 S If f L e jL I c 1 p c YJ L b1 y T 1 l J l t f D J I ASSEMBLIES ISEe 39 OSCREEN WASHER FIG 10 30 WIN mber 1968 ToP Up wse tober 1968 Bottom From ...

Страница 176: ...71 ...

Страница 177: ...These are VISIble through the meter openings Undo and remove these screws 3 Working beneath the Instrvment panel undo and remove the one screw that secures the meter assembly to the lower mstrument panel 4 Draw the cluster front panel away from the Instrument panel by a SUfftClent amount to gam access to the variousswitches and knobS 5 Renewal of a sWItch may be made at thiS point 6 WorkIng from b...

Страница 178: ...171 969 1S8C 4 1 uP to Sept ru nt 11 fIg 033 h LEI g69lsec4 ll uQIIS fro C Oll8 034 Il Slfu ent ft9 ...

Страница 179: ...t panel turn the sockat antl lockWlse and detach It from tha rear of the respectIve meter or holder Remove tha bulb from the socket 2 Raflttlng IS the reve sequence to removal 34 Lock washer 35 Horn hIgh pItch 36 Horn low plrr h 37 Machine screw 38 Lock washer 39 Horn relay 40 Lower beam relay 41 InhibItor SWItch 42 Screw 43 Flasher Unit 44 Screw 48 swItCh 1fT RadIO removal and replacement 1 DIsco...

Страница 180: ...tarter motor Charge battery Examine brushes replace as necessary tight en down brush Wires Check wifing and tighten as necessary Remove starter motor clean starter motor drive Fit new gear f1ng to flYNheel and new pinion to starter motor drive FIt new gear teeth to flywheel or new pinion to starter motor dnve Dismantle and fit new maIO sprang Tighten starter motor securmg bolts Fit new SPrlng wash...

Страница 181: ...ubn cated Wheelbox spindle blndong or damaged Armature bearongs dry or unaligned Armature badly worn or faUlty Brushes badly worn Commutator dirty greasy or burnt Armature badly worn or faUlty Drov ng cable rack disengaged or faulty Wheelbox gear and spIndle damaged or worn W per motor gearbox parts badly worn Push start car charge battery Test bulbs In live bulb holder Check all connectIons for t...

Страница 182: ...181 8 o j 11 I l uJ Q c o 8 c 5 a o J 8 Ul a I l J 1 i l 5 l 1 iJ i D o l 1 11 ll oJ i i ...

Страница 183: ...I II 1 C t 5J l I o I lVo f e fO EUo t r e 1 QO t ll f i i on 1 1IlO 4 jJ ft COLOfl CODE 3 W fI G fl IJIlN tiI M 3 acl WhIte fled YelloWGreen 3lue ...

Страница 184: ...8 cc o J o U c i E cc I tll tll cc I J i l z F ll n w ci tJ s w 183 1 c3 1 4 a c o 1 e S ii a l tl 8 a e t go J ...

Страница 185: ...184 UJ e c o c J o G Cl1 o 2 s CV1ii 2 u CO a ClCO a o J 8 co3 a Cl J i l5rl z i 0 r2ml tlt i l 11 t CIl c o Ii e a e i I e J 5 e i ...

Страница 186: ...STAHC m 9G IBM COIL ARt Pl IC ICK DOwN cP e 8lXN UftTK BR q 000 9ffRt ln JM1PEA So UMltJIIIGNITION SoW SlOPLAMP SoW Fl lHEA MAR INOlCATfS OPTliJfiAl E Q OOT tl lA L fIE tr kNS CIRCUITS FDA AT 8 C 8 c bfyt tl lUR N W BA CK Jl f COLOR CODE B W R Y G l AUR UNIT W1 In dl8 m Saloon with 3N71B type uta tlc tr nsm n except for USA nd C81l1ld81 Black WhIte Red Yellow Green Blue ...

Страница 187: ...OT oaTH OOOft H I Bit lU P OLIl V LAlHI Jl D WIPO lJlL TING SW r n 1 ANn I COMIINlD SlRWI 1IIf II IM TD DOOlllIWLH llr I WirIng dIagram Saloon with BWL3 type automatIc tranaJnlDion excapt for USA end Canadal ClIICl tJSl L 1l CI UJI OP TAILTUIIN COLOR CODE B Black W WhIte R Red Y Yellow G Green L Blue ...

