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6.3. Control and Status Page
Once the user is validated, the Control and Status is displayed. (Only one person can be connected to the
iBoot-G2+ at a time.)
The look of the Control and Status page will be determined by which options are selected for the Expansion,
AutoPing and Heartbeat.
If the iBoot-G2+ is connected to a time server (see Section 7.11), The Home page will also show the five most
recent history events, including the Outlet, Action, User and Time/Date of each event. The iBoot-G2+ holds
the last 32 events in memory. The user can access a complete history webpage, download the history in a
.csv file, or clear the history.
6.4. Power
The Power Status section shows the current status, and allows control of the power outlet(s). The look of the
Power Status Section is determined by the setup of the
Expansion feature.
Expansion Set for iBoot-Expansion:
The Power Status section shows the On or Off status
of each of the three manageable outlets, Main, Exp1
and Exp2.
To control the power, select the desired outlets and
click on the appropriate button. If an outlet is linked to
the Main outlet, an
Linked to Main
message will
replace the checkbox (as shown for Exp1) and it will be
managed in sync with the Main Outlet.
A clock icon will indicate that the outlet has an active
schedule for power control.
Expansion Set for Power Control
If the expansion ports are set for Power Control mode, and the inputs are currently controlling power, a Lock
icon will be displayed, indicating that the outlet is locked by the external controls. While the inputs are
controlling power, ALL other control is locked out.
During power cycling, the Power Status bar will indicate
the temporary status, with a blue background. Once the
cycle is complete, the status bar will revert to its original
condition. To abort a power cycle, select the desired
outlet and click on either Power On or Power Off buttons.
iBoot-G2+ will assume the status selected
Expansion Set for Independent I/O Mode:
The Power Status section shows a single status for the
Main outlet. Expansion ports 1 and 2 are displayed
below in an External I/O section with a status of Open or
Closed for the Input and Output of each. A button
toggles the status of the output of Exp 1 and Exp2.