Datsun 1200 1971 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 91

Содержание 1200 1971

Страница 1: ...DXD N J o o Jl feU f I I j lIDrnlli rnrnJW CRAKE PU3 IS1 RS i C ...

Страница 2: ...nd mechanic with a reference source with which he can perform normal service operations We endeavor to lOcorporate the latest manufacturing design changes and upto date specifications at the time of publication While every effort IS made to attain accuracy the Publisher cannot be held responsible for manufacturing changes typographical errors or omiSSions Upon compIling the information contained h...

Страница 3: ...ISBN 0 87 749 309 X Pubhshed III 1973 by DRAKE PUBLISHERS INC 381 Park Avenue South New York N Y 10016 Drake Pubhshers Inc 1973 Prmted m the Umted States of Amenca ...

Страница 4: and Adjustment 44 CLEANING INSPECTION 14 SPARK PLUGS 46 DISASSEMBLY 14 DeSCriptIOn 46 INSPECTION REPAIR 18 InspectIOn 46 PreparatIOn 18 Cleamng Regap 47 Cyltnder Head 18 Valve Assembly 18 Valve Spnng 19 Valve Rocker Shaft Rocker Arm 19 FUEL SYSTEM Valve LIfter Push Rod 20 Camshaft Camshaft Bearmg 20 FUEL FILTER 50 Valve Tlmmg 20 DESCRIPTION 50 Cyltnder Block 21 REMOVAL 50 PIston Piston Pm Plsto...

Страница 5: ...BRAKE 68 BRAKE PAD 68 Replacement 68 CLUTCH InspectIOn 68 ReinstallatIOn 68 DESCRIPTION CALIPER 70 CLUTCH PEDAL Removal 70 Removal Disassembly 71 InspectIOn InspectIOn Repmr 71 ReinstallatIOn Reassembly 72 Adjustment ReinstallatIOn 74 CLUTCH MASTER CYLINDER REAR BRAKE 74 Removal Hemoval Dlsdssembly 74 DIsassembly InspectIOn 75 InspectIOn Reassembly ReinstallatIOn 75 Reassembly HAND BRAKE 75 Remsta...

Страница 6: ...n 135 Adjustment 112 Coohng System 139 LubncatlOn 114 Fuel System 140 TRUNK LID LOCK 116 Starter 142 Removal 116 Alternator 143 Adjustment 116 Regulator 144 TRUNK LID TORSION BAR 116 Dlstnbutor 145 DOOR CONSTRUCTION 117 IgnItIOn Cot 145 WIRING DIAGRAMS 118 CLUTCH 146 BULB SPECIFICATIONS 120 NOTES 174 HEADLAMP 121 THERMOMETER AND FUEL METER 122 OIL PRESSURE AND IGNITION WARNINGLAMPS 126 I I tI 3 ...

Страница 7: ...aintenIDce TUDe up Ii ...

Страница 8: ...p dead center on ItS com pressIOn stroke Adjust follOWIng valves 4 Exhaust valve ofNo 2 cylinder 6 Intake valve ofNo 3 cylinder 7 Intake valve ofNo 4 cylInder 8 Exhaust valve of No 4 cylinder Rg 1 AdJustmg valve clearance 8 Adjustment should ue made whIle engIne IS hot After all valves have been adjusted correctly tighten lock nut firmly to secure the adjustment Checking and adjusting drive belt C...

Страница 9: ...mmg chemical mhlbltors to protect the coohng system from rustmg and corrosIOn The L I C does not con tam any glycerme ethyl or methyl alcohol It wIll not evaporate or bOll away and can be used wIth either high or low temperature thermostat It flows freely transfers heat effiCiently and will not clog the passages m the coohng system The L L C must not be mIxed wIth other products ThiS coolant can b...

Страница 10: ...n the cyhn ders Engine 011 and coolant In cylInder could result from this problem CompressIOn pressure 178 to 206 pSI at 350 rpm BATIERY Check electrolyte level 10 each battery cell Unscrew each filler cap and Inspect flUId level If flUId level IS low add dIstilled water to bring level up to approximately 03937 to 07874 In above plates Do not overfill Mea ure P illL gravlty of pattery el c trolyte...

Страница 11: ...ter Fig 7 Checking Igmllon timing Condenser msulatlOn resistance may be also checked usmg a tester by adjusting ItS range to measure large resIstance value When con denser IS normal the tester pomter swmgs largely and rapidly and moves gradually back to the Infimte SIde When the pomter does not stay still or It pomts zero m reSIstance replacement IS necessary Condenser capacIty 022 J F MIcro Farad...

Страница 12: ...ver In D posItion Insure that CO percent and Idle speed are as follows Idle rpm 650 Idle Limiter Cap CO percentage Do not remove this Idle hm1ter cap unless necessary If this Unit IS removed It IS I with lever In D PoSitIOn 1 5 t 0 5 k necessary to re adJust It at the time of In If necessary adjust by progIesslvely turmng stallatlon To adjust proceed as follows throttle adJustlng screw and Idle ad...

Страница 13: ... dash pot contacts stop per lever when engme speed reaches 1 900 to 2 000 rpm Engme should be slowed down from 3 000 to 1 000 rpm within a few seconds Readjust dash pot or replace It with a new one lflt falls to meet the above condItions Carburetor Return Spring Check throttle return sprmg for sign of damage wear or squareness Discard spring If found wIth any of above excessIvely beyond use Fuel F...

Страница 14: ...onnect the battery cable from the ter mmal Removmg radIator Dram water from the radiator disconnect two radIator hoses remove four radIator m stallatlOn bolts and remove the radiator Removmg cables and hoses Disconnect the followmg cables hoses and wires High voltage cable between Igmtton COlI and distributor Cable to the thermal transmitter Cable to the 011 pressure sW1tch Cable to the primary Si...

Страница 15: ...draw the lock pin and remove the lever The operatIOn IS carned out In the passenger compartment Model With automatic transmiSSIOn Remove pinS from both ends ofthe cross shaft and remove the shIft rod Suspend the engine With wire Remove the front engine mounting installation nuts Remove the rear engine mounting installation nuts When removing the engine mounting in stallation nuts be sure to apply ...

Страница 16: ...butor assembly Remove the carburetor Remove the rocker cover Remove the thermo itat houslllg Remove the manifolds Remove the water pump Remove the fuel pump Fig 16 Manifolds removal Fig 17 Water pump removal 18 Remove the rocker shaft assembly and push rods Remove the cylInder head assembly Invert the engine Fig 18 Rocker shaft assembly removal 7 1 l I h Y r I w L 1 Fig 19 Cylinder head bolts remo...

Страница 17: ...s at the same tIme and keep them In order Rotate the engIne a quarter turn and remove the flywheel Remove the maIn bearIng cap and the rear 011 seal Remove the crankshaft Remove the baffie plate and the crank case net Remove the camshaft after takIng off the cam shaft plate Remove the valve tfter Remove the piston rIngs With a tlng remover Press out the piston pIn With a piston pin remover and an ...

Страница 18: valve stem dIameter Secure proper assembly carefully Cylinder Head Checking cylinder head mating face VIsually check for cracks and flaws Measure the surface of the cyhnder head on the cyhnder block SIde for warping If It ex ceeds the hmlt indIcated below regrind afTec ted surface wIth a surface grinder Valve Assembly Check each of the Intake and exhause valve assembhes for worn damaged or defo...

Страница 19: ...ced Valve Rocker Shaft and Rocker Arm Check the valve rocker shaft and rocker arm 1 N in 00 9E 22 N o NO I I I I 1 I I Ll gE N cno CX co 00 r o 171M OtM Be 22 Bo l N 11 lit l o cnM l Q 145 30 290 to 29 2 die 1142 to 1 1501 N I 350 to 35 2dla 1 378 to 1386 INTAKE EXHAUST UNIT mm lnl Fig 30 The Intake and exhaust valves Fig 31 Valve grinder for seizure and wear and repair or replace as required Valv...

Страница 20: ...r bendmg and damage and repair or replace as reqUIred Camshaft and Camshaft Bearing Measure mner dIameter of the camshaft bearing and outer diameter of the camshaft Journal Standard MaxlIDum m m Valve hfter hfter hole o 0059 o 0008 to 0 0020 clearance limit 0151010 00059 m Standard 003 to 0071010 00012 to 00027 m Fig 34 Camshaft bearing check 20 Valve Timing If the camshaft has no apparent damage ...

Страница 21: ...olerance Surface flatness less than o 0020 o 0039 m Distortion limIt 0 101010 00039 In Standard 0051010 100020 In or less Fig 36 Cylinder block surface check Bogioe When wear or out of round 1S mmor and wlthm the hmlt remove the step from the top most portIOn of the cyhnder by the use of a ridge reamer or other slm11ar tool Piston Piston Pin and Piston Ring Check for seIzure scratch and wear Repla...

Страница 22: ...7 o 0079 Ot rIng 00015 to 0 0031 o 0079 EM129 Fig 39 Side clearance measurement Fig 40 Ring gap measurement 22 Rmg gap Standard Wear limIt m m Top rmg o 0394 00079 to 0 0138 2nd rIng o 0394 00079 to 00138 OtlrIng o 0394 00118 to 00354 Fig 41 Piston pin fitting EM131 Fig 42 Measunng piston pin diameter ...

Страница 23: ...rence fit of piston pm to connectmg rod o 0008 EM133 FIg 43 Connecting rod ahgner Bngine Flttmg of piston pm Determme the fittmg of the piston pm mto the piston pm hole to such an extent that 1t can be finger pressed at room temperature ThIS piston pm rnust be tight press fitted mto the connectmg rod Connecting Rod Ifa connectmg rod shows any scratch or score mark or IS pitted on both Sides of the...

Страница 24: ...r bend Ifthe bend ex ceeds the hmlt replace the crankshaft Note When me8sJlring jJ nc ldtSe dial gauge 14 Standard Llmtl Crankshaft free end play m o 0020 to 0 0059 00118 EM141 Fig 46 Plasllgage Bend value is a half of the readmg ob tamed when the crankshaft is turned once with the dial gauge applied to Its center journal After regrInding the crankshaft fimsh It to the necessary size by uSing an a...

Страница 25: Check the camshaft thrust deViatIOn If It IS deViated replace the camshaft locatmg plate Check the cham for damage excessive wear and stretch at ItS roller Imks Replace cham Ifdefective Flywheel Check the clutch diSC contact surface of the flywheel for damage and wear Repair or replace If necessary Measure deVtat10n of the clutch dISC contact surface with a dial gauge If It exceeds 0 0079 m rep...

Страница 26: be used When pressmg the piston pin into the con necting rod apply engine oil to the pin and the small end of the connecting rod b Arrange the connecting rod so that the oil Jet of the connecting rod large end is directed toward the right side of the cylinder block InstallIng piston rmgs Install the top and second rings In nght pOSItIOns so that the marks are faced upward FIX bearings on the co...

Страница 27: ... toward the front of the engine b Prior to tightening the bearing cap bolts place the bearing cap at a proper posItIon by shlftmg the crankshaft in the axial direction c Tighten the bearmg cap bolts gradually in separatmg two to three stages and out wardly from the center bearing d After securing the bearing cap bolts ascertam that the crankshaft can be easily rotated Make sure that the crankshaft...

Страница 28: ...tion Install the connectmg rod cap Tlghtenmg torque 23 1 to 27 5 ft lb Make sure that end play ofthe connectmg rod large end IS correct Big end play 00079 to 0 0118 Install the camshaft and crankshaft sprockets temporarily for adjustment of the tooth height by usmg adJustmg washers Install the tlmmg cham and camshaft sprocket Camshaft sprocket tlghtemng torque 29 to 35 ft lb FIg 58 Connecting rod ...

Страница 29: ...le and crankshaft sprocket key are in line and both the dowel hole and key are located down ward b Set the timing cham making its mating marks meet with those of crankshaft sprocket and camshaft sprocket at the right hand side Install the tlmmg cham tenslOner and tighten the tenslOner bolts to a torque of 43 to 58 ft Ib Install the crankshaft 011 thrower Check the temloner spondle projection Wear ...

Страница 30: ...n It and apply sealing agent to the gasket top Tighten the cylinder head bolts to the peclfied torque Cylmder bloLk Side Stecl heet Sealmg agent not required Cylinder head Side Jomt sheet Remarks Install WIthout applymg sealing agent Be careful not to damage the push rod Side because thIS SIde has prevIOusly been provIded WIth sealing agent J 30 v o The cyhnder head uses two types of in stallatIOn...

Страница 31: ...h the specIfied dlmenblOn Install the rocker cover and carburetor assem bly In tdll the watel pump and thermostat Tlghtemng tOl que 65 to 10 ft lb Install the crankshaft pulley Tighten the crank pulley bolt to the specIfied torque TIghtenIng torque 109 to 116 ft lb Fig 67 Installation of Intake and exhaust manifolds Intake at cold 00138 In Exhaust at cold 00138 In Fig 68 Valve clearance adjustment...

Страница 32: ...e distrIbutor to plug high tensIOn lead wire Install the fuel hoses and tubes Install the clutch cover assembly Install the engme shngers and crankcase ven tilatIOn hose Fig 72 Removal of 011 pump TrochoId Fig 73011 pump OIL PUMP Removal Engine in vehlCIe Dram engme OIl Remove the front stabilIzer Remove the splash shield board Detach the 011 pump body together with drIve gear spmdle Disassembly P...

Страница 33: ...047 In or below Tip clearance 00016 to 0 0047 In Clearance between outer rotor and body o 0059 to 0 0083 In AdjustIng Regulator Insert valve In the body and measure the dIstance A from the valve end to the spnng contacting face inside the plug See Figure 74 Bngine 1 Adjusting h rn rJ Regul m Valve spnn FIg 74 Regulator valve The distance from the spring contacting face inSide the valve to the valv...

Страница 34: ...11 1 r t i 4lI t it j t rt l I it t 8 J A l t ty 1 1 J t 1 r t d Vi f r 1 t r p J i K l j F p ll tf i1 AP J l v i I jll f r f 1ll 0 0 l t l l pJ ...

Страница 35: ...oppt rdlP 13 Pinion toppu I 15 16 17 Pmlon Ovu rumuRl dukb I KId lOll Yok 18 Uru h 19 Bru l b 20 Rl ar t r 11 Through bolt Fig 75 Exploded view of starting motor ALTERNATOR CD OO I Pulley assembly 2 f on cover 3 Front beanng 4 Rotor 5 Rear beanng 6 Stator 1 Rear covet 8 Brush assembly 9 Diode t plate assembly 10 Diode cover 11 Through bolt EE031 Fig 76 Exploded view of alternator ...