Страница 188: ...fJ I 0 WAN J L I Wi I i J fO TH Jt L 40000 rr f X O FAlt1oO l 5tOtr 1I p M ng d rn lEota ll car excePt wr USA a1lll ea lal COLOR CODE B BlacK W whIte R Red Y YelloW G Green L Blue 5 ...

Страница 189: ...E g TYPE 2 O REMARK CTOR CASE jJ FDW E J PIN SIDE MARKER LAMP L H HEAD LAMP LH C CAPACITOR j1 ffi HEATER RELAY itSmJlij ra WL 16 II W L I ikW E m CD J i Ri LIGHT R RE Y n RS 00 nu TART R O 8 ENGINE m oT f aG I j II ALTERNETOR THERMAL 01 L rI 0 TRANSMITTER PRE5SURE g 5W x C n LLQ R L AY Gw o c c 0 oJ HOR HIGH 1 in I J 1 f D 6M I iQ U Z ii YEI 111 Wiring diagram ...


Страница 191: ...ock absorber removal and replacement ffi W Rearspring removal and replacement RIgId axle 27 Steering gearboX removal and replacement 28 SteerIng gearbox dlSlll8ntllng overhaul and reassembly 29 Steering gearbox adjustment 30 Steering linkage removal and replacement 31 Steering geometry checking and adjustment 32 Steering wheel removal and replacement 33 CollapSIble steering column general deSCript...

Страница 192: ... 11 80 In 299 mm 056 In 142 mml 3543 In 90 mm Vahlcla normally laden 103O OO 3O 2 325 2329 In 59 05 59 15 mml 2 321 2 325 In 58 95 59 05 mm 2 317 2 321 In 58 85 58 95 mm 2 320 2 324 In 59 02 59 011 mml 2311 2322 In 58 72 58 98 mml 2316 2 31B In 58B2 58 88 mml Estata car and Plck up Type Sprong Number of leaves Leaf WIdth leaf thIckness Free camber Attachments Front pm diameter Rear pIn d ameter Se...

Страница 193: ...ountIng bolts EngIne mountmg bracket bolts Wheel nuts SuspenSIon unIt to dISC brake Backplate DISC brake caliper retammg bolts DISC to hub Front on Plck up Brake hosa connectIng nut Wheel bearmg lock nut Brake backplate securing bolt Knuckle arm fIXIng bolt Kmg pm lock bolt Torque arm Arm end Serrated boss lower link spIndle nut Upper hnk screw bush Upper link spmdle bolt fIXIng to bracket Cotter ...

Страница 194: ...ebound stoppers on each shock absorber Steering geometry angles caster camber and kIng pon inclinatIOn are set dunng production and cannot be adjusted In service Should a deViation from these settings eXist It IS an 18 55 101 55 18 72 44 25 8 14 8 2 5 10 6 indicatIOn of worn pansor accident damage The front wheels are mounted on the stub axles and run on ball bearings whIch are packed wIth grease ...

Страница 195: ...the steering column The steenng shaft at the worm end rotates In two ball type thrust bearings and at the steering wheel end In a nylon bush The selector shaft moves 10 bronze bushes and has an 011 seal at ItS lower end The upper end of the sector shaft engages a rack whIch IS Integral wrth the ball nut Steenng shaft bearing adjustment IS controlled by shIms between the steermg box and thesteerIng...

Страница 196: ...f over heating sconng corrosion or damage Assemble each race and check for roughness of movement If eny of the above sIgns are evIdent new races must be fotted 11 To reassemble the front hub fIrst fIt thebeanng outer tracks making sure that the tapers face outwards Use a SUItable 77 u 44 F II11 2 Re I of hub nut Drum brak 1 SlIc 21 s FIG lt 3 EXPLODED VIEW OF FRONT SUSPENSION SALOON 38 Boft 39 Nut...

Страница 197: ...Frontsprmg 7Strut seal kit B Shock absorber assembly 9 Strut assembly 20 Bolt 2 Stablllser bush b e il CD l d ro J Ii 9 l f 1 Hi 1 I I r g I ill I J 1 C Y p Q 5 p r 10 Upper Imk Lower Imk TenSion rod Knuckle spmdle support Upper Imk spmdle Lower link spindle Fulcrum pm Fulcrum bolt 32 Collar 33 Collar 34 Bush a mbly 35 Nut 36 Bolt 37 Tran6verse link 38 Plam washer 39 Plam washer 4 Nut 4 Bolt FIG 1...

