Manual - this option is chosen only when the user requires a specific bitrate or if they wish to exceed 8000
Record length - it is crucial that the capture length specified here is as accurate as possible for recording
lengths over approximately 80 minutes because this number is used to set the bit rate. The reason it is not
crucial for recording lengths under 80 minutes is that for anything of shorter length, a bit rate of 8 Mbps will be
used. When using the auto bitrate computation method, the highest the target bitrate will be set to is 8000
kbps. In addition to the end-of-tape detection, this selection can also be used to stop capture at a certain time.
Motion Search
- is the parameter that will be used influence the time required for software encoding. When
doing offline encoding or transcoding, the motion search level can be set to any value from 0 to 15. At the
lowest setting, the encoding may be faster than realtime and at the highest setting the encoding may be slower
than realtime. When choosing a setting for DV capture and realtime encoding, the value should not be set so
that the encoding is slower than realtime. Finally turning on halfpel search will improve the quality, but increase
the encoding time.
OSD Property Page
This feature is not available in all versions of DVD-100. It is currently available with the VM2 line of capture boards.
OSD is an acronym for On Screen Display. It provides the ability overlay graphics or text onto the live captured and
encoded video. It is often used to watermark the video with a company logo or name. In the following example, the
'G' is displayed using white text on a black background as it is sometimes done for TV ratings. The background in
the setup is always shown as opaque black, but it will be displayed on the video using the transparency level set.
The Vitec Multimedia world logo is a *.tga file where the black background is transparent and the logo sphere is
semi-transparent. The preview snapshot was taken from a Discovery channel feed which contained its own OSD
Содержание DVD-100
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