Страница 36: ...les Trouble IOlJlltHI lartlTlg motor will not operate No mJgnetJl sWltdl operating sound Rdttcry IgnitIon sWltLh Wiring Starler Magnetic SWitch Magnetic SWitch operating sound IS heard Bdttery Wifing CaUlies Remedies Defective bclttery Rcpldt C bJlh ry Over dlschargmg Measure speCific grJvlty of clcl lrolyte dnd chJrge ur repl H e the battery Defedlvc lontJd orreLl or replJlc Ig mllun wltdl F lult...

Страница 37: ... wire Worn teeth Weakened pinion sleeve sprmg Worn pmIOn teeth FJulty plOlOJl slldmg Dropped oft lever pill EXl hr plunger L dlll1en IOn Defel tlve over runnmg dutch Over dlscharglOg Improper or lome termmdl conLid Improperly tightened connection Rough Lontact urtJce Shorted armdture COil or field cOIl Worn brush or I11sufficlCnt spnng pressure Conldmmated Lomrnutator or Im proper brush LonldLl De...

Страница 38: ...tacts when clo ed complete the field CIrCUIt dIrect to glOund and the upper contacts when closed complete the field CIrCUIt to ground through a resIstam e field COl and produces alternator output The charge lelay IS SimIlar In constructIOn to the voltage regulator When the upper contacts are closed IgnitIOn warnIng lamp goes on As for the constructIOn the voltage regulator IS very SImIlar to the c...

Страница 39: ... fan belt Improper voltage regulator adlust Pl n I Faulty voltage regulator pomt con t ct Defective operation Faulty chargmg CUI Ult lead WIn connection Remedies Correct or replace brush and brush spnng aean RetIghten or solder connection Replace leads Ifnecessary 6 RepaIr or replace the stator coLi Replace the rotor Replace the dIOde assembly Replace the rotor RepaIr or replacethe stator Replace ...

Страница 40: ...voltdge regulator adJust ment Defective operatIon 9i reg ator oP P lor replace as rw t Check the charge relay operation and repair or replace as requIred Check the voltage t fa hon and ep lf required Improper charge relay adjustment detecttve operatIOn and or faulty pomt contact t f J r p i lC I 1 1 r i r A 1 A fl 1 1 S 1 P 1 ...

Страница 41: ...i J J 1 1 1 i j l 1 d 1 f t 1k 4 I rt I v 401 of t tWf P pr l iltA 4 fl i r i JIA l ill t I i 1 J 7lt 1 jj l a lfI J A L r c ...

Страница 42: ...d dust Whenever crack or trace of leakage IS found on the cap replace w1th a new one 44 Recommended the rotor head also be replaced wIth a new one Ifexcessively damaged When pomt surface IS roughened due to bur nlng polish with a fine emery paper No 500 or 600 or 011 stone When the point IS worn excessively replace When the POIn IS replaced with a new one apply grease to the arm pivot receiver and...

Страница 43: ...rnor werght 11 Sh lft l2 PIRIOn 1 Assembly clamp cap 2 Aucmbly clamp cap 3 Assembly shaft 4 PlOlon 5 A uembly eam 6 Assembly weight governor 7 Spnng governor 8 Screw 9 Assembly rotor head 10 Washer thrust II Assembly breaker plate 12 Set contact 13 Assembly termmaJ 14 Assembly control vacuum IS Screw 16 AssembJy condenser 17 Screw J 8 Assembly cap dJstnbutor 19 Assembly pomt carbon 20 Plate fixing...

Страница 44: ...pOinter does not stay stili or It points Zero In reSIstance replacement IS necessary Fig 82 AdJusllng POint gap Fig 83 Measunng breaker POint spnng tension g SPARK PLUGS Description The spark plugs are of the re lster type haVing 0 551 In threads and 0031 to 0035 11i gap Note All spark plugs installed on an engme must be of the same brand and number of heat range Inspection Remove spark plug wIre ...

Страница 45: ...sults from in correct IgnitIon tIming loose spark plugs low guel pump pressure wrong selectIOn of fuel a hotter plug etc It IS adVisable to replace WIth plugs havmg colder heat range After cleaning dress electrodes With a small fine file to flatten the surfaces of both center and Side electrodes In parallel Set spark plug gap to specification FIg 86 Settmg spark plug gap Install spark plugs and to...

Страница 46: ...A 1n v v 1 l J i r y t r t fJ 1r r J f c 1 t ii V ...

Страница 47: ...ore disconnecting fuel lines use a container to receive the remaining fuel In lines INSTALLATION InstallatIOn IS the reverse of removal FUEL PUMP Description The fuel pump transfers gasoline from the tank to the carburetor In suffiCient quantity to meet engine requIrements at any speed or load The fuel pump IS of the diaphragm type The fuel pump conSIsts of a body rocker arm and link assembly fuel...

Страница 48: ... IS the static fuel pressure and thIS should remam wlthm the follOWing Itmlts 2 61b sq m Pressure below the lower hmlt IndlCates ex treme wear on one part of a small amount of wear on each working part They also md1cate a ruptured dIaphragm worn warped dirty or gummmg valves and seats or weak dIaphragm return spring Pressure above the upper hmlt Indicates an excessIVely strong dIaphragm that IS to...

Страница 49: the rectangular part m the lower end of the pull rod IS unhooked from the rocker arm lInk Inspection Check the upper and lower bodIes for cracks 2 Check the valve assembly for wear of the valve and valve sprmg Blow the valve assem bly by breath to examme ItS functIOn Check the dIaphragm for small holes cral ks and wear Check the rocker dl m for wear at the portIOn In contact With the camshaft C...

Страница 50: ...justment Idhng Adjustment Idle mixture adjustment requIres the use of a CO meter When prepatlng to adjust Idle mIxture It IS essentIal to have the meter thoroughly warmed and cahbrated Warm up the engIne suffiCiently ContInue engme operatIOn for one mmute un der ldhng speed Adjust throttle adjustIng screw so that engme speed IS 800 rpm m N pos1tIon for automatic transmiSSIOn Check IgmtlOn tl If ne...

Страница 51: ...contents sattsfies the speClficattons Install idle hmIter cap In poSItIOn makIng sure that the adjustIng screw can further turn rotatIOn In the CO RICH dIrectIOn Fuel Level Adjustment Turn down the float chamber to allow the float comIng Into contact WIth the needle valve and measure R shown In Figure 91 When the H IS approximately 190 mm 0748 In top float posltton IS correct The top float pOSitIO...

Страница 52: ...Fuel Sptem FIg 95 Adjusting fast d Ie B Choke val IV uvm b k stem Vacuum break stew Fig 96 Adjusting vacuum break 1 ...

Страница 53: ...e gap shown at 8 In the 111ustratlOnl between the choke valve and carburetor body to 00449 to 0 0496 In for manual transmission tar and 0047 to 0 053 1n for automattc transrnlsslOn car by bending vacuum break rod 51 Choke Unloader Adjustment Completely close the choke valve Hold the choke valve by stretching a rubber ring between the choke shaft lever and the stattonary part ofthe carburetor Open ...