Страница 198: ...ectIon 3 and remove the hub and diSC assembly 2 Mark the relatIve pOSItions of the hub and dISC so that they may be refitted 10 their onglnal pOSitions unless new parts are to be fItted 3 Undo and remove the bolts that secure the dISC to the hub and separate the two parts 4 Clean the dISC and InSpect for Signs of deep scoring chIppIng or cracking WhiCh If evIdent a new dISC should be obtained 5 To...

Страница 199: ...talO new as necessary removing the retaIning nut and separatIng the two parts 29 Inspect the thrust beanng for pItting scoring rustIng or 5 Undo and remove the bolts that secure the stub axla and general r Obtain new as necessary suspensIOn strut assembly to the steering arms and ball lomt 30 With all partS to be renewed ObtalOed check the c1eanhness mbly of aU partS and then commence reassembly b...

Страница 200: ...rol arm Sac 6 1 Securmg selflock nut 199 FIg11 10 Ramoval of struttop mountIng nuts Sac 51 1 Iffli R I I III F g11 12 Cro sectlonal ow of strut mountIng Insulator T parts to ba lubroCBted durong mbly Sac 5 FIg11 14 Stablh r and radIus rocl attachments Sac 61 1 RadllJ rod 2 Stablllser A FIg11 15 Cross sectIon of transvarse hnk bush Sac 61 ...

Страница 201: ...adIUS rod for Igns of llOCIdent damage or excessIve corroSIOn C1bteln new If necessary 5 RefrttJng the radiUS rod IS the reverse sequence to removal but thefollOWIng additional points should be noted a Always fIt new rubber bushes b The ettachments should be fully tightened when the car IS restmg on theground 10 Front SlOncrossmember removal end atement 11 Front suspenI OII axle stub PlCk up remov...

Страница 202: ... Selflock nut 2 Bolts and spnng tIIa he F lI11 17 Removal of rad usrod fSee 91 7 and 2 Self lock nuts 1 F g11 18 Eng ne mountIng bolt to be removed farrowedl Ftg1119 knudcl armrIng bolts larrOWlldJJ 11 F g 11 21 DriftIng out lung pm ISee 11 ...

Страница 203: ...350 9 05to 11 05 1437 36 5 Unit In mm 0 3563 to 0 4350 9 05 to 11 05 F 11 24 Upper ionic ICrew blnh asaembly Sac 121 FIll 11 25 Correct fm of knuckle splnelle In lower ionic Sac 121 1 315 In 33 4 mm FIg 11 27 Stablhse setting dllnen5lon Sac 14 1 441 In 36 6 mm F 9 11 26 Stab bushfrtment lSac 14 ...

Страница 204: ...efully line up the notch for the cotter pm on the fulcrum pin w th the hole In the knucklespindle support 40 Drive the fulcrum pin Into the knucklespIndle support WIth a hammer Then msert the cotter pm and secure With the nut 41 FIt the bushes to eIther SIde of the knuckle spindle support Remove the flller plug Move the knuckle spindle and lower link to an angle of 76 50 and tIghten 42 FIt a greas...

Страница 205: ...28 Tha lower link should be In contact IMth tha rebound bump rubber Refit the new retainIng snap ring and dust cover end tighten the nut until B dunenSlon obtained 17 n haight adjustmll lt Plck p 1 SUlp8nSlOn heIght may change In servIce due to the torsIon ber weakenIng When adlusttng f It becomes neces18ry the heght should be altered by changing the effectlY8 length Of the anchor bolt 2 Apply the...

Страница 206: ...ints should however be noted FIG 11 31 MAJOR COMPONENU OF REAR AXLE AND SUSPENSION 7 Su pelll on ml1trlbsr 8 2 Su penSlon arm 3 Mltmbsr mounting insulator 4 D fferrmtIBl mountinJlm 7 ator 5 OJ I sprmg 6 Bump rubber 7 Spnng seat 8 Shock abMJrtJer 9 Om shaft 70 D fferrmt almounting mtImban 7 7 D fferentl8l carrier I 3 2 6 5 FIg 33 Removal of camplllte rear exle a IUSp8IlSIOn IV See 181 a Check the c...

