background image

Figure 4

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Installing The Hard Disk

If you are not familiar with the location of ALL the listed items,
refer to hard disk user's guide / manufacturer before continuing.

Note: Remove any mounting screws that may be on the drive.
Then position the drive into one of the slots in the 7-Bay Tower


placing it in from the front as in Figure 4.

Installing The Cables

1) Power Cable:  Locate the power connector (male) on the

drive and connect the power cable as in Figure 5.

The power cable should have 7 end connections; 1 for each
drive.  If for some reason you do not have 7 connections,
They may be chained together incorrectly.  To chain them
properly refer to Figure 5.

2) SCSI Cable:  Locate the SCSI Cable and connect these in

order starting with the bottom drive as shown in Figure 5.

3) SCSI ID Cable:  Because drives vary, refer to Figure 6 to

connect the SCSI properly.

Note:  If the SCSI ID cable supplied is not compatible with
the drives jumper pin setup, you will need the universal
SCSI ID cable kit (DataStor PN: 089011).

Finishing The Installation

1) Check the drive to make sure it is properly in position.  Now

replace the mounting screws and fasten the drive to the rack.

Note:  If you are installing a 3.5" drive you will need 5.25"
conversion brackets (DataStor PN: 104437).

2) Starting from the back of the tower, slide the cover slowly

over the enclosure, being careful not to pinch any wires.  Notice
there are metal flaps on the fron cover.  Position these flaps so
they slide under the fron panel of the enclosure.

3) Check over the enclosure to make sure the cover is

completely on.  Now replace the screws into the back panel to
secure the cover.

Figure 5

Back Of Drive

Back Of Drive

SCSI Cable

Power Cable

Insert Drive From Front

Figure 6

Ground  .1"

3-pin  .1"




Orange =


Yellow =


Green    =


Blue    =


Internal SCSI ID


8-signal  .1"

8-signal  2mm

Ground  2mm

3-pin  2mm

Switch plug

Installation Guide - 7-Bay SCSI Tower Installation Kit - VERSION 2 - Rev 1.0 - March 2000 - 309200 - Page 2 of 2
