Manual Datafox PZE-MasterIV Basic
(= Short business trip (Entry)) and SbtEx (= Short business trip (Exit)) and the configuration of the list
selection for Reason.
In order to allow a manual list selection, you deac-
tivate the option Select list. On the register card
Expanded you activate the option Return neces-
sary for confirmation. The same settings have to be
set for the last input chain Exit.... Save all changes
of the setup via
Figure 123: List selection of Reason (Short business trip) Setup- and list transmission
When you have worked through all the steps, the setup is finished now. In order to check the booking
records, setup and lists have to be transmitted to the terminal of the PZE-MasterIV Basic.
Connect the device terminal to the PC according to the selected communication type (see figure
Make sure, that the PC interface is configured correctly, e.g. the baud rate, number of data bits, parity
and stop bits of the COM-interface have to be concurrent to the configuration of the terminal.
Connect the terminal to the voltage source. If the PZE-MasterIV Basic is booted completely, the message
Wait for setup is displayed or the device is in an active setup.
In both cases you can transmit a new setup to the device via the DatafoxStudioIV.