Страница 207: ...emoval and replacement IRSI 1 Chock the front wheels Jack up the rear of the car and support the body on firmly based axle stands Remove the road wheel 2 Refer to Chapter 9 and remCNe the brake drum 3 Undo and remove the four bolts and detach the drove shaft from the axle flange Tie back out of the wayWIth string or wife 4 Hold the companion flange WIth a large wrench and then undo and remove the ...

Страница 208: ...k u ber r mountIng See 201 FIg 11 36 Removal of suspenSion arm attachment to s lIon FIG 11 37 CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW OF REAR AXLE SHAFT arm member Sec 211 AND HUB SEC 221 3 DIStance pl8CB Pack WIth grease Greese seal 2 Inner wheel beanng FIg 11 38 Rearaxle shaft components ...

Страница 209: ...G ll 41 DRIVE SHAFT COMPONENTS I Snnng 2 Needle bearing 3 0 1 1 4 FllUlge yake 5 Sp derJournal 6 SlIl8118 yoke plug 7 SI 1t1tIe yake B C I p 9 Boot band 10 Rubber boot I I Dr II8 sheft topper 12 Ball spacer 73 Drive haft ball 74 0 118 shaft FIgll 42 Rea axle and suspanSlon 115 sambly maJOr components RIgid axla 1 A 1 Dlfferentlsl catoer 32 Rear axle case 4 W Leaf prmg V 4 Bump rubber 5 Shock absor...

Страница 210: ...e not to dIslodge any of the ball bearings or spacers 26 FIt the ring and Clrcltp Into the end of the sleeve Xl Gently push the shaft up the sleeve and fIt thestop plate and clrcllp to the end of the shalt Now pull the shalt out as far as poSSIble 28 Inject 1 25 ounces 35 gms or grease Into the sleeve from the yoke end 29 FIt a new 0 ring onto the yoke plug a d refit the plug and clrcllP 30 Place ...

Страница 211: ...r change rods should now be dIsconnected from the controlleven by stralghtanlng the ears and withdrawing the spht pillS lIft away the plelll washer from 88ch end of the rod trunnion 15 Undo and remove the lower suppan bracket retallllllg scraws and detach the clamp and control rod laver rete er 16 Collect all the hnkages and place to one SIde TIe back uSing string or wire 17 The shift control rod ...

Страница 212: ...Lower tube JBCket sllembly 24 Snap rmg 25 Spring 26 W hsr 27 Bearing 28 Uppsr tubeJacket 29 Upper ring hsft 30 ColIspllble teerlng column 31 Nut 32 Walller 33 Bolt 34 Spring walllsr 35 Bolt 36 Shim 37 011 seal 38 Hou lng co r 39 0 ring 40 Wormbearing allerTlbly 41 SteerIng wormauernbly 42 Lock walller 211 5 J F ROM OCT 69 53 052 53 51 43 Bolt 44 Sectorlhlml 45 AdJu trnent ICTIIW 46 Screw 47 FllIsr...

Страница 213: ... groove In the bush IS facing the ball nut end NOT towards the pItman arm If thIS IS not done the 001 seal WIll leak 34 Smear a little grease onto the contact surface of the new 0 1 seal end carefully fIt Into themain hOUSing 35 The bearing cups and cones may now be fItted to the column hOUSIng and steering gearbox 36 FIt the worm shaft Into the column hOUSIng n Next fIt the shIms and 0 rings to t...

Страница 214: ...heel 21 SIIprmg 22 Insert 23 Hornsprmg 24 Contact spnng 25 Cover 26 Contact piece 27 Contact seat 28 Horn ring assembly 29 Horn rmg 30 Pad 31 Clamp 32 Contact plate 33 8ushmg 34 Emblem 35 Collar 36 Collar flxmg washer 37 Lock washer 38 Nut 39 Shell assembly 44 Indicator bulb 46 Handmdlcator assembly 47 Screw 48 Spring washer 49 Screw 51 Shell band 52 Escutcheon S Fog 11 47 Steering column upper br...

Страница 215: tee ge 1911 to determ adjustment boh to Iheft c nceISee 291 FIg11 54 Steering linkage ISee 311 II G Flg 11 49 SteerIng gearbox IIttlIchments arrowedllSee 281 G FIg11 51 Removal of column blV See 291 G FIg11 53 AdJustment of It rlng gearbox backlash See 301 ...