Страница 54: ...ake sure that the resIstance across the termmal and the carburetor body IS m the range from 8 6 to 0 0 ohms Measure the resIstance without electnc current through the heater and at about 70 F Postllon the bl metal cover until the mdex mark 1S altgned at the middle pomtofthe scale 26 mm I 024 m dlJ 30 m 1 181 In dlJ Connectml rod Secondary COnnCllms lever Throltle lever 4 Secondary throttle vaJve 5...

Страница 55: ...speed IS smoothly leduced from 3 000 to 1 000 rpm within a few econds Removal Remove the aIr cleaner DIsconnect the fuel line vacuum line automatic choke harness and antl dlesehng solenOId harness from carburetor Remove the throttle lever Remove four nuts and washers retaining the carburetor to the mamfold If necessary LIft the carburetor and remove from the mamfold Remove and dlscard the gasketcu...

Страница 56: ...sary to change It IS preferable to leave throttle valve mtact unless otherWise reqUIred If throttle valve must be dIsassembled to remedy a defect secondary throttle valve must be Installed wIth gap to be free OtherWise stable Idlmg and slow speed per formance Will not be obtamed In dlsassembhng and reassembhng in terlockIng hnks take care so that each lInkage has a smooth action and that It IS not...

Страница 57: ...elated components be careful not to bend or deform the components Reassembly carefully and correctly so that all Interlock hnks operate smoothly Jets The carburetor performance depends on Jets and aIr bleed and the vehicle emISSIOns largely depends on the carburetor performan ce That IS why these components are manufactured WIth utmost care To clean them use gasohne and blow aIr on them ChangIng J...

Страница 58: ...e miXture choke settmg Incorrect baSIC 1OIt100 tunmg Incorrect automatic temperature control air cleaner Defect or malfunction of Igmtlon system spark plug lugh tenSion cable breaker JXInt Ignition COIl etc Trouble In throttle lInk and cable Incorred throttle opener adjustment Trouble In PCV valve Trouble In automatic choke Defect or malfunctIOn of Igmhon s stem spark plug hIgh tenSion cable break...

Страница 59: ... valve Defect or malfunction of Igmtlon system spark plog ugh tenSIon cable breaker pomt IgmtIon cod etc Fuel overflows No fuel IdlIng adjustment mearrect Fast Idle adjustment mcareeet Damaged antl dlesehng solenoId BI metal rod m contact WIth bl metal case RemedIes Clean Cledn lube lean Correct adjustment Overhaul and clean AdjUstlhroltle opener Replace PCV valve Adjust or replace IgJuhan system ...

Страница 60: ...type With hIgh coolmg capablhty Coohng water WATER PUMP flowmg through resIstance free water passages m the cyhnder head and cyhnder The water pump IS a centrifugal type water block IS mamtamed at adequate temperature pum WIth an alumlpum d1e cast pump body range at allo tlmes by means of an ample The olute chamber IS bUIlt mto the front capacIty water pump of a corrugated fin type cover assembly ...

Страница 61: ...ted agamst a rubber dIaphragm and the valve opens As the pellet IS cooled the contractIOn allows the sprmg to close the valve Removal Dram coohng water Remove radiator hose Remove water outlet elbow Then take out the thermostat Inspection To test the thermostat for proper operatmg temperature submerg he umt m a contamer of water Heat the water and observe the tem perature Measure temperature when ...

Страница 62: ...ntrols the pressure at approximately 13 Ib sq In Removal DraIn cooltng water DIsconnect radiator upper hose lower hose and hose to the reservOir tank Detach the radiator assembly by removmg SIX fiXIng bolts Inspection Check for water leakage and cracks USIng a cap tester If such defects are detected repair 88 Fig 111 Radiator removal or replace the radIator assembly Installation InstallatIOn IS th...

Страница 63: ... a Returns elastIC displacement of the seal CYLINDER SIDE DECOMPRESSION Fig 113 PIston seal automatic adjusting operation FRONT DISC BRAKE I Brake pad 2 Retalnl pin I Clip FIg 114 RemOVing retaining pm Rigidity of the cahper IS high brake pedal feehng IS adequate and the pad draggIng IS piston operating stroke Increases shpplng oc mlmmlzed The padqs returned by elastIcity curs on the plston seal s...

Страница 64: ...asohne When 011 and or grease IS heavIly stlcked on the pad or when deteriorated or deformed due to overheating replace the pad With a new one When thickness of the friction material pad IS less than 0 0630 In replace Replace when total pad thIckness IS less than 0 2402 In Note Replace pads as a set Replacement at only one position may cause uneven brake effect It IS recommended that rotation of p...

Страница 65: the retaining pin which IS distanced from the atr bleeder 111 PlSton seal I 2 I Normal position I Fig 117 Piston pushIng In posllIon FIg 118 Arrow mark on shim 78 When the pad IS Installed depress the brake pedal several tl mes so as to settle down the pad In the posltton CALIPER Removal Remove the brake pad DIsconnect the brake tube from the wheel cyltnder Remove the strut assembly and knuckle...

Страница 66: ...ston seal carefully w1th fmgers so that the cylinder wall is not damaged Remove the yoke prIng and yoke bias sprIng from the yoke Inspection and Repair Thoroughly clean all dIsassembled parts and check them for the follOWIng Items Note When cleaning rubber parts use alcohol or brake fluid If rubber parts are cleaned wIth mmeral Oil they will be detenorated Calzpers If the cylInder wall IS damaged ...

Страница 67: ...tortlOn and excessIve deflectIOn replace the rotor Standard rotor thlckne ls 03740 In Fig 123 MeaSUring deflectoon of diSC Fig 124 Installing bias ring mto piston A 72 LImIt ofI econdltlOntng lotOl In thlcknes l o 3307 In DeflectIOn ofthe rotor Below 0 0012 In Reassembly Apply the rubber grea le to cylinder bore and Install the pIston seal Insert the bIas rIng to pIston A so that the roundl lh por...

Страница 68: ... SPRING Fig 127 Installation of yoke spnng 1 Fig 128 InstallatIOn of yoke spnng 2 Install so that the projected portIOn of yoke spnng faces to diSC as shown In Figures 127 and 128 Install the bias spring to yoke so that the bias spring comes to the aIr bleeder Side of cyhn der Apply the brake grease to the yoke shdlng portIOn ofcylinder With the yoke spring Inserted to cylinder groove hghtly corre...

Страница 69: ...bly installatIOn bolt 33 3 to 44 1 ft lb Brake tube flare nut connected to wheel cylIn der 108 to 13 0 ft lb REAR BRAKE Removal and Disassembly Jack up the rear slde of the vehicle support With a stand and remove the wheel 74 Loosen the hand brake Wire remove the cleVIS pin from the rear wheel lylInder lever and disconnect the hand brake wIre Remove the return spnng pull spnng Remove the brake dru...

Страница 70: ...on Rea semble and reinstall the rear brake In reverse sequence of dl assembly and removal noting the follOWing matter Measure the wheel cylinder shdlng resistance With the brake tube dIsconnected as shown In Figure 136 and make sure that the slIding resIstance 1 In range from 4 409 to 15432 Ib Note When sliding IS improper the brake shoe does not return smoothly Tighten the brake diSC installatIOn...

