T-APS Users Manual
Page 13
RS-232 Setup Port
The Setup Port can be used to set the parameters of the T-APS. It includes all the functions of the front panel
display setup with the addition of Function M: Set Password.
You can access the Setup Port using a VT100 terminal, or PC running terminal emulation software (like
The RS-232 port settings are: 9600bps, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity
( 9600 N 8 1)
Once you connect to the
T-APS, press the Escape Key (Esc) to display the password prompt. Enter the Password and press Enter. The
setup menu is displayed.
Factory preset password: PASS
Enter the # of the settings or features you wish to change. When all setup is completed, you may select 9 to
Logout. A
Current Settings
screen will be displayed with a confirmation for exiting.