Страница 216: ...d 9 Carefully examIne the ball Jomts for excessIve play or wear I f they are worn they must be renewed as a complete assembly 10 Reflttmg the assembly IS the reverse sequence to removal The followmg additIonal pomts should however be noted a Reassembly of the Idler arm WIll be eased If a little soapy water IS placed on the outer surface of the bush and then pressed IOtO the dler arm unt l the bush...

Страница 217: ...vent It rotating 12 Undo and remove the four bolts and spring washers that secure the Jecket seal flange to the bulkhead panel 13 Undo and remove the bolts and spring washers that secure the column assembly to the Instrument panel 14 The column assembly may now be drawn Into the passenger compartment and lifted away through the door 15 Refitting the steering column assembly IS the reverse Ie quem ...

Страница 218: ...In steermg linkage gear and column coupling As above Wheel alignment lOcorrect shown by un even front tyre wear Front wheel bearongs loose Worn suspension Unit SWivel JOints Incorrect wheel alignment uneven or ex cesslve tyre wear Wear or seizure 10 steering linkage JOints Wear or seizure In suspension linkage JOints ExceSSive wear In steering gear Unit Road wheels out of balance Road wheels buckl...

Страница 219: ...t i Joge httr by crossmem Di t9 1orl1l a r gld structure Front door lock striker removal replacement and adjust ment 510 modelsl 25 Front door trim and Intenor handles removal and replace ment 521 modelsl 26 Front door Window regulator and glass removal and re placement 521 models 27 Front door lock and remote control assembly removal and replacement 1521 models 28 Front door extenor handle and lo...

Страница 220: for minor JObs al A resm based toller paste b Matched pamt either to an aerosol can or touch up tm c FlOe cutting paste d Medium and flOe grade wet and dry abraSive paper 4 Where the damage IS superfIcIal e not down to the bare metal and not dented fIll the scratch or chip With suffICIent toller to smooth the area rub down WIth paper and apply the matchmg pamt 5 Where the bodywork IS scratched ...

Страница 221: ...220 m 0 uP TO SEP 68 0 Q Ot A1L A r I uv TO SEV 691 OElA L A fRO OC 6111 tFROM OC 691 I IJ 1 QctobOT 1968 sac 6 SaloOn models from F g12 2 Front axtBnor attachments ...

Страница 222: ...hers securing the bumper brackets to thebody 4 uft away the rear bumper assembly 5 I f It IS reqUired to detach the mountIng brackets undo and remove the securmg nuts spring and plam washers and 11ft away the bracket 6 Refitting IS the reverse sequence to removal 8 Windscre removal and replacement 1 The WIndscreen 15 either toughened or laminated glass and each type can be Identlfoed by the manufa...

Страница 223: 9 Rear screen removal and replacement The procedure IS baSIcally IdentIcal to that described 10 Section 8 Disregard mention of the wmdscreen WIper arms and blades and also cleanng heater ducts 10 Radoator gnlla removal and replacement 1 Undo and remove the grille securing screws located at the top and SideS of the gnlle 2 Undo and remove the nuts securing the badge to the grille These are locat...

Страница 224: ...rod Any adjustment necessary can be made either at the hmges or the bonnet catches Lubricate the hmge pNOts WIth engme 011 14 Bonnet lock and control cable removal and replacement Refer to SectIon 10 and remove the radIator grille 2 Undo and remove the two bolts and spring washers securing the lock to the front panel 3 D sconnect the cable from the lock arm 4 Undo and remove the three bolts spring...

Страница 225: ...11ft away the tailgate 6 F1eflttong the tailgate IS the reverse sequence to removal 18 Tailgate removal and replacement 521 model 1 1 Open the taIlgate and detach the cham from Its hook on the tailgate PIck up 2 On double pIck up models undo and remove the two bolts spring and plam washers securing thestay to thetailgate 3 Mark the outline of the hinge on the ta l9lte WIth a soft penCIl to act as ...

Страница 226: ...fJ Qk I 2t J uJ II CJJ1J C111J a 4 f mlO 1ff r l Sl F I V l Go J k il Q 1 I 1 7 225 Fog 12 10 Tailgate attachments astate corllSac 171 ct Fog 12 11 Tdgate gla nd rear bumper asmbllBS estate car ...