Страница 71: ...m the axle hOUSIng bracket umt and disconnect the rear cable Loosen the hanger strap umt nut and separate the parts Into nut hanger strap washer and bracket DIsconnect the wheel cylinder lever SIde brake cable Note Do not remove the dust cover from the cable but leave it installed on the cable Inspection Check the cable for damage and other defec tlve condlttons and replace If reqUIred Replace If ...

Страница 72: ...r CI H nd brok 1 Ye Fig 139 Removing hand brake lever Reinstallation Remstall the hand brake m reverse sequence ofremoval notmg the folloWIng matters Be careful not to damage or tW1St the dust cover TIghten the hanger strap and the cable con nectmg nut to 5 8 to 7 2 ft lb When adJustmg rear brake shoe clearance be sure to loosen the mner cable sufficIently Grease the shdmg parts w1th multI purpose...

Страница 73: With the brake drum Return the adjuster wedge properly so that the brake shoe IS separated from the brake drum slIghtly Turn the brake drum and If the brake shoe Interferes the brake drum readjust In ad dition depress the brake pedal and make sure that the brake operates effecttvely and correctly Loosen the stopper up to such extent that the brake pedal stopper IS separated from the pedal ...

Страница 74: ... Fig 144 AdJusting turn buckle LImIted stroke 535 tn 10 notches The term Stroke means heIght from the standard posItIon 8 7 In above the hand brake lever fulcrum Note Readjust hand brake stroke when it reaches the hmited stroke 5 35 in 10 notches BLEEDING HYDRAULIC SYSTEM BleedIng the hydrauhc brake system deserves much attentIOn as It IS an e senttal factor for regular servICe brake operatIon As ...

Страница 75: ... the master cylinder is dIsassem bled or replaced conduct air bleeding on the wheel cylinder which is located most near the master cyhnder d Ordinarily air bleeding is performed in the following sequence Rear left Rear right Front left Front right e Do not return the brake pedal before retightening the bleeder screw TROUBLE SHOOTING Condition Probable cause Corretttve dellon Spongy pedal Au In bra...

Страница 76: ...s SLOTed brake drums Dust on drums or oIl soLled Immgs Weak shoe return springs Drum out of round Worn Itmngs Bleed the system Adjust shoe to drum clearance Full up wIth specIfied brake flUId Bleed the system If requIred Allow drums to cool off Check brake shoe lImngs and drums Replace damaged parts Adjust cledrance Replace the spnngs Adjust pedal height SerVJce the master cyhnder repla e the pISt...

Страница 77: ...i V J f1J lr f t Jtt J V f T lfr J t Yr 1 4 t 7 1 1 t r i t 1 W lQ ...

Страница 78: ...ween the upper sprIng seat fitted to the upper end of the piston rod and spring seat welded to the outer caSIng These components assembled to a SIngle umt are fitted to the chaSSIS frame at their upper part through the thrust beanng M eover the 1ransverse hnk supports the 84 overall forward and backward strut movements by means of the tensIOn rod fitted to the cha sls frame through a rubber bushIn...

Страница 79: ... and wear of each part of hnkage and VIbration of front wheels are In many cases trans mitted to the steenng wheel ThiS IS very nottceable when travellIng over rough road TROUBLE SHOOTING Probable cause Improper au pressure of tIre Unbalance and deformatIon of road wheel Unevenly worn hre or insufficient IIghtemng Improperly adlusted or worn front wheel beanng Faulty wheel alignment Corrective act...

Страница 80: ...oose clamp MalfunctIOn of shock absorber inSIde the strut or loose mstdllatJon bolts Unbalance ofvehtcle level Improper au pressure of tire or msuf ficlent hghtenmg of wheel nuts Difference In height of nght and left lIre treads Incorrect adjustment or abraSIOn of front wheel beanng Collapsed or tWisted front sprmg Incorrect wheel alIgnment Incorrect brake adjustment bmdmg Worn rubber bushmgs for ...

Страница 81: box 1n orrectJy adjusted wheel bearIng Worn trdl1Wcrs e hnk dnd tensIOn rod f1ttlllg bmhlOgs Improper lIT pressure of lire InsuffiCient lubncatmg 011 and grease for suspen lOn b t11 Jomt and steermg hnkage or then breakage Loose teermg gear bolt Imkage and suspension groups Defective shock absorber mslde the slrut Defective wheel bearmg Worn sleenng Imkage Worn transverse hnk and tenston rod fi...

Страница 82: Replace DefectIve tlfe Repldce Deformed wheel rim Replace ExcessIVely or partially worn tIre Improper au pressure of tlfe Adlust Incorrect wheel alIgnment Adlusl DefectIVe wheel beanng Replace Incorrect brake adjustment Adjust Improper lire sluflmg rolahon Adlusl Rough and Improper driVing manner Dnve more gen tly I 88 ...

Страница 83: ...0 1 i Q f h I tc I j 1 w J If y IJ l t f 1 4i 1 i J ji t ij t t t f A lo f d rr rf j 1 tt4 e it Ir ij j l fr lf 1 r 0 t 9 0 ...

Страница 84: ...d With a torsIOn rubber sy tem Idler arm whIch absorbs shock from the wheel RECOMMENDATIONS Check the lubricant of gear box every 6 000 Due to the need for a large number of specIal tools and alignment eqUIpment It IS recom mended that repairs to the steering com ponents be left to a completely eqUIpped shop Steenng gear housing Shaft steeling sector Suew adjusting roller hdft 4 Cover ector haft 5...

Страница 85: ...pensIOn Incorrect front wheel ahgnment Loose front wheel beanngs Loose steering lmkage connectIOn and trans verse lmk Incorrect adjustment of ball nut Wheels out of balance Corrective action Innate tires to recommended pressure Adjust to speclficatJono Lubricate steering gc H and b dl jomts or replace WOln bdll jomt Replace Adjust or repldce LubrlcJte with bearing grease Adjust or replace as reqUi...

Страница 86: ...f J1J t j 1 J i 1 I j i 1 n i i 1N 1 f J JI it J Jil r k f 4 rt t f l J t t t J 1 1 1J 83 t u o J w d lo t f M i U At j i rd 1 iil ...

Страница 87: ...sealing rubber DIFFERENTIAL The gear carner IS made of light and strong alumInum alloy metaLand hYPOld bevel gear IS used M Adjust dnve pInIOn bearIng preload wIth non adjustIng type spacer and pInion height and Side bearIng adjustment wIth spacer shlm s MIllimeter standardIzatIOn stili remaInS for all the screw threads of thIS Unit Therefore adjustment figures stamped on screws ad JustIng shIms w...

Страница 88: ...0 000 m11es ConsIderatIOns should be given to the follOWing matters Nommated hYPOld gear 011 must be used It IS prohibited to use any gear 011 of dIfferent VISCOSity The same brand must always be selected The standard 011 capacity IS about 0 198 US gal REAR SUSPENSION Rear suspensIOn consists of serm elhptlc leaf springs telescopIc hydrauhc shock absorbers and rubber bumpers The rear sprmg center ...

Страница 89: ...pension Fig 152 Removing the shock absorber lower end Fig 153 Removing shock absorber upper bracket REAR SHOCK ABSORBER Remove the lower end of the rear shock absor ber from the sprmg seat See FIgure 152 Replacement Jack upcthe center of the rear axle and sup E ll1ove the rear shock absorJ l lpstalhng nut port the axle housmg with stands located under the rear sea back 88 ...

