Manual Datafox ZK-Box V4
page 29
date: 16.01.2018 Version: 04.03.06.XX
Start an input sequence in the device signal processing
The keyword, if you need in the SMS is:
(the name of the input sequence).
The name of the input sequence must match completely, otherwise it will not run.
Receive the device an SMS with this text, then start the input sequence.
If save a SMS Key, the must included the SMS this Key
With this are many different variants are possible.
Here some example:
Open a door via SMS
Control a technical system and send a SMS in trouble
Is the level of regulation from the system not correct then gives a report via SMS.
The Datafox MasterIV is here not the regulator. He gives only a report in trouble.
If necessary, a procedure also can be done.
There is no 100% guarantee that a sent text message reaches the receiver. This is only
an example which is intended to represent the possibilities.
SMS from
device to you
oversize the
you can activate a
SMS to the
The Datafox-device
switch on a pump.
open the door