Страница 227: ...wn 4 Usong a pair of pliers remove the clip from the povot of the guide armlocated at the rear end of the wlOdow 11ft channel p 5 Now raise the Window to the fully closed pOSition and retam In thiS poSition With rubber vvedges 6 Undo and remove the two nuts and washers that hold the guIde armslide to the Inner door panel LIft away the slide 7 Undo and remove the four screws that secure theregulato...

Страница 228: ...fill 2 3 front dOOr ssarnbIV SaIoOn1 see 201 d1 I t J I f f l OIAoCT 69l ...

Страница 229: ...228 Q FIg 12 15 Front door trim llIState car a Wl Q FIg 12 16 Front d oor aSlBmbly estate car ...

Страница 230: ... from the lOner door panel 3 Temporarily refot the WIndow handle and wood the wIOdow down 4 USing a screwdriver and doth pad remove the Inner and outer door glass weatherstnp Take care not to scratch the door palOt 5 On doors WIth a slOgle pIece of glass WIthout a ventlletor undo and remove the three bolts tlat secure the door glass bottom channel to the door lOner panel 6 The glass mey now be rem...

Страница 231: removal end replacement Refer to SectIon 33 aod remove the Window regulator f I I r r l J IF Ij Q I ell II r i 11cf J IJ r I l ll 1 111 l I II II I Zt Ie I I I I I I 1 I ql I J F lI12 17 R door tr 1m See 31 2 Undo and remove the two screws and spring washers that secure the wmdow stop to the lOner panel Lift away the Window stop 3 Carefully lower the glass to the bottom of the door 4 Uodo and r...

Страница 232: ...Q 23 Jl1l f ...

Страница 233: ...Usong a pair of pliers remove the E shaped clip nylon washer and the link connecting the exterior handle lever to the door lock lever 4 Working inSide the door undo and remove the extenor handle secunng nuU and spring washers 5 L ftthe exterior handle from the door outer panel 6 Refitting the extenor handle IS the reverse sequence to removal Lubricate all movmg parts WIth engone grade 0 1 36 Rear ...

Страница 234: ...eplacement 521 models The equence IS basically mdent cal to that described Section 40 but there are several pomts to be noted There are three control cables and not two 2 Disregard instructions In paragraph 6 3 Detach the two resistor lead wires from their termmal connectors 4 The heater and ventilation umt IS retamed In pOSition by three bolts and spring washers not four 41 Heater and ventilation...

Страница 235: ...234 O ctl J Y r y Fog12 24 Heat and ventilator assambly alternatIve Saloon and estate car See39 FIg 1225 Centre forced ventilator Saloon from 1969 opt nal ...

Страница 236: ...zau e I 1 If I l1 11 jb f ft9 2 26 A ternB elorce e dUct b ...

Страница 237: ...wIth clips and or self tappmg I I screws bl Check the radiator for blockage by f1ushmg out With a water hose cl If the motor operation IS slugg sh test by connectmg directly to a fully charged battery If unsatIsfactory operatIon IS stIll experienced take the umt to a local automobile electriCians for their mspectlon dl Make surethat all sealing lomts are In good condItIon Renew as necessary 43 Air...

Страница 238: ...r 14 ...

Страница 239: ...l of camshaft sprocket 33 RemOlal of tlmlOg ChalO tensloner and gUIdes 33 WlthdrawlOg crankshaft sprocket 33 Correct f tment of front and rear crankshaft 011 seals 33 USIng hammer handle to push pIston a nd connectIng rod assembly through top of bore 35 MeasuTlng pIston rlng gap 10 bore WIth feeler gauge 35 Measurement of ring Side clearance In piston rmg groove 35 Correct fltment of pIston rmgs 3...

Страница 240: ...h evaporatIve control system 64 Fuel tank assembly fitted to Estate ca r models up to 1969 64 Fuel tank assembly fitted to Estate car models from 1970 With evaporatIve control system 65 Fuel tank assembly fitted to Pick up models WIth evaporative control system 07 Crankcase emiSSion control system 67 Engine emiSSion control components 68 Layout of air injection system 68 OperatIon of emiSSion cont...