Страница 90: ... Inspection Test the shock absorber and replace If necessary Check for leakage cracks and the shaft for straightness Inspect the rubber bushmgs for damage RECOMMENDATIONS Due to the large number of specIal tools reqUIred and the advanced knowledge necessary It IS recommended that the overhaul of the differential be left to a properlv equipped shop 97 ...

Страница 91: ... Therefore when a trouble IS un correctable replace the clutch assembly With a new assembly 30 1181 r I I I I I 8 1 il f 0 g it l 00 r O 11 I N NN 0 to lt lt ll l If N O N I I II FIg 154 Construction of clutch 100 CLUTCH PEDAL Removal Remove the return sprmg Loosen the lock nut of the master cyhnder push rod and disconnect the push rod end Remove the lock nut and washer of the pedal shaft and remo...

Страница 92: ...Spnng retamer Shun Inlet valve Body release pm 011 reservoir 011 reservou cap Part number Adlustmg shun ThIckness mm m 00630 00315 05 00197 Clutch pedallrte aY tl 30 mm 1181 n Ch nllSgre Fig 155 P edal height adjustment l 1 f I vy J W Il Ji 0 t o 1 Fig 156 Clutch master cylinder Clutch 101 ...

Страница 93: ...e pIston cup pnmanly whenever the master cyhnder IS dIsassembled It must also be replaced when wear or deformatIOn due to fatIgue or damage IS found Check the dust cover OIl reservOIr filler cap and clutch lIne for damage or deformatIOn If abnormal condItIOn IS found replace With new one Reassembly Reassemble the master cylInder assembly In reverse sequence of dIsassembly notIng the follOWIng matt...

Страница 94: ...Transmission ...

Страница 95: ...Isassembled With the gear assembly Installed on the adapter plate The transmiSSIOn assembly cons1sts of tran smISSIOn case whIch contams gear assembly and rear extensIOn The cast Iron adapter plate supports each end of the mam sO aft counter shaft and reverse 1T Fig 157 R3W56 gear tram Fig 158 F4W56 gear tram e 1 l j iir 1 1 lkv t J I If Jo rn r J J v li I v 1 1 rr v Fig 159 F4W56 transmisSion 11M...

Страница 96: ... Difficult to mtermesh gears Causes for difficult gear shlftmg are classIfied to troubles concernmg the control system md transmlSSlUn When the gear shift lever IS heavy and It IS difficult to shift ge us clutch disengagement mdY also be unsmooth First make sure that the clutch operates correctly and Inspect the transmiSSion 105 ...

Страница 97: ...ted by weakened front and rear engme mounts Worn mterlock plunger Replal c Worn check hall and or weakened orbroken sprmg Replalc Worn fork rod ball groove RepI H e Worn or damaged beanng Repldce Worn or damaged gear Repldlc NOise When nOIse occurs unoer engine Idling and stops whde the clutch IS dlseng lged or when nOI Olcurs while shlftmg gears It may Judged that the nOIse IS from the tranSmll l...

Страница 98: 2 5 4 B H1d brJkl 14 011 p Jll li H hl 7 14toHn 5 Re u du h 15 lIT01 tlvt 41u5 I I 310 I 8 6 I ronl plJllctJry lJr 16 Input 11 111 0 29101fll 194 013 1 Rldr pIJIJC IJ ry j lLr 11 1 m lu n lIh T 6 5 tn 15 055toO 5 OIll JYdutdt rllT 11 l1 11l I 147 to 541 40 05 4 9 I lW RlVlr l bl Jkl 19 Dm l plJh 16 III 8 CDT l 2S to U l S 10 011 dl nbulm 4 11n i HI I I to 2 iJ Flg 161 CrosssectIonal view of 3N7...

Страница 99: ... to be started and run Without dnvIngthe vehicle 0 Drive range IS used for all normal driVing conditions Dnve range has three gear ratios from the startmg ratIO to direct dnve 2 2 range prOVides performance for dnvIng onshppery surfaces 2 range can also be used for engine brakmg 2 range can be selected at any vehicle speed and prevents the transmlsslOn from shifting out of second gear 108 Rg 162 I...

Страница 100: ...FICATION Model code JAPAN AUTOMATIC I 0 TRANSMISSION CO LTD MODEL NO XOIOO 2412345 Unit number NlIlllher deSignatIOn 2412145 c l Sendl productIOn number for the monfh Month of production X Oct Y Nov Z Pel LJ t fll Ure denotmg the yedf A D r 108 ...

Страница 101: ...n f x J y J li i j 11 t i j r t t t if j f 1 i 1 1 j r i t2 t I tf j Or 1 A Z J t 111 t J j l t c j l t 1 1t 1i tI 1 f l 1 JH of l 1 N J j1 t ...

Страница 102: ... hood IS closed HOOD LOCK Removal Remove the radiator gnlle loosen the in stallation bolts and remove the male Side of the hood lock Disconnect the hood lock wire from the female Side of the hood lock and remove the female Side of the hood lock Remove three screws and remove the hood lock control lever Adjustment Centermg the Hood Lock The male Side hook lock IS prOVided with a o 118 In adjusting ...

Страница 103: ...uce tensIOn ofthe spring Tightening torque Dove tall bolt retaining nut 108 to 18 1 ft lb Fig 166 Removing male Side of the hood lock DovetaIl bolt lock nut Ttghtenlllg torque 1 5 to 2 5 kg m 1108 to 18 1 It Ib FIg 167 Removing female Side ofthe hood lock FIg 169 Section view of hood lock 2 10 6 mm 0079 10 0 236 on Fig 168 Removing hood lock control lever Fig 170 Checking free play of hood panel U...

Страница 104: ...Check catcher of the safety catch lever for wear and the spring 3 for weakness and break If the spring is broken the hood may be unlocked and rapidly open during driving c Check the female lever for smooth and correct operation and the spring 6 for weakness and break If the female lever does not move smoothly engaging stroke with the dove tail bolt wilLbeoreduced and it may be disengaged 1M 9 A 5 ...

Страница 105: ... hd weathentnp 4 Hmge fixII18 pin S Trunk lid hmzc 6 Stnker sembly FIg 174 Trunk lid and hinge construction Sedan ill Oosed poSItion RaUtlon center of trunkhd h 3 Trunk hd Iungo Trunk lid torsion bar Rear Waist connector Fig 175 Installing torsion bar U5 ...

Страница 106: When adju tmg engagement between the lock and stnker adjust stnker poSitIOn toward left and right Sides adju tmg stroke 02362 m and lock pOSitIOn for vertical directIOn ad justmg stroke 03 50 m Tlghtemng torque Lock and stnker fixmg bolt o 87 to 45 ft lb TRUNK LID TORSION BAR The procedures of m tallIng torsIOn bar are mdlcated as follows Note When installing the torsion bar u te a torsIOn bar ...

Страница 107: ...r 10 oraln hole cover II Doorgllss 12 Glazmg rubber 13 Bottom channel 14 Outer moulding I S Door upper hmge 16 Door lower hinge I Glass run rubber 2 Partition we athentnp 3 Partition sash 4 Door panel 5 We therstrlp 6 Doorbumper rubber 7 Seal screen 8 Door fintsh 9 Door comer Klass 10 Door lass 11 O Jter moulding 12 Glass run rubber 13 Glazmg rubber 14 Bottom channel 15 Door upper hinge 16 Door lo...

