WE ARE HERE TO HELP, PLEASE CALL: 0844 999 0990* or EMAIL: [email protected]
- Connect the charger to the wall socket. Plug the charger’s connector to the device (middle-left side).
- Let the device charge for 4 hours before first usage while the activation process is completed.
Charge the Device
Happy Surfing…
To Power On the Unit
: Press and hold the Power button once to turn on the PocketSurfer2.
To connect to the Internet
, press the mouse pointer once. Log-on activity and status will be reflected on
the top-left corner of the PocketSurfer2 screen. The PocketSurfer2 comes with the SIM card pre-installed.
- In order to activate the device please complete the registration process by following the instructions on the screen.
If you are experiencing any difficulties, please call Customer Service on 0844 999 0990*.
Power-On & Activate the Device
Enriching People’s Lives Whatever They Are Doing,
Wherever They Are.
Step 1 of 5
Thank You For Purchasing The POCKETSURFER2
Let’s first get familiar with the Mouse/Scroll Button and Mouse-Click
The Following Pages will be a Self Help Tutorial as well as an Online Registration Process
. Please Move the Mouse with the
directional buttons on the mouse-key.
. You can scroll by moving the mouse
beyond the edge of the page
. You can click with the center key.
Click on the ‘NEXT’ button below to proceed
Serial: PocketSurfer2, Brand: Datawind.uk, Model: DW-RC04, Hostname:, IMSI: IMEI: SIM TEL: CCID: