Chapter 6
There might be times when the modem does not seem to cooperate no
matter what you do. Because your communications system is made up
of many links, the source of the problem might be the modem, your
computer, the telephone circuit, the remote modem, the modem cable,
or the remote computer. However, diagnostic tests can isolate system
problems and eliminate time consuming guess work when
communication failure or high error rates occur.
6.1 Diagnostic Test Functions
The following are the diagnostic tests your modem performs. Note that
&T6, &T7, and &T3 are not applicable in Bell 103, CCITT V.21, or
Local Analog Loopback Test (LAL)
Tests the communications path between the local modem and the
local computer.
Local Digital Loopback Test (LDL)
Tests the communications path between the modem, remote
modem, remote computer, and telephone circuit.
Remote Digital Loopback Test (RDL)
Tests the communications path between the modem, local
computer, remote modem, and telephone circuit.
Remote Digital Loopback With Self Test (RDLST)
Tests the communications path between the modem, remote
modem, and telephone circuit.
Local Analog Loopback With Self Test (LALST)
Tests the modem.
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