Страница 108: ...G u G1 t4ual fi 0 UI S ie cat l 0 3 a G Jl c J e g t i I l 1 3 I i n 8 U E 1 i t E E lj j It ...

Страница 109: ...1 t U UMlt O M t t gp p i Q e I I Vo P a H O t l t PA Rlt 1tO f 1 l t Jo tEAtt R fII Efl w UfOR Wifing diagram for automatic transmission mode fIg 1SO ...

Страница 110: ...aIllight 2V 23 8W 1034 Stop brake light 2V 23 8W Turn sIgnal light 2V 23W 073 Back up lIght 2V 23W Meter Illuminating lamp 2V 7W 6 WIper Washer Illumination lamp 12V 3 4W 58 Heater control Illumination lamp 2V 3 4W 57 Ignition warmng light 12V 17W 6 Turn signal indicator light 2V 7W 6 Headlight beam indIcator light 2V 7W 61 all pressure warning lIght 2V 17W 16 Brake warning light 2V I 7W 6 I Room ...

Страница 111: ...e hghtlng sWItch Check the fuse for fusIng and faulty contact 1h 1M BI m off CO does not hght for both high and loW beams Check the connector for contact lmproper dImmer sWitch contact DefectIve dImmer sWitch Conduct contlnu ty test Correctwe ac tlon RepaIr as requtred When fused detect and repaH the cause and replace the fuse RepaIr as requHed If the lighting SWitch IS defectWe replace When fused...

Страница 112: ...tact and or Improper grounding lmproper cable contact MethOd of lnspectlon Check the fuse for fUSing and Improper contact Meter operates excessIVelY Meter operates shghtly oa t Correctl le actlon Replace after cor rectiUg the cause If fused Correct con tact The voltage regulator IS combmed With the thermometer to a smgle unit When the voltage regulator IS defectlve replace It together With the the...

Страница 113: ...otntet does DefectIVe thermot1 etet whe1 thett1 al ttansmltter yel owl mometer whtte cable tS rounded the potnter moves to the loW Re place the thet the potl tet tnUl DefectIVe thetrnal tta1 sttl ttet lt1 tt when the 1 1 lttOn SW tch tS mal ttansm ttet cates maJ mum tutned off tem petatute Re p ace the the the potntet l1 d cates malUmutt DefectIVe thetmOmetet tem petature even aftet the l Itton tt...

Страница 114: ... Uldlcates approxunately SOoC 1220F When the thermometer IS normal through the above UlSpeCtlOn The thermometer 19d1cates a temperature slightly lower than the actual temperature The pOUlter tank umt grounded deflects when the yellow cable IS The pOUlter does not deflect through the above mspectlon Replace If defective 1 10a iii Replace the thermal transmitter Check the cable from the thermometer ...

Страница 115: ...l meter func tIons Improperly The pOinter Indtcates a half level when a 35 n reSIstance IS apphed to the tank Unit yellow cable and the cable IS grounded Defective fuel meter The pOinter does not indicate a half level through the above in spection Re place the fuel meter Improper cable contact The fuel meter Indtcates a level Check the cable from slIghtly lower than the actual the fuel meter to th...

Страница 116: ...fective Oil pressure sWitch Il MethOd of tnSpeCtlOn Check the fuse for fusing and faulty contact The warntng lamP does not bght when oil pressure sWitch yelloW I black cable 15 grounded The warntng lamp bghts through the above tnspectlOn inspect the engine ou pressure system Check 011 level ConttnUlty eXists on the oil pres sure sWltch when the engine IS belng operated oa ta CorrectIVe action Repl...

Страница 117: ...y contact Burnt out hght bulb filament or faulty cable contact Faulty chargmg system i l1 f j l l d 1 inti 1 4 f t 11G f t H i 51 1 ffl j r lm jjolv tl J tA I Ii i i 6i t tt 1 e J Check the fuse for fusmg and faulty contact The pdot lamp does not light when the voltage regulator con nector IS disconnected the white red cable IS grounded and the 18mtlOn sWitch IS set to ON Inspect the charging syst...

Страница 118: ...III Jl f t1SJ i rtl y 1 P fr t 1 l I t t 1 4 I i Xr j t A it i p 3 e l t r r o i j f f 8 l y 1 Y J ct A jB t l r f r r r ft l Y 4t l Ai A Cf 1 f A J h r 1 f t J y o lf t f 1 7 v To t 1 t 1 li L c orn L H p c t ...

Страница 119: ...n Furthermore refer to GasolIne engme 011 SD or SE SAE recommended VISCOSity table See Page GI 5 Transmission and API GL4 0 steenng l Dlfferenllal I API GLS Automallc TIM flUId Type DEXRON MultIpurpose grease NLGI2 LIthIUm soap base Brake and clutch flUId OOT3 Antifreeze coolant Long LIfe Coolant 130 ...

Страница 120: ...lllJIl drill nut If hOll lI1g In Side I1MIIl bar holt Jlld nut Idler dflll nul Idler arm to stde l1lJlO bar bolts Jnd nuts B III stud nuts 51dc rod hJf IOl k nuts mm m 15 I 400 7 024 1 211 L US pI Imp pt 43 1 16 111111 111 20 to 2 10 7X7 to 0 JX4 mm m OS 00197 kg cm lIl oz 2 0 to 5 0 27 X 10 69 4 mm m 005 0 0020 296 8 1169 nun Ill kg Ill ft Ihl 3 0 10 3 5 I 7 10 2S 1 kg m ft Ih kg Ill ft Ih kg Ill...

Страница 121: ...Mmlmum Water capacity of coohng system Wllhout heater L US gal Imp gal W th heater L US gal Imp gal CompressIOn pressure at rpm kgcm2 PSI Battery specific gravity FrigId climates Tropical clImates Other climates 132 Permlsslble value rlver I 22 Over 118 Over I 20 035 0014 035 0014 10 to 15 0 394 to 0 591 10 22 40 to 4 5 29 to 33 5 5 to 6 0 40 to 43 60 to 6 5 43 to 47 09toI4 65toI0 o 5 to I 0 3 6 t...

Страница 122: ...Irpm I 5 iO 51800 Automatic transmission I 5 iO 51650 10 D pOSItIOn Dash pot Settmg englOe speed rpm 1 900 10 2 000 Throllle opener at sea level Settmg vacuum pressure Manual tranSffiI sSlon Automatic transmission Sell109 englOe speed no load Servo diaphragm full stroke rpm mm m 500 to 540 19 7 to 213 48010520 18 9 to 20 5 1 650 to 1 850 5 01969 mmHg 10 Hg mmHg 10 Hg Thermo SWitch Temperature nses...

Страница 123: ...sslon Compresclon ratio 85 011 pressure Hol al 2 000 rpm kg em Ib sq m 3 0 to 3 5 43 10 50 TIGHTENING TORQUE Uml kg m ft Ib Cyhnder head bolts 5 5 10 6 0 40 10 43 3 2 to 3 8 2310 28 CQnnedmg rod nuts Flywheel bolls 651075 471054 Mainbearing cap bolts 5 0 10 6 0 36 to 43 4 0 10 4 8 29 10 35 o 4 to 0 6 2 9 1043 Camshaft gear bolts 011 pan bolts Ot pump bolts 1 I to I 7 8 0 10 12 o 9 to I 4 65 to lO ...

