Quick Reference Guide
Gryphon GFS4XXX
Fixed Mount Linear Imager
Bar Code Reader
The Gryphon GFS4XXX is a fully self-contained standard range 1D bar
code scanning module for use in self service kiosks or other semi auto-
mated equipment requiring the ability to read a bar code. It is intended
to be an easy integration by system designers with little expertise in scan-
ning technology. Unlike currently available products, the GFS4XXX
uses the latest and fastest imaging technology and offers Datalogic’s
Green Spot for targeting and good read feedback.
The scanning technology is essentially the same as the Gryphon I 4100
family of linear imagers, with some adjustments made for read range and
improved motion tolerance. The enclosure is designed for ease of integra-
tion, is sealed to IP54 for cleaning, and is constructed of a solvent- and
disinfectant-tolerant resin for health care applications.
The GFS4XXX is a linear CCD Scanner for OEM applications. It is
available in two different models:
GFS4170 Gryphon Fixed Scanner imager USB
GFS4150-9 Gryphon Fixed Scanner imager RS-232 9 pin con-