Страница 241: ...shaft gear assembly 102 Check baulk ring forwear by rocklOg 102 Cross sectIon of synchromesh Unit 102 FlttlOg shlftlOg Inserts to synchro hub 103 I nsertmg snap ring to synchro hub 103 Flttmg spring rings 103 2nd and 3rd gear synchronlser snap rmg replacement 103 Flttmg the hub to 1st gear 105 Correct posItIon 109 of 001 seals 105 I nterlock mechanISm fitted to maIO caSIng 105 USing feeler gauges ...

Страница 242: ...rake assembly 510 models 143 Rear drum brake assembly 521 models 144 Rear drum brake wheel cylmder 521 models 144 Brake master cylinder Single cross section view 146 Brake master cylinder Tandem 510 models 146 Brake master cylinder Tandem 521 models 147 AlternatIve master cylinder Single 147 AlternatIve master cylinder Tandem from October 1968 149 Cross sectional view of selVa unit 149 Special too...

Страница 243: ...d steering Exploded vIew of front hub and lower strut assembly Removal of hub nut drum brakes Exploded vIew of front suspensIon Saloon Exploded vIew of front suspenSIon Estate carl Front suspensIon Plck upl Cross sectIon of hub showrng areas to be packed w th grease FleXIble brake pIpe to be detached at chassIS mounted bracket Removal of hub nut diSC brakes Detachmg balljornt from transverse link ...

Страница 244: ...23 Bonnet lock assembly 224 Boot lid components and rear bumper attachments 225 TaIlgate attachments Estate car 225 TaIlgate glass and bumper assemblies Estate carl 226 Front door trim Saloon 227 Front door assembly Saloon 227 Front door lock and wmdow regulator assembly 228 Front door trim Estate carl 228 Front door assembly Estate car 230 Rear door trim 231 Rear door assembly 231 Rear door lock ...

Страница 245: ...oke control 62 choke IOterlock 59 dashpot adjustment lautomatlcs 60 dIsmantling and reassembly 56 fuel level 59 general deSCription 56 removal and reflltong 56 throttle mterlock openmg 60 Clutch adjustment 86 bleedm9 86 fault dIagnoSIs 93 fleXIble hose 91 general descrlplon 86 onspectlon 90 judder 94 master cylinder 91 92 pedal 86 release bearing 90 removal and refIttIng 89 slave cylinder 92 slip ...

Страница 246: ...6 general deSCription 160 meter 17 6 speCifications 157 Engine beanngs removal 32 bean ogs renewal 36 dISmantling 24 drive spindle 40 exhaust manifolds 28 falls to start 83 fault diagnOSIs 42 final assembly 41 front cover 40 general deSCription 20 Inlet manifolds 28 misfires 84 mountings 25 reassembly 36 refittIng 41 removal WIth gearbox 20 removal WIthout gearbox 24 specIfIcatIons 14 start up aft...

Страница 247: ...eplacement 38 Propeller shaft general descnptlon 122 removal and replacement 122 specifIcatIonS 120 testIng for wear 122 T R TaIlgate 224 Thermostat 47 Tlmong chaon reflttong 40 removal 32 Tools 11 Racfoator cleaning 46 removal 46 I Alplacement 47 Radiator grIlle 222 Ralllo 178 Rea axle axle shaft bearongand 011 seal RIgid 133 differential assembly Rlgldl 133 tonal drove casong and dIfferentIal un...

Страница 248: ...II for Sfrn spiral blYll ear nles and som gearboxts Clltrol ST I01 Alight bodlldgllt Ilwllhlortlfyrngaddltlvls CUlrol 0 140 A heavy lull bodledgur II with fortifYing additIVes Clltrol Thlo Hypo FD 110 EPt A light bodied powerful extreme prtssur g r 011 ThiS IS spetlal 011 for running cert ln hYPoldgears Automltlc Transllllsslon FlUids Clstrol TOf Automatic TransmiSSion flUid Approved lor use all80...

Страница 249: ...0 t A Y 5 10 l 7ir J 1 j 1 9fl 4 t 1 1 K I i fl lo t ...

Страница 250: ... who wants to understand the construction and working of hIS car and who IS not afraid to pIck up a spanner and dismantle It Safer Motormg J These authentiC manuals are actually written from practical experience ca MechaniCS S o P o It IS thus opportune that a SImply splendid Owners Workshop Manual has Just come out Every Imaginable Job IS Illustrated r I AlItosport For the home mechanIC H ynes DI...