Страница 124: l xh lUst 10235 to 102 65 4 030 to 4 041 10235 to 10265 4030 to 4 041 vJlve lIft IIUll m 8 5 0 3346 465 1831 302 585 I 199 129 387 239 I524 527 50 4100 01614 26 4 I039 53 2 087 Valve spong tree length mm 10 Vdive sprmg loaded lenglh mm kg m lb Vdive spnnpssembled height mm kg m lb Valve spnng effcl t1ve turns Valve spnng wire diameter mmem Valve spnngcoil diameter 111m 111 Valve gUide length mm...

Страница 125: ...25 to 0 0038 Ixhaust 0064 to 0 096 0 0025 to 00038 V live gUide mterference fit mm m Intake 0022 100044 0 0009 to 0 0017 Exhaust 0022 to 0 044 0 0009 to 0 0017 b Cam haft and lImmg cham Camshaft end play mm m o 02 to 0 08 0 0008 to 00031 Camshaft lobe 11ft mm m 565 0 222 Camshaft Journal diameter mm m 1st 43 783 1043796 I7237 to I 7242 2nd 43 283 to 43 296 I7041 to 1 7 46 lrd 42 783 10 42 796 I684...

Страница 126: ...20 005 to 010 0 0020 to 0 039 Connectmg rod bend mm m Crankshaft and maIO beanng Journal diameter mm m 49 951 to 49 964 J 9666 to 19671 Journal taper and out of round mm m less than 003 0 0012 Crankshaft end play mm m 005 to 0 15 00020 10 0 0059 MaXimum service ll1mt of crankshaft end play mm m 03 00118 Crankpin dIameter mm m 44 9741044 961 J 7706 to I 7701 Crankpm taper and out of round mm 10 les...

Страница 127: ... gl Piston pm Pill dlJllleter mm m 17447 to 17452 0 6869 to 0 6871 0 6869 to 6871 6523 to 65 48 2 5681 to 15779 0006 to 0008 00002 to 0 0003 at 200C 680F I PlIl length mm an Piston pm to piston de uJIH e mm 10 IIIlt rterenLe f it vf plston pm to Lonnedmg lOt hu hmg 111m m 0017 to 0 034 0 0007 to 00013 h P ton rmg Rill helghl mm m lop 2 0 0 0787 20 0 0787 40 01575 2nd at ilde dedranLe mm m 2nd 004 ...

Страница 128: ...nSIOns of radIator core Height x Width x Thickness mm m 330 x 344 x 32 13 0 x 135 x I 26 Type Corrugate fm type Radiator fm spacmg mm m 2 5 0 098 RadIator capacity K cat hoC 335 Cap workIng pressure kg cm2 Ib sq In 09 t 0 I 13 t 14 Water capacity with heater e US qt Imp qt 49 S v 6 471 i t fj looIo t lk iJ l ...

Страница 129: ...htemng torque kg m ft lb FUEL SYSTEM Carburetor model DCH3064 for ManuallransrnlSSlon DCH306 5 forAutomalle transmisSIon Downdraft Apphed englOe Type Primary Secondary Outlet dIameter 10m 10 10m 10 26 J 024 30 1 181 20 0 787 26 I024 95 140 fI 80 fI 80 fI 43 fI 50 Venturi diameter MamJet MalO air bleed Slow let Slow alf bleed 215 100 Power Jet Float level H mm lO 60 18 to 20 0 709 to 0 748 HO ...

Страница 130: ...hurelor body 8 mill 10 Manudl transml SIOn AutomatlL trdnMlll JOn I 140 to I 260 0 0449 to 00496 1205 to I 115 004741000526 Choke unloader clearance C between choke valve and l Jrburetor body mm In BI metal rCSlstan c ohms 201 00791 8 6 to 9 0 Aleteralor pump I oJCl tor hole Return spring Fuel pressure mm 05 00IQ7 78 I I 018 2 6 Manual transmISsion AutomatIc transmIssIon WClght gmm Ibfm kg em pSI ...

Страница 131: ...10 10 12 12 46 10 I S 4 119 12 12 less than 60 less than 60 more than 7 000 more than 6 000 63 63 less than 420 less than 420 more than 0 9 6 S mare than 1 0 7 2 MagnetiC shift MagnetiC shift 9 9 kg Ib No load Tennmal voltage V Current A RevolutIon rpm Load Tennmal voltage Current Torque V A kg m ft Ib Sluftmg type of pmlOn gear Number of teeth on pinion gear 142 ...

Страница 132: ... 000 more than 28 14 2 500 34 7 5 TLI Z 57 APPROXIMATE REFILL CAPACITY Dter USA measure lmp measure Sedan 40 t 10 X gal 8Y gal Fuel tank Coupe 38 t 10 gal 8 gal with heater 49 t 5 X qt 4 X qt Coohng system without heater 42 t 4 yt qt 3 X qt Od pan 27 t 2X ql 2 qt Od filter 054 t IX pt I pi Transmission case Manual 12 t 2X pt 2X t Automatic 55 t 5X qt 4X ql Dlfferenttal case o 75 t I pI IX pI Steen...

Страница 133: 200C 680F 10 31 Rotor coli msertmg resIstance n Voltage coil senes resistance Smootlung resistance n 40 Core gap mm m mm m o 6 to 0 0 0236 to 0 0394 03to04 00118toOOI57 Poml gap Charge relay Release voltage Voltage COlI resIstance v n 42 to 5 2 at N termmal Core gap Pomt gap mm m mm m 378 at 200C 680F 0810 I 0 00315 to 0 0394 04 to 0 6 0 0 57 to 0 0236 Standard temperature gradient 0015 V oC 14...

Страница 134: ... I1F o 20 to 0 24 o 20 to 0 24 IGNITION COIL j MJk e mu lVpc Pllll1 llY voliJge v HANSHIN HITACHI H5 152 C6R 601 12 12 more than 7 more t 1an 7 028 028 17 to I 43 I I7 to I 43 J 112 to 168 112 to 168 13 to I 7 13 to I 7 RC 15 5560R 1510 f park gJp mm m l lIlllJry reSI itdnLe at 20o 680F n Seu1ndJry rcc lc lllll e Jt Oo 68f F Kn l tlrllJl resistor Jt 20068uF n Applied ft SISlor l l t t U 1 j 1 h r ...

Страница 135: ...glh at full stroke Master cylindtr clutch Master cylinder diameter Allowable maximum clearance between cyhnder and piston Operating cyhnder clutch Operating cylInder dIameter c r 8i mng torq Clutch assembly sccuTlng bolt He HydraulIc clutch o 7 to I 4 mm 00276 to 0 0551 In 29t031 mm I142 to I 220 In 180xl25x35mm 709 x 4 92 x 0 140 In 264 cm 4092 sq In 76t080mm 02992 to 0 3150 In 67t070mm 02638 to ...

Страница 136: ...t and l duiinoslsmeth6ds or the automobde oV ller and the professional mecharuc r t The book discusses air conchtio ning brakerelease signals cigarette lighters electnc clocks tiinI slgnal t j 1 y inchca ors ilOwer seats power WIndow hfts speedomete rs and WIndsh1eld washers and WIpers There s J1 even a spec1al section devoted to controls for the hanchcapped t i l i I SOl l I e n 11 4 t j rh f